
时间:2014-01-08 11:33:18

标签: excel-vba dynamic range vba excel


ColumnA(时间)0.000 / B栏(TC1)27.342 / C栏(TC2)26.409 / D栏(TC3)......等


TC1 305.387(最大值)354(行)/ TC2 409.989(最大值)575(行)/ TC3 789.383(最大温度)899(行)......等。


Public Sub run_CalcPeakTemp()
Dim myCalRange As Range
Dim iReply As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set myCalcRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select first row and then Ctrl+Shift+down", Title:="Select Range", Type:=8)
If myCalcRange Is Nothing Then
iReply = MsgBox("Range not selected!")
Exit Sub
If myCalcRange Is notNothing Then
Call run_CalcPeakTemp
End If
End If


Dim VarMaxVal As Variant
VarMaxVal = 0
VarMaxVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Columns(1))
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 2).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = VarMaxVal



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






On Error Resume Next,因为所有错误都将被忽略。理想情况下,您可以提前检查以避免错误。如果要打开文件,则应在尝试打开之前检查它是否存在,而不是等待打开失败并给出错误。但是,在某些情况下您无法检查错误。在这种情况下,您可以使用On Error Resume Next所以:

  On Error Resume Next
  ' Statement that might fail
  On Error GoTo 0
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    ' Statement failed.
    ' Description of failure in Err.Description.
    ' Report error with user friendly message and exit or take corrective action.
  End If



 1 Public Sub run_CalcPeakTemp()
 2   Dim myCalRange As Range
 3   Dim iReply As Integer
 4   'On Error Resume Next
 5   Set myCalcRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select first row and then Ctrl+Shift+down", _
 6                    Title:="Select Range", Type:=8)
 7   myCalcRange.Select
 8   If myCalcRange Is Nothing Then
 9     iReply = MsgBox("Range not selected!")
10     Exit Sub
11     If myCalcRange Is notNothing Then
12       Call run_CalcPeakTemp
13     End If
14   End If
15 End Sub



在第2行,您声明myCalRange。在例程中的其他地方,您使用myCalcRange。如果模块的第一个语句是Option Explicit,则在编译时会告诉您myCalcRange尚未声明。如果省略Option Explicit,则对myCalcRange的第一次引用将执行隐式声明。检测隐式声明可能非常困难。始终包含Option Explicit


第11行应为If Not myCalcRange Is Nothing Then。 VBA没有IsNot运算符,空格位置错误。



  • 设置myRange = Application.InputBox(提示:=&#34;示例&#34;,输入:= 8)

  • 如果您不使用Set语句,则将变量设置为范围中的值,而不是Range对象本身。


这不是你的错。 VBA的这个功能(?)至少有11年的历史,我只能假设有人认为他们有帮助。


 7   myCalcRange.Select
 8   If myCalcRange Is Nothing Then



 8   If myCalcRange Is Nothing Then
 9     iReply = MsgBox("Range not selected!")
10     Exit Sub
11     If myCalcRange Is notNothing Then
12       Call run_CalcPeakTemp
13     End If
14   End If


 8   If myCalcRange Is Nothing Then
 9     iReply = MsgBox("Range not selected!")
10     Exit Sub
14   End If
11   If myCalcRange Is notNothing Then
12     Call run_CalcPeakTemp
13   End If


    Set myCalcRange = Nothing
    Do While myCalcRange Is Nothing
       Set myCalcRange = Application.InputBox ...

实际上,InputBox不允许用户单击确定,除非已选择范围并单击取消给出VBA错误。 InputBox( ... type := 8)不是我用过的声明!


12     Call run_CalcPeakTemp



Function Factorial(ByVal N As Long) As Long
  If N = 1 Then
    Factorial = 1
    Factorial = N * Factorial(N - 1)
  End If
End Function


Sub Test()
  Debug.Print "Factorial(1) = " & Factorial(1)
  Debug.Print "Factorial(2) = " & Factorial(2)
  Debug.Print "Factorial(3) = " & Factorial(3)
  Debug.Print "Factorial(4) = " & Factorial(4)
  Debug.Print "Factorial(5) = " & Factorial(5)
End Sub


Factorial(1) = 1
Factorial(2) = 2
Factorial(3) = 6
Factorial(4) = 24
Factorial(5) = 120






Sub ExtractMaxTemperatures()

  ' I understand your temperatures are in columns 2 to 5.  If I use these values
  ' in the code and they change (perhaps because new columns are added) then you
  ' will have to search the code for the appropriate 2s and 5s and replace them.
  ' Constants allow me to use names which makes the code easier to understand.
  ' Also if the column numbers change, change the constants and the code is fixed.

