
时间:2014-02-23 11:12:23

标签: python string list join repr

我有一个代码,用于创建带有节点的图形,并跟踪边缘。这段代码本身似乎运行正常,但在阅读了一些 str vs 之后,我无法让 repr 覆盖工作以达到我的预期效果。 repo repr ()返回非字符串线程,我似乎无法隔离我的麻烦。

class Edge:
    def __init__(self, here, there, txt):
        self.description = txt     # why am i making this jump?
        self.here = here    # where do i start
        self.there = there   # where to i end
        self.here.out += [self]  # btw, tell here that they can go there

    def __repr__(self):
        return "E(" + self.here.name + " > " + self.there.name + ")"

class Node:
    end = "."
    start = "!"

    def __init__(self, g, nid, name, stop=False, start=False):
        self.nid = nid
        self.graph = g  # where do i live?
        self.name = name  # what is my name?
        self.description = ""  # tell me about myself
        self.stop = stop  # am i a stop node?
        self.start = start  # am i a start node?
        self.out = []  # where do i connect to

    def also(self, txt):
        """adds text to description"""
        sep = "\n" if self.description else ""
        self.description += sep + txt

    def __repr__(self):
        y = "N( :id " + self.nid + \
            "\n   :name " + self.name + \
            "\n   :about '" + self.description + "'" + \
            "\n   :out   " + ",".join(str(n) for n in self.out) + " )"

class Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = []  # nodes, stored in creation order
        self.keys = {}  # nodes indexed by name
        self.m = None  # adjacency matrix
        self.mPrime = None  # transitive closure matrix

    def __repr__(self):
        return "\n".join(str(u) for u in self.nodes)

    def node(self, name):
        """returns a old node from cache or a new node"""
        if not name in self.keys:
            self.keys[name] = self.newNode(name)
        return self.keys[name]

    def newNode(self, name):
        """ create a new node"""
        nid = len(self.nodes)
        tmp = Node(self, nid, name)
        tmp.start = Node.start in name
        tmp.end = Node.end in name
        self.nodes += [tmp]
        return tmp

我理解 repr 只要字符串处理程序调用其函数就会返回一个字符串。更具体地说,它引用和实例作为字符串,查找 str str 指向 repr ,并将其作为字符串返回到其调用方法。所以对于我的程序,我有一个图形,它被创建得很好,但是当我打印它时,它会卡在连接它加入的列表中,将它作为int而不是字符串返回?

我尝试将不同的部分作为字符串进行构建,因为可能 repr 未被调用,因为必须显式地转换字符串才能正常工作以及其他一些事情。我的故事的缺点是我的 repr 没有被“\ n”.join()正确处理,并以某种方式从",".join(str(n) for n in self.out)获取一个int值,告诉我它不能连接一个str和一个int。



该图是我应该编辑的图,它应该只使用print graph("mystageText.txt")进行打印,尽管我已经看到 repr repr(graph("myStageText.txt")的大多数用法。因此,我对这个问题非常困惑,因为 repr 的简明例子似乎没有实例列表。

预先感谢您的帮助,希望这对StackOverflow来说足够简洁。 对不起,如果我在试图彻底解决我的问题时有点过于罗嗦。

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        y = "N( :id " + self.nid + \
        #                   ^

