在python 2.7中从字符串中提取多个浮点

时间:2014-01-07 23:36:13

标签: python

我目前正在阅读本书: Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python



设s是一个包含由逗号分隔的十进制数字序列的字符串,例如s = '1.23,2.4,3.123'。编写一个程序,打印s中的数字总和。


s = raw_input('Enter any positive integers: ')

total = 0

for c in s:

    c = int(c)

    total += c

print total


Valuerror:invalid literal for int() with base 10: '.'



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

sum(map(float,raw_input("Enter any positive integers: ").split(',')))


input_string = raw_input("Enter any positive integers: ")
#input_string is now whatever the user inputs

list_of_floats_as_strings = input_string.split(",")
#this splits the input up across commas and puts a list in
#list_of_floats_as_strings. They're still strings here, not floats yet,
#but we'll fix that in a moment

running_total = 0 #gotta start somewhere

for value in list_of_floats_as_strings:
    number = float(value) #turn it into a float
    running_total+=number #and add it to your running total

#after your for loop finishes, running_total will be the sum you're looking for


sum( #tells Python to add up everything inside the brackets
    map( #tells Python to run the designated function on everything in the
         #iterable (e.g. list or etc) that follows
        float, #is the float() function we used in the unrolled version
        raw_input("Enter any positive integers: ") #is your input
            .split(',') #splits your input into a list for use in map


答案 1 :(得分:1)


s = raw_input('Enter any floats: ')
print s

items = s.split(",")
print "items:",items

floats = map(float, items)
print "floats:",floats

total = sum(floats)
print "total:",total


Enter any floats: 12.3,45.6,78.9
items: ['12.3', '45.6', '78.9']
floats: [12.3, 45.6, 78.9]
total: 136.8

答案 2 :(得分:1)


# Save the string (e.g. '12.5,67.4,78.5')
number_string = raw_input("Enter any positive floats: ")

# Initialize a variable to hold the sum of the numbers
tot = 0

# Iterate over all numbers in the string. The string is splitted 
# at each comma, thus resulting in a list like `['12.5', '67.4', '78.5']`
for num in number_string.split(','):
    # But every element in the list is a string, so you need to 
    # convert them to floats, and add each of them to the total sum
    tot += float(num)

# Print the total sum
print tot
