SQL - 按顺序更新累积总和

时间:2014-02-13 08:59:29

标签: sql sql-server sql-update cumulative-sum



TransID, TransDate, Amount, Balance



Declare @Total as int = 0
Update Trans Set @Total=@Total+Amount,Balance=@Total Order By TransDate,TransID

由于Order By子句,SQL无效。如果我删除Order By子句,只有在按顺序输入所有事务时它才会起作用。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


使用游标执行此操作是我在SQL 2008中找到的最佳方法。在我的低端XP 32位虚拟机上,4GB内存(SSD tho')我在60秒内处理了500k记录。





  1. 最大递归次数为32767.如果您有32768条记录,则必须将任务分解为块并循环遍历它们。凌乱。
  2. CTE方法需要按顺序排序的密钥,没有间隙。这个永远不会在生产中发生,所以我不得不自己滚动,这需要使用#tmp表格,然后更新回实时表格。完全没必要,特别是考虑到第1点。
  3. 这是一个“不惜一切代价避免游标”的例子。 SQL 2012确实有新方法,但我不会跑出去购买Win 7许可证只是为了试用它们......



    create table #tmp (
        TransID int identity(1,1) not null, 
        TransDate datetime not null, 
        Amount money null, 
        Balance money null,
        CompositeKey bigint null,
        primary key clustered (TransID)
    insert into #tmp (TransDate, Amount)
    select '2014-02-12', 100
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 56
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 38
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 350
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 980
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 25
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 80
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 45
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 269
    union all
    select '2014-02-11', 10000 -- this is an out-of-sequence record which breaks the original code
    declare @maxID int = (select MAX(TransID) from #tmp)
    set @maxID = power(10,LEN(@maxId))
    update #tmp
    set CompositeKey = CAST(TransDate as bigint) * @maxID + TransID
    create nonclustered index IX_#tmp_CompositeKey
        on #tmp (CompositeKey);
    update t1
    set t1.Balance = t2.Balance
    from #tmp as t1
    left join (
        select t.TransID, t.TransDate, t.Amount, 
                select sum(Amount) as Balance
                from #tmp as s
                --where s.TransDate <= t.TransDate and s.TransID <= t.TransID -- this gives an improper running balance
                where s.CompositeKey <= t.CompositeKey -- this gives the proper running balance
            ) as Balance
        from #tmp as t
    ) as t2
        on t1.TransDate = t2.TransDate and t1.TransId = t2.TransId
    select *
    from #tmp
    order by TransDate, TransID
    drop table #tmp


    Google上“sql server running sum”的最高点是:

    Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server




    create table #tmp (
    TransID int identity(1,1) not null, 
    TransDate datetime not null, 
    Amount money null, 
    Balance money null,
    primary key clustered (TransDate, TransID)
    insert into #tmp (TransDate, Amount)
    select '2014-02-12', 100
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 56
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 38
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 350
    union all
    select '2014-02-12', 980
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 25
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 80
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 45
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 269
    union all
    select '2014-02-13', 42
    update t1
    set t1.Balance = t2.Balance
    from #tmp as t1
    left join (
        select t.TransID, t.TransDate, t.Amount, 
                select sum(Amount) as Balance
                from #tmp as s
                where s.TransDate <= t.TransDate and s.TransID <= t.TransID
            ) as Balance
        from #tmp as t
    ) as t2
        on t1.TransDate = t2.TransDate and t1.TransId = t2.TransId
    select *
    from #tmp
    order by TransDate, TransID



答案 1 :(得分:0)


DECLARE @t table (
   transid   int identity(9,37)
 , transdate datetime
 , amount    decimal(15,4)
 , balance   decimal(15,4)

INSERT INTO @t (transdate, amount)
  VALUES ('2014-02-12', 100)
       , ('2014-02-12',  56)
       , ('2014-02-12',  38)
       , ('2014-02-12', 350)
       , ('2014-02-12', 980)
       , ('2014-02-13',  25)
       , ('2014-02-13',  80)
       , ('2014-02-13',  45)
       , ('2014-02-13', 269)
       , ('2014-02-13',  42)

; WITH x AS (
  SELECT transid
       , amount
       , Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY transdate) As sequence
  FROM   @t
SELECT x.transid
     , x.amount
     , x.sequence
     , Sum(prev.amount) As running_sum
FROM   x
  JOIN x As prev
    ON prev.sequence <= x.sequence
    BY x.transid
     , x.amount
     , x.sequence


如果删除分组,您会注意到x.sequence = 1只有一行。对于x.sequence = 2,有两行(prev.sequence 1和2),依此类推。
