是否有方便的方法使用Haskell Persistent执行模型验证?

时间:2014-01-06 18:17:38

标签: haskell persistent convenience-methods



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AFAIK持久性没有任何内置的验证钩子,这就是我使用的(与yesod' s i18n结合):

-- | Represents an entity that has validation logic
class Validatable e where

    -- | A set of validations and error messages for a
    --   given entity.
    validations :: e -> [(Bool, AppMessage)]
    validations _ = []

    -- | Validate an entity and respond with a Bool wrapped in
    --   a writer with potential error messages. By default this
    --   makes use of @validations e@
    validate :: e -> (Bool, [AppMessage])
    validate e = runWriter $ foldM folder True $ validations e
        folder a (v, m) | v = return $ a && True
                        | otherwise = tell [m] >> return False


instance Validatable Stock where
    validations e = [ ((0<) . stockInventory