使用Python Image Library创建非常大的图像

时间:2010-01-21 12:27:31

标签: python python-imaging-library



编辑: 使用ImageMagick的montage命令,似乎可以创建任意大小的图像。看起来它并没有尝试将最终图像加载到RAM中(它在处理期间使用的内存很少),而是将其流式传输到磁盘,这是理想的。

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以尝试使用GDAL库。它提供了对Python的绑定。这里结合tutorial介绍了如何使用C ++,C和Python API读写图像 根据所使用的GDAL操作和功能,GDAL可以处理非常大的图像并处理太大而无法保存在RAM中的图像。

答案 1 :(得分:2)



答案 2 :(得分:2)


假设你想要一个位图/ DIB,这段代码:

import binascii

0h -2 -42 4D -"BM" -Magic Number (unsigned integer 66, 77)
2h -4 -46 00 00 00 -70 Bytes -Size of the BMP file
6h -2 -00 00 -Unused -Application Specific
8h -2 -00 00 -Unused -Application Specific
Ah -4 -36 00 00 00 -54 bytes -The offset where the bitmap data (pixels) can be found.
Eh -4 -28 00 00 00 -40 bytes -The number of bytes in the header (from this point).
12h -4 -02 00 00 00 -2 pixels -The width of the bitmap in pixels
16h -4 -02 00 00 00 -2 pixels -The height of the bitmap in pixels
1Ah -2 -01 00 -1 plane -Number of color planes being used.
1Ch -2 -18 00 -24 bits -The number of bits/pixel.
1Eh -4 -00 00 00 00 -0 -BI_RGB, No compression used
22h -4 -10 00 00 00 -16 bytes -The size of the raw BMP data (after this header)
26h -4 -13 0B 00 00 -2,835 pixels/meter -The horizontal resolution of the image
2Ah -4 -13 0B 00 00 -2,835 pixels/meter -The vertical resolution of the image
2Eh -4 -00 00 00 00 -0 colors -Number of colors in the palette
32h -4 -00 00 00 00 -0 important colors -Means all colors are important
36h -3 -00 00 FF -0 0 255 -Red, Pixel (1,0)
39h -3 -FF FF FF -255 255 255 -White, Pixel (1,1)
3Ch -2 -00 00 -0 0 -Padding for 4 byte alignment (Could be a value other than zero)
3Eh -3 -FF 00 00 -255 0 0 -Blue, Pixel (0,0)
41h -3 -00 FF 00 -0 255 0 -Green, Pixel (0,1)
44h -2 -00 00 -0 0 -Padding for 4 byte alignment (Could be a value other than zero)

for l in data:
    b = l.split('-')[2].strip()
    d = ''.join(b.split())
    x = binascii.a2b_hex(d)
    # this re-opens the file and appends each iteration


答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)

mayby你可以尝试一个由GSoC学生创建的OIIO python绑定吗? OpenImageIO本身可以使用小内存读取大图像 - 但我自己并没有使用它

OIIO:http://openimageio.org 如何使用python绑定:http://openimageio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Python_bindings


答案 5 :(得分:-1)
