我有以下 AngularJS指令:
angular.module('field-directive', ['input.html', 'textarea.html', 'select.html'])
.directive('field', function($compile, $http, $templateCache, $interpolate) {
// Load a template, possibly from the $templateCache, and instantiate a DOM element from it
function loadTemplate(template) {
return $http.get(template, {cache:$templateCache}).then(function(response) {
return angular.element(response.data);
}, function(response) {
throw new Error('Template not found: ' + template);
// Find the "input" element in the template. It will be one of input, select or textarea.
// We need to ensure it is wrapped in jqLite\jQuery
function findInputElement(templateElement) {
return angular.element(templateElement.find('input')[0] || templateElement.find('select')[0] || templateElement.find('textarea')[0]);
function findLabelElement(templateElement) {
return templateElement.find('label');
// Search through the originalDirective's element for elements that contain information about how to map
// validation keys to messages
function getValidationMessageMap(originalElement) {
// Find all the <validator> child elements and extract their (key, message) info
var validationMessages = {};
angular.forEach(originalElement.find('validator'), function(element) {
// Wrap the element in jqLite/jQuery
element = angular.element(element);
// Store the message info to be provided to the scope later
// The content of the validation element may include interpolation {{}}
// so we will actually store a function created by the $interpolate service
// To get the interpolated message we will call this function with the scope. e.g.
// var messageString = getMessage(scope);
validationMessages[element.attr('key')] = $interpolate(element.text());
return validationMessages;
// Find the content that will go into the new label
// Label is provided as a <label> child element of the original element
function getLabelContent(element) {
var label = element.find('label');
return label[0] && label.html();
return {
priority: 100, // We need this directive to happen before ng-model
terminal: true, // We are going to deal with this element
compile: function(element, attrs) {
if ( attrs.ngRepeat || attrs.ngSwitch || attrs.uiIf ) {
throw new Error('The ng-repeat, ng-switch and ui-if directives are not supported on the same element as the field directive.');
if ( !attrs.ngModel ) {
throw new Error('The ng-model directive must appear on the field element');
// Extract the label and validation message info from the directive's original element
var validationMessages = getValidationMessageMap(element);
var labelContent = getLabelContent(element);
// Clear the directive's original element now that we have extracted what we need from it
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
// Load up the template for this kind of field, default to the simple input if none given
loadTemplate(attrs.template || 'input.html').then(function(templateElement) {
// Set up the scope - the template will have its own scope, which is a child of the directive's scope
var childScope = scope.$new();
// Attach a copy of the message map to the scope
childScope.$validationMessages = angular.copy(validationMessages);
// Generate an id for the field from the ng-model expression and the current scope
// We replace dots with underscores to work with browsers and ngModel lookup on the FormController
// We couldn't do this in the compile function as we need to be able to calculate the unique id from the scope
childScope.$fieldId = attrs.ngModel.replace('.', '_').toLowerCase() + '_' + childScope.$id;
childScope.$fieldLabel = labelContent;
// Update the $fieldErrors array when the validity of the field changes
childScope.$watch('$field.$dirty && $field.$error', function(errorList) {
childScope.$fieldErrors = [];
angular.forEach(errorList, function(invalid, key) {
if ( invalid ) {
}, true);
// Copy over all left over attributes to the input element
// We can't use interpolation in the template for directives such as ng-model
var inputElement = findInputElement(templateElement);
angular.forEach(attrs.$attr, function (original, normalized) {
var value = element.attr(original);
inputElement.attr(original, value);
// Wire up the input (id and name) and its label (for).
// We need to set the input element's name here before we compile the template.
// If we leave it to be interpolated at the next $digest the formController doesn't pick it up
inputElement.attr('name', childScope.$fieldId);
inputElement.attr('id', childScope.$fieldId);
var labelElement = templateElement.find('label');
labelElement.attr('for', childScope.$fieldId);
// Update the label's contents
// Place our template as a child of the original element.
// This needs to be done before compilation to ensure that it picks up any containing form.
// We now compile and link our template here in the postLink function
// This allows the ng-model directive on our template's <input> element to access the ngFormController
// Now that our template has been compiled and linked we can access the <input> element's ngModelController
childScope.$field = inputElement.controller('ngModel');
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
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var ngValueDirective = function() {
return {
priority: 100,
compile: function(tpl, tplAttr) {
if (CONSTANT_VALUE_REGEXP.test(tplAttr.ngValue)) {
return function ngValueConstantLink(scope, elm, attr) {
attr.$set('value', scope.$eval(attr.ngValue));
} else {
return function ngValueLink(scope, elm, attr) {
scope.$watch(attr.ngValue, function valueWatchAction(value) {
attr.$set('value', value);