<ul id="realmContainer" uib-tooltip="Even more stuffs" tooltip-placement="bottom" tooltip-enable="userService.data.current.preferences.activeTooltips">
<ul id="realmContainer" tip>
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('tip', ['$rootScope', 'userService', '$compile', Tooltip]);
/* @ngInject */
function Tooltip($rootScope, userService, $compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 10000,
terminal: true,
link: link
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
// lookup and assign the tooltip by ID
attrs.$set('uib-tooltip', dictionary[element[0].id]);
attrs.$set('tooltip-placement', attrs['tip-position'] || 'bottom');
// Remove the 'tip' attribute so we don't get stuck in a loop
attrs.$set('tip', null);
// compile the new HTML. This works so far
//I just can't get this to recompile the html when the value changes
scope.userService = userService;
scope.$watch('userService.data.current.preferences.activeTooltips', function(newValue, oldValue){
var isVisible = newValue === undefined ? true : newValue;
// This sets true/false in the DOM
attrs.$set('tooltip-enable', isVisible);
// Mouseover event still triggers even after removing
// tooltip-enable. What gives?
var dictionary = {
realmContainer: 'Even more stuffs'
似乎工具提示始终显示在鼠标悬停上。 $ watch会获取新值,但$ compile似乎不会从DOM中删除鼠标悬停触发器。