
时间:2014-01-11 04:16:35

标签: java

我道歉。这个问题是编程任务的一部分。我们被要求实施 一种方法,将分数 f从基数A更改为基数B,精度为P位。 该功能有签名

baseChanger(int[] f, int A, int B, int P)


int[] frac = {1,4,1,5,9};

基数为16的分数 - 0.3BA07 - 将被写入

int[] frac = {3,11,10,0,7};


int[] from = {0,1};
int[] to = {2,5};

    assertArrayEquals(to, baseChanger(from, 2, 10, 2));


 * for (i < P) {
 *   1. Keep a carry, initialize to 0.
 *   2. From right to left:
 *      a. x = multiply the ith digit by B and add the carry
 *      b. the new ith digit is x % A
 *      c. carry = x / A
 *   3. output[i] = carry 
 * @param f The input array to translate. This array is not mutated.
 * @param A The base that the input array is expressed in.
 * @param B The base to translate into.
 * @param P The number of digits of precision the output should
 *                   have.
 * @return An array of size P expressing digits in B.


  1. 创建一个可以容纳P位数的数组:

    int [] output = new int [P]; // output = {0,0}

  2. 取“from”的最右边数字:

    {0,1&lt; ==}

  3. 将该数字乘以B(此处为10)并添加进位(零,当前),并分配给x:

    x < - 1 x 10 + 0 = 10

  4. 用x mod A(此处为2)替换最右边的数字(当前为1):

    {0, 0 &lt; ==}

  5. 计算进位,即x / A:

    携带&lt; - 10/2 = 5

  6. 将进位分配给输出中的第0个插槽:

    输出[0]&lt; - carry

    输出:{ 5 &lt; ==,0}

  7. 此过程再次重复,现在输出

    output: {2,5}



    from = {3}


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

免责声明:认为它在 O(N)时间内完成。我已经添加了算法的多功能性。此外,负基数是IMPRACTICAL


 * This method returns an array with <code>precs</code> elements conating the
 * required fractional part in the base <code>radix</code>
 * @param frac A <code>float</code> that contains the fractional part 
 * (and fractional part only!!) in decimal number system.
 * @param radix The base to which it has to be converted (must be (+) ve).
 * @param precs The number of digits required i.e. precision.
 * @return A <code>int[]</code> that contains the digits(eqivalent).
public static int[] toRadix(float frac, int radix, int precs)
    if(radix < 2) return null;
    //Only fractional part is accepted here.
    frac = frac - (long)frac;  //Precautionary measure :-)
    int i, j;
    int[] res = new int[precs]; //For storing result.
    for(i = 0; i < precs && frac != 0; i++)
        frac *= radix;
        res[i] = (int)frac;
        if((long)frac >= 1)
            frac = frac - (long)frac;
        return copy(res, i);
    return res;


 * This method returns a <code>float</code> that contains the equivalent of the
 * fraction in the other base in the parameter array, in decimal.
 * @param frac An <code>int[]</code> conatining only the fractional part.
 * @param radix The base of the fraction entered (must be (+) ve).
 * @return The equivalent decimal fraction as a <code>float</code>.
public static float toDecimal(int[] frac, int radix)
    if(radix < 2) return null;
    float res = 0, fac = 1.0f/radix;
    int i, p = frac.length;
    for(i = 0; i < p; i++)
        res += frac[i] * fac;        //or (float)Math.pow(radix, -i);
        fac/=radix;                  //would be fine as well.
    return res;

终于来了! `baseChanger()`方法

public static int[] baseChanger(int[] f, int A, int B, int P)
    if(A < 2) return null;
    if(B < 2) return null;
    return toRadix(toDecimal(f, A), B, P);


private static int[] copy(int[] a, int index)
    index = index < a.length ? index : a.length;
    int b[] = new int[index];
    for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
        b[i] = a[i];
    return b;


  1. 实际(正确)输出:

    Best Best2

  2. 上述代码的输出:

    OK OK2

  3. 所以,我想这就解决了!顺便说一下,这里有一些提示

    1. 使用数组而不是String可能导致数组 并发症。对于初学者来说,float的组成部分 输入很难处理。这个方法好的 对于小数部分,因为我们知道循环的位置 停止。

    2. 使用String排除复制的需要。

    3. 但是你的方法有一个高手:radix的上限是
      Integer.MAX_VALUE String方法只有36 {0到9和a到 z)(虽然这不是一个非常严重的优点,因为它没有实际应用)。

    4. 更改数字基数的最实用方法是首先转换为 十进制和然后,将其转换为另一个基础。

    5. 使用double会比使用float更好,因为它可以提高准确性。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

此解决方案似乎有效。它在O(NP)时间内运行并且没有溢出(因为进位具有最大B-1 = 2 ^ 31-1-1)。如果你能打破它,请告诉我;请参阅下面的测试用例。

public class BaseTranslator {

    public static int[] convertBase(int[] f, int A, int B, int P)
        if(A < 2) return null;
        if(B < 2) return null;
        if(P < 1) return null;
        if (f==null) return null;

        int[] converted = new int[P];
        int N = f.length;

        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) if (f[i]<0 || f[i]>=A) return null;

        int[] copy = new int[N];

        for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {copy[i]=f[i];}

        int i = 0;

        for (i=0; i<P;i++) {
            int carry=0;

            for(int idx=N-1; idx>=0; idx--) {

                int x = copy[idx]*B + carry;
                int next = x % A;
                carry = x / A;

                copy[idx] = next;


        return converted;  


import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;
public class BaseTranslatorTest {
    public void basicBaseTranslatorTest() {
        // Expect that .01 in base-2 is .25 in base-10
        // (0 * 1/2^1 + 1 * 1/2^2 = .25)

        // corners

         * If digits[i] < 0 or digits[i] >= baseA for any i, return null
         * If baseA < 2, baseB < 2, or precisionB < 1, return null 

        int[] input = {1};

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 2, 2, 1));

        // bad base and/or precision

        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 2, 2, 0));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 2, 1, 1));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 2, 1, 0));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 1, 2, 1));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 1, 2, 0));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 1, 1, 1));
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 1, 1, 0));

        // bad input

        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{9,3,5,-2}, 10, 10, 1)); 
        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{9,3,5, 2}, 9, 9, 1));         

        // null input

        assertArrayEquals(null, BaseTranslator.convertBase(null, 1000000007, 1000000007, 1));  

        input = new int[]{0, 1};
        int[] expectedOutput = {2, 5};
        assertArrayEquals(expectedOutput, BaseTranslator.convertBase(input, 2, 10, 2));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 2, 2));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1,0,0,0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 2, 5));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 2, 1));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2,5}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 10, 2));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2,5,0,0,0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 10, 5));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{2}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,1}, 2, 10, 1));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{2,5}, 10, 2, 2));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,1,0,0,0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{2,5}, 10, 2, 5));
        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{2,5}, 10, 2, 1));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,0,0,0,0}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0}, 1000000007, 314159, 5));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1,1}, BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{3,1,2,5}, 10, 4, 2));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},
                BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{0,0,0,0,3,0,5,1,7,5,7,8,1,2,5}, 10, 2, 15));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{4,8,1,4,8,1,4,8,1,4,8,1,4,8,1,4,8}, 
                          BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{1,1,1}, 3, 10, 17));

        assertArrayEquals(new int[]{12}, 
                          BaseTranslator.convertBase(new int[]{12}, 16, 16, 1));        

