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#!/usr/bin/env python
# core modules
from itertools import chain
# installed modules
import pyglet
import numpy
# local modules
import config
# constants
CURVE_SEGS = config.curve_segments # number of line segs in a curve
# bezier curves courtesy of NYU
def fac( k ):
Returns k!.
if k == 0: return 1
else: return reduce(lambda i,j : i*j, range(1,k+1))
def binom( n, k ):
Returns n choose k.
if k < 0 or k > n: return 0
return fac( n ) / ( fac( k ) * fac( n - k ) )
def B( P, t ):
Evaluates the bezier curve of degree len(P) - 1, using control points 'P',
at parameter value 't' in [0,1].
n = len( P ) - 1
assert n > 0
from numpy import zeros
result = zeros( len( P[0] ) )
for i in xrange( n + 1 ):
result += binom( n, i ) * P[i] * (1 - t)**(n-i) * t**i
return result
def B_n( P, n, t ):
Evaluates the bezier curve of degree 'n', using control points 'P',
at parameter value 't' in [0,1].
## clamp t to the range [0,1]
t = min( 1., max( 0., t ) )
num_segments = 1 + (len( P ) - (n+1) + n-1) // n
assert num_segments > 0
from math import floor
segment_offset = min( int( floor( t * num_segments ) ), num_segments-1 )
P_offset = segment_offset * n
return B( P[ P_offset : P_offset + n+1 ], ( t - segment_offset/float(num_segments) ) * num_segments )
def Bezier_Curve( P ):
Returns a function object that can be called with parameters between 0 and 1
to evaluate the Bezier Curve with control points 'P' and degree len(P)-1.
return lambda t: B( P, t )
def Bezier_Curve_n( P, n ):
Returns a function object that can be called with parameters between 0 and 1
to evaluate the Bezier Curve strip with control points 'P' and degree n.
return lambda t: B_n( P, n, t )
def cubicSpline(p0, p1, p2, p3, nSteps):
"""Returns a list of line segments and an index to make the full curve.
Cubics are defined as a start point (p0) and end point (p3) and
control points (p1 & p2) and a parameter t that goes from 0.0 to 1.0.
points = numpy.array([p0, p1, p2, p3])
bez = bezier.Bezier_Curve( points )
lineSegments = []
for val in numpy.linspace( 0, 1, nSteps ):
#print '%s: %s' % (val, bez( val ))
# the definition of the spline means the parameter t goes
# from 0.0 to 1.0
(x,y) = bez(val)
cubicIndex = [0] + [int(x * 0.5) for x in range(2, (nSteps-1)*2)] + [nSteps-1]
#print "lineSegments = ",lineSegments
#print "cubicIndex = ",cubicIndex
return (lineSegments,cubicIndex)
# graphic primatives
class GraphicObject(object):
"""Basic graphic object primative"""
def __init__(self, field, points, index, color):
"""Graphic object constructor.
arcpoints - list of points that define the graphic object
arcindex - list of indicies to arcpoints
color - list of colors of each arc
self.m_field = field
self.m_arcpoints = points
self.m_arcindex = index
self.m_color = color
# each arc is broken down into a list of points and indecies
# these are gathered into lists of lists
# TODO: possibly these could be melded into single dim lists
self.m_points = []
self.m_index = []
class Circle(GraphicObject):
"""Define circle object."""
def __init__(self, field, p, r, color,solid=False):
"""Circle constructor.
p - center point
r - radius of circle
c - color
self.m_center = p
self.m_radius = r
self.m_solid = solid
k = 0.5522847498307935 # 4/3 (sqrt(2)-1)
kr = int(r*k)
arcpoints=[(x+r,y),(x+r,y+kr), (x+kr,y+r), (x,y+r),
(x-kr,y+r), (x-r,y+kr), (x-r,y),
(x-r,y-kr), (x-kr,y-r), (x,y-r),
(x+kr,y-r), (x+r,y-kr)]
arcindex=[(0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8, 9), (9, 10, 11, 0)]
def render(self):
# e.g., self.m_arcpoints = [(10,5),(15,5),(15,10),(15,15),(10,15),(5,15),(5,10)]
# e.g., self.m_arcindex = [(0,1,2,3),(3,4,5,6)]
for i in range(len(self.m_arcindex)):
# e.g., self.m_arcindex[i] = (0,1,2)
p0 = self.m_arcpoints[self.m_arcindex[i][0]]
p1 = self.m_arcpoints[self.m_arcindex[i][1]]
p2 = self.m_arcpoints[self.m_arcindex[i][2]]
p3 = self.m_arcpoints[self.m_arcindex[i][3]]
(points,index) = cubicSpline(p0,p1,p2,p3,CURVE_SEGS)
if self.m_solid:
nxlast_pt = len(points)-2
last_pt = len(points)-1
xtra_index = [nxlast_pt,last_pt,last_pt,0]
index = index + xtra_index
def draw(self):
for i in range(len(self.m_index)):
points = self.m_points[i]
index = self.m_index[i]
if not self.m_solid:
pyglet.graphics.draw_indexed(len(points), pyglet.gl.GL_LINES,
pyglet.graphics.draw_indexed(len(points), pyglet.gl.GL_POLYGON,