
时间:2014-01-08 03:05:30

标签: javascript algorithm


(1 and 2 and 3 or 4)


    "$or": [
        "$and": [1, 2, 3],


(1 or 2 or 3 and 4)


    "$or": [
        "$and": [3, 4]


["(", "1", "and", "2", "and", "3", "or", "4", ")"]






((1 or 3) and (2 or 4) or 5)


    "$or": [{
        $and": [
            "$or": [1, 3],
            "$or": [2, 4]


我想出了算法。 Posted as an answer below。谢谢你的帮助!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用两步过程最容易完成。 1)转换为语法树。 2)将语法树转换为前缀表示法。


创建语法树的标准方法是使用LALR解析器生成器,该生成器适用于大多数语言。 LALR解析器快速,强大且富有表现力。 LALR解析器生成器将.y文件作为输入,并以您选择的编程语言输出解析器的源代码文件。因此,您运行LALR解析器生成器一次以生成解析器。


以下是.y文件,用于为您的迷你语言生成LALR解析器。通过LALR解析器生成器运行此.y文件将输出LALR解析器的源,该解析器将令牌作为输入并输出解析树(在变量$ root_tree中)。您需要在其他地方手动定义parsetree_binaryop数据结构。

%left AND.
%left OR.
start ::= expr(e). { $root_tree = e; }
expr(r) ::= expr(e1) AND expr(e2). { r = new parsetree_binaryop(e1, OP_AND, e2); }
expr(r) ::= expr(e1) OR expr(e2). { r = new parsetree_binaryop(e1, OP_OR, e2); }
expr(r) ::= LPAR expr(e) RPAR. { r = e; }

"%离开AND"意味着AND是左关联的(我们也可以选择正确,对于AND和OR并不重要)。 "%离开AND"之前提及"%左OR"意味着AND绑定比OR更紧密,因此生成的解析器将做正确的事情。



答案 1 :(得分:1)



  1. 在解析之前,始终验证模式。当出现问题时抛出错误。
  2. 一旦经过验证,我们会使用中缀符号来表示前缀符号转换。此步骤要求“和”优先于“或”。
    1. 反转给定的模式
    2. 执行中缀到后缀表示法转换。 I dumb, I learn from this
    3. 再次反向
    4. 应在此阶段完成前缀的中缀
  3. 使用前缀表示法构建树
    1. 一个节点总是有两个分支
    2. 向下移动直到达到满叶
  4. 优化树,使其将类似的运算符合并在一起(例如,多个$and运算符与子$and可以合并,形成一个较短的树)
  5. 与给定的标准组合,完成所有!!
  6. 可以在此处找到工作示例:http://jsfiddle.net/chaoszcat/uGKYj/3/


    (function() {
         * This is a source example of my original question on
         * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20986255/converting-conditional-equation-from-infix-to-prefix-notation
         * This is my solution and use it at your own risk
         * @author Lionel Chan <chaoszcat[at]gmail.com>
         * isNumeric, from jQuery. Duplicated here to make this js code pure
         * @param {mix} n Test subject
         * @returns {boolean} true if it's numeric
        function isNumeric(n) {
            return !isNaN(parseFloat(n))&&isFinite(n);
         * Node class - represent a operator or numeric node
         * @param {string} token The token string, operator "and", "or", or numeric value
        function Node(token) {
            this.parent = null;
            this.children = []; //one node has two children at most
            this.token = token;
            this.is_operator = token === 'and' || token === 'or';
            this.is_numeric = !this.is_operator;
            this.destroyed = false;
        Node.prototype = {
            isOperator: function() { return this.is_operator;},
            isNumeric: function() { return this.is_numeric;},
            //While building tree, a node is full if there are two children
            isFull: function() {
                return this.children.length >= 2;
            addChild: function(node) {
                node.parent = this;
            hasParent: function() {
                return this.parent !== null;
            indexOfChild: function(node) {
                for (var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; ++i) {
                    if (this.children[i] === node) {
                        return i;
                return -1;
            removeChild: function(node) {
                var idx = this.indexOfChild(node);
                if (idx >= 0) {
                    this.children[idx].parent = null; //remove parent relationship
                    this.children.splice(idx, 1); //splice it out
             * Pass my children to the target node, and destroy myself
             * @param {Node} node A target node
            passChildrenTo: function(node) {
                for (var i = 0 ; i < this.children.length ; ++i) {
            //Destroy this node
            destroy: function() {
                this.children = null;
                this.destroyed = true;
         * Tree class - node manipulation
         * @param {array} prefixTokens The converted, prefix-notated tokens
        function Tree(prefixTokens) {
            //Optimize tree - so that the tree will merge multiple similar operators together
        Tree.prototype = {
            root: null,
            //Reference to the deepest operator node in the tree for next attachment point
            deepestNode: null,
             * Render this tree with given criteria array
             * @param {array} crits
             * @returns {object} The built criteria
            render: function(crits) {
                //After optimization, we build the criteria and that's all!
                return this.buildCriteria(this.root, crits);
             * Build criteria from root node. Recursive
             * @param {Node} node
             * @param {array} crits
             * @returns {object} of criteria
            buildCriteria: function(node, crits) {
                var output = {},
                    label = '$'+node.token;
                output[label] = []; //cpnditions array
                for (var i = 0 ; i < node.children.length ; ++i) {
                    if (node.children[i].isOperator()) {
                        output[label].push(this.buildCriteria(node.children[i], crits));
                return output;
             * Optimize the tree, we can simplify nodes with same operator. Recursive
             * @param {Node} node
             * @void
            optimize: function(node) {
                //note that node.children.length will keep changing since the swapping children will occur midway. Rescan is required
                for (var i = 0 ; i < node.children.length ; ++i) {
                    if (node.children[i].isOperator()) {
                        if (node.children[i].token === node.token) {
                            i = 0; //rescan this level whenever a swap occured
             * Build tree from raw tokens
             * @param {array} tokens
            buildTree: function(tokens) {
                for (var i = 0 ; i < tokens.length ; ++i) {
                    this.addNode(new Node(tokens[i]));
             * Add node into tree
             * @param {Node} node
            addNode: function(node) {
                //If no root? The first node is root
                if (this.root === null) {
                    this.root = node;
                    this.deepestNode = node;
                //if deepestNode is full, traverse up until we find a node with capacity
                while(this.deepestNode && this.deepestNode.isFull()) {
                    this.deepestNode = this.deepestNode.parent;
                if (this.deepestNode) {
                //If the current node is an operator, we move the deepestNode cursor to it
                if (node.isOperator()) {
                    this.deepestNode = node;
         * Main criteria parser
        var CriteriaParser = {
             * Convert raw string of pattern (1 and 2 or 3) into the object of criteria pattern
             * @param {string} str The raw pattern
             * @param {array} crits The raw list of criteria
             * @returns {String|Boolean}
            parse: function(str, crits) {
                var tokens = this.tokenize(str),
                    validationResult = this.validate(tokens, crits),
                    prefixNotation = '';
                //Once succeded, we proceed to convert it to prefix notation
                if (validationResult === true) {
                    prefixNotation = this.infixToPrefix(tokens);
                    return (new Tree(prefixNotation)).render(crits);
                    return validationResult;
             * Convert the infix notation of the pattern (1 and 2 or 3) into prefix notation "or and 1 2 3"
             * Note:
             * - and has higher precedence than or
             * Steps:
             * 1. Reverse the tokens array
             * 2. Do infix -> postfix conversion (http://www.cs.arizona.edu/classes/cs227/spring12/infix.pdf, http://scriptasylum.com/tutorials/infix_postfix/algorithms/infix-postfix/index.htm)
             * 3. Reverse the result
             * @param {array} tokens The tokenized tokens
             * @returns {array} prefix notation of pattern
            infixToPrefix: function(tokens) {
                var reversedTokens = tokens.slice(0).reverse(), //slice to clone, so not to disturb the original array
                    stack = [],
                    output = [];
                //And since it's reversed, please regard "(" as closing bracket, and ")" as opening bracket
                do {
                    var stackTop = stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length-1] : null,
                        token = reversedTokens.shift();
                    if (token === 'and') {
                        while(stackTop === 'and') {
                            stackTop = stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length-1] : null;
                        stackTop = token;
                    }else if (token === 'or') {
                        while(stackTop === 'and' || stackTop === 'or') { //and has higher precedence, so it will be popped out
                            stackTop = stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length-1] : null;
                        stackTop = token;
                    }else if (token === '(') { //'(' is closing bracket in reversed tokens
                        while(stackTop !== ')' && stackTop !== undefined) { //keep looping until found a "open - )" bracket
                            stackTop = stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length-1] : null;
                        stack.pop(); //remove the open ")" bracket
                        stackTop = stack.length > 0 ? stack[stack.length-1] : null;
                    }else if (token === ')') { //')' is opening bracket in reversed tokens
                    }else if (isNumeric(token)) {
                    }else if (token === undefined) {
                        // no more tokens. Just shift everything out from stack
                        while(stack.length) {
                            stackTop = stack.pop();
                            if (stackTop !== undefined && stackTop !== ')') {
                }while(stack.length || reversedTokens.length);
                //Reverse output and we are done
                return output.reverse();
             * Tokenized the provided pattern
             * @param {string} str The raw pattern from user
             * @returns {array} A tokenized array
            tokenize: function(str) {
                var pattern = str.replace(/\s/g, ''), //remove all the spaces :) not needed
                    tokens = pattern.split(''),
                    tokenized = [];
                //Tokenize it and verify
                var token = null,
                    next = null;
                //attempts to concatenate the "and" and "or" and numerics
                while (tokens.length > 0) {
                    token = tokens.shift();
                    next = tokens.length > 0 ? tokens[0] : null;
                    if (token === '(' || token === ')') {
                    }else if (token === 'a' && tokens.length >= 2 && tokens[0] === 'n' && tokens[1] === 'd') { //and
                        tokenized.push(token + tokens.shift() + tokens.shift());
                    }else if (token === 'o' && tokens.length >= 1 && next === 'r') { //or
                        tokenized.push(token + tokens.shift());
                    }else if (isNumeric(token)) {
                        while(isNumeric(next)) {
                            token += next;
                            tokens.shift(); //exhaust it
                            next = tokens.length > 0 ? tokens[0] : null;
                return tokenized;
             * Attempt to validate tokenized tokens
             * @param {array} tokens The tokenized tokens
             * @param {array} crits The user provided criteria set
             * @returns {Boolean|String} Returns boolean true if succeeded, string if error occured
            validate: function(tokens, crits) {
                var valid = true,
                    token = null,
                    stack = [],
                    nextToken = null,
                    criteria_count = crits.length;
                for (var i = 0 ; i < tokens.length ; ++i) {
                    token = tokens[i];
                    nextToken = i < tokens.length - 1 ? tokens[i+1] : null;
                    if (token === '(') {
                        if (!isNumeric(nextToken) && nextToken !== '(' && nextToken !== ')') {
                            throw 'Unexpected token "'+nextToken+'"';
                    }else if (token === ')') {
                        if (stack.length > 0) {
                            throw 'Unexpected closing bracket';
                        if (nextToken !== ')' && nextToken !== 'and' && nextToken !== 'or' && nextToken !== null) {
                            throw 'Unexpected token "'+nextToken+'"';
                    }else if (token === 'and' || token === 'or') {
                        if (!isNumeric(nextToken) && nextToken !== '(') {
                            throw 'Unexpected token "'+nextToken+'"';
                    }else if (isNumeric(token) && token <= criteria_count) {
                        if (nextToken !== ')' && nextToken !== 'and' && nextToken !== 'or') {
                            throw 'Unexpected token "'+nextToken+'"';
                        //anything not recognized, die.
                        throw 'Unexpected token "'+token+'"';
                //Last step - check if we have all brackets closed
                if (valid && stack.length > 0) {
                    throw 'Missing '+stack.length+' closing bracket';
                return valid;
        //This is an example pattern and criteria set. Note that pattern numbers must match criteria numbers.
        var pattern = '((1 or 3) and (2 or 4) or 5)',
            crits = [
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        //lazy on the document on load. Just delay
        setTimeout(function() {
            var result;
            try {
                result = JSON.stringify(CriteriaParser.parse(pattern, crits), undefined, 4);
            }catch(e) {
                result = e;
            var pre = document.createElement('pre');
            pre.innerHTML = result;
        }, 10);

答案 2 :(得分:0)

首先定义语义。在您的第一个示例中,您提供了(1 and 2 and 3) or 4解释,但它也可以是1 and 2 and (3 or 4)所以:

    "$and": [
        {"$or": [3,4] },