  ' I have used Sheet1 to hold the full set of temperatures and Sheet2 to hold the
  ' extracted maximums.  In these constants, and in the variables below, replacing
  ' "Sht1" and "Sht2" with something more meaningful will help make the code more
  ' readable.
  Const ColSht1TempFirst As Long = 2
  Const ColSht1TempLast As Long = 5
  Const RowSht1DataFirst As Long = 3
  Const ColSht2Dest As Long = 2
  Const RowSht2Dest As Long = 3

  Dim ColSht1Crnt As Long
  Dim RowSht1Crnt As Long
  Dim ColSht2Crnt As Long
  Dim RowSht2Crnt As Long

  ' Declare fixed size arrays to hold the maximum temperature
  ' and its row for each column
  Dim TempMaxByCol(ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast) As Single
  Dim RowForMaxTemp(ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast) As Long

  Dim TempCrnt As Single
  Dim TempMaxCrnt As Single
  Dim RowForMaxCrnt As Long

  Dim ShtValue As Variant

  ' It is possible to check the values within the worksheet with statements
  ' such as "If .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value = 5 Then"
  ' However, it is much quicker to copy all values from the worksheet to an
  ' array and process the values from the array.  I have done this since I
  ' will have to use arrays within the column loop.

  ' I do not know the name of the worksheet containing the temperatue so I have
  ' used Sheet1.

  ' The statement "ShtValues = .UsedRange.Value" converts ShtValues to a two
  ' dimensional array containing every value in in the worksheet.  The rows
  ' are dimension 1 and the columns are dimension 2 which is not the usual
  ' arrangement.  However, it means "ShtValue(RowCrnt, ColCrnt)" matches
  ' ".Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value" which avoids confusion.

  ' Because I have loaded the entire worksheet, row and column numbers within
  ' the array will match those in the worksheet.

  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    ShtValue = .UsedRange.Value
  End With

  ' Loop for each temperature column
  For ColSht1Crnt = ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast

    ' Your code assume no blank or non-numeric values within the temperature
    ' ranges.  However, were they to exist, the code would fail so I check.

    RowForMaxCrnt = 0           ' Indicates no temperature saved yet

      ' Loop for each data row column.  UBound(ShtValue, 2) identifies the last row.
      For RowSht1Crnt = RowSht1DataFirst To UBound(ShtValue, 1)
        If IsNumeric(ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt)) Then
          ' This cell is numeric
          TempCrnt = Val(ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt))
          If RowForMaxCrnt <> 0 Then
            ' A possible maximum temperature has already been stored.
            ' Check current value against it.
            If TempMaxCrnt < TempCrnt Then
              ' Higher temperature found.  Store details in temporary variables
              RowForMaxCrnt = RowSht1Crnt
              TempMaxCrnt = TempCrnt
            End If
            ' First temperature found.  Store details in temporary variables
            RowForMaxCrnt = RowSht1Crnt
            TempMaxCrnt = TempCrnt
          End If
        End If
      'Store values in temporary variable in arrays
      TempMaxByCol(ColSht1Crnt) = TempMaxCrnt
      RowForMaxTemp(ColSht1Crnt) = RowForMaxCrnt


  ' Initialise the current row to the start row of the outout table
  RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Dest

  ' I think you call the destination sheet "Calc" but I have used "Sheet2"

  With Worksheets("Sheet2")

    ' Create header lines
    '    TC1       TC2       TC3       TC4
    ' Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row

    ' This code will handle multiple header rows
    For RowSht1Crnt = 1 To RowSht1DataFirst - 1
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
      For ColSht1Crnt = ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast
        ' Merge two cells together ready for column name
        .Range(.Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt), _
               .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt + 1)).Merge
        With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
          .Value = ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt)
          .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 2
      RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Crnt + 1
    ' Now add "Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row" row
    ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
    For ColSht1Crnt = ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast
      With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
        .Value = "Max"
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
      End With
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
      With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
        .Value = "Row"
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
      End With
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
    RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Crnt + 1

    ' Now create data row
    ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
    For ColSht1Crnt = ColSht1TempFirst To ColSht1TempLast
      .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt).Value = TempMaxByCol(ColSht1Crnt)
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
      .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt).Value = RowForMaxTemp(ColSht1Crnt)
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
  End With

End Sub



  • 行数固定为30。
  • 您希望选择在运行时从中提取最大值的列。


上面的代码有一个方面,我认为它很弱,但我不想纠正,因为它会增加不想解释的复杂性。我使用.UsedRange从工作表加载数据。这是最简单的方法,但.UsedRange的定义并不总是与用户期望的相匹配。 .UsedRange包括已格式化的行和列(例如,高度或宽度已更改)但未使用。在此answer of mine 到之前的问题中,我包含一个宏,该宏演示了许多用于查找最终行或列的技术,并显示了每个方法失败的位置。我不认为这对您当前的问题很重要,但我建议您保存该宏并稍后进行实验。


Sub TestGetRange()

  Dim CalcRange As Range
  Dim Reply As Long

  Do While True
    On Error Resume Next
    Set CalcRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select columns to be copied", _
                                         Title:="Extract maximum temperatures", Type:=8)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Reply = MsgBox(Prompt:="Do you wish to exit without extracting any temperatures?", _
                     Buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Extract maximum temperatures")
      If Reply = vbYes Then
        ' User wants to exit
        Exit Do
      End If
      ' Loop for another go
      ' User had entered a valid range
      Exit Do
    End If

  If CalcRange Is Nothing Then
    Debug.Print "User wants immediate exit"
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print CalcRange.Address
  End If

End Sub

如前所述,如果用户单击 Cancel ,则会出现运行时语法错误,用户必须选择 Debug 并单击 F5 继续。这是On Error Resume Next适合的情况类型。我已将此添加到您的原始代码中并包含退出选项。除了显示其地址外,此宏不使用输入的范围。

使用 Ctrl + 左鼠标可以选择非连续范围。你没有说你是否希望能够选择第4,5,11和4列,但是,由于你无法阻止用户选择不连续的范围,我已经包含了处理它们的代码。


User wants immediate exit





  Dim Count As Long
  Dim RngCrnt As Range

  Count = 0
  For Each RngCrnt In CalcRange
    Debug.Print "  " & RngCrnt.Address
    Count = Count + 1
    If Count = 10 Then
      Exit For
    End If

  Debug.Print CalcRange.EntireColumn.Address
  For Each RngCrnt In CalcRange.EntireColumn
    Debug.Print "  " & RngCrnt.Address
    Count = Count + 1
    If Count = 10 Then
      Exit For
    End If

在此代码中,我使用For Each语句将用户范围拆分为子范围。我运行了宏,选择了列B和C,得到了以下输出:


对于第一个For Next,子范围是一个单元格。如果我省略了将输出限制为10的代码,那么每列中每个单元格会有一个显示行。

在第二个For Next中,我通过添加.EntireColumn调整了用户的范围。这对Debug.Print CalcRange.EntireColumn.Address显示的地址没有影响,但已将子范围更改为我想要的列。


Sub ExtractMaxTemperatures2()

  ' Adjusted to handle user selected columns

  Const RowSht1DataFirst As Long = 2    ' First non-header row in Sheet1
  Const ColSht2Dest As Long = 2         ' Left column \  of table of extracted
  Const RowSht2Dest As Long = 3         ' Top row     /   values in Sheet2

  Dim ColLogicalCrnt As Long            ' 1, 2, 3 and so on regardless of true column number
  Dim ColSht1Crnt As Long               ' Current column within Sheet1
  Dim ColSht2Crnt As Long               ' Current column within Sheet2
  Dim NumColsSelected As Long           ' Number of columns selected.
  Dim Reply As Long                     ' Return value from InputBox
  Dim RowForMaxCrnt As Long             ' Row holding maximum temperature found so far within current column
  Dim RowSht1Crnt As Long               ' Current row within Sheet1
  Dim RowSht2Crnt As Long               ' Current row within Sheet2
  Dim RngColCrnt As Range               ' Sub-range of user selected range giving current column
  Dim RngUserSelected                   ' Range selected by user then adjusted with .EntireColumn
  Dim ShtValue As Variant               ' 2D array holding values loaded from Sheet1
  Dim TempCrnt As Single                ' The temperature from the current cell
  Dim TempMaxCrnt As Single             ' Maximum temperature found so far within current column

  ' Declare arrays to hold the maximum temperature and its row for each column.
  ' These arrays will be sized at runtime.
  Dim TempMaxByCol() As Single          ' Maximum temperature for each logical column
  Dim RowForMaxTemp() As Long           ' Row for maximum temperature for each logical column

  With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    ShtValue = .UsedRange.Value
    .Activate       ' Necessary to ensure Sheet1 visible for range selection
  End With

  Do While True
    On Error Resume Next
    Set RngUserSelected = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select columns to be copied", _
                                         Title:="Extract maximum temperatures", Type:=8)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Reply = MsgBox(Prompt:="Do you wish to exit without extracting any temperatures?", _
                     Buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Extract maximum temperatures")
      If Reply = vbYes Then
        ' User wants to exit
        Exit Do
      End If
      ' Loop for another go
      ' User had entered a valid range
      Exit Do
    End If

  If RngUserSelected Is Nothing Then
    Debug.Print "User wants immediate exit"
  End If

  ' Convert any cells to columns
  Set RngUserSelected = RngUserSelected.EntireColumn

  ' Count number of selected columns
  NumColsSelected = 0
  For Each RngColCrnt In RngUserSelected
    NumColsSelected = NumColsSelected + 1

  ' Size arrays for number of selected columns
  ReDim TempMaxByCol(1 To NumColsSelected) As Single
  ReDim RowForMaxTemp(1 To NumColsSelected) As Long

  ' Fill TempMaxByCol and RowForMaxTemp with extracted values
  ColLogicalCrnt = 0

  ' Loop for each temperature column
  For Each RngColCrnt In RngUserSelected

    ColSht1Crnt = RngColCrnt.Column
    ColLogicalCrnt = ColLogicalCrnt + 1    ' Logical column for this physical column

    RowForMaxCrnt = 0           ' Indicates no temperature saved yet

      ' Loop for each data row column.  UBound(ShtValue, 2) identifies the last row.
      For RowSht1Crnt = RowSht1DataFirst To UBound(ShtValue, 1)
        If IsNumeric(ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt)) Then
          ' This cell is numeric
          TempCrnt = Val(ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt))
          If RowForMaxCrnt <> 0 Then
            ' A possible maximum temperature has already been stored.
            ' Check current value against it.
            If TempMaxCrnt < TempCrnt Then
              ' Higher temperature found.  Store details in temporary variables
              RowForMaxCrnt = RowSht1Crnt
              TempMaxCrnt = TempCrnt
            End If
            ' First temperature found.  Store details in temporary variables
            RowForMaxCrnt = RowSht1Crnt
            TempMaxCrnt = TempCrnt
          End If
        End If
      'Move values from temporary variables to arrays
      TempMaxByCol(ColLogicalCrnt) = TempMaxCrnt
      RowForMaxTemp(ColLogicalCrnt) = RowForMaxCrnt


  ' Initialise the current row to the start row of the outout table
  RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Dest

  ' I think you call the destination sheet "Calc" but I have used "Sheet2"

  With Worksheets("Sheet2")

    ' Create header lines
    '    TC1       TC2       TC3       TC4
    ' Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row

    ' This code will handle multiple header rows
    For RowSht1Crnt = 1 To RowSht1DataFirst - 1
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
      ColLogicalCrnt = 0
      For Each RngColCrnt In RngUserSelected
        ColSht1Crnt = RngColCrnt.Column
        ColLogicalCrnt = ColLogicalCrnt + 1    ' Logical column for this physical column
        ' Merge two cells together ready for column name
        .Range(.Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt), _
               .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt + 1)).Merge
        With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
          .Value = ShtValue(RowSht1Crnt, ColSht1Crnt)
          .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 2
      RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Crnt + 1
    ' Now add "Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row  Max  Row" row
    ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
    ' ColLogicalCrnt = 0        ' Don't need logical column for this loop
     For Each RngColCrnt In RngUserSelected
      ColSht1Crnt = RngColCrnt.Column
      With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
        .Value = "Max"
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
      End With
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
      With .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt)
        .Value = "Row"
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
      End With
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
    RowSht2Crnt = RowSht2Crnt + 1

    ' Now create data row
    ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Dest
    ColLogicalCrnt = 0

    ' Loop for each temperature column
    For Each RngColCrnt In RngUserSelected
      ' ColSht1Crnt = RngColCrnt.Column    ' Don't need Sheet 1 column for this loop
      ColLogicalCrnt = ColLogicalCrnt + 1    ' Logical column for this physical column
      .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt).Value = TempMaxByCol(ColLogicalCrnt)
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
      .Cells(RowSht2Crnt, ColSht2Crnt).Value = RowForMaxTemp(ColLogicalCrnt)
      ColSht2Crnt = ColSht2Crnt + 1
  End With

End Sub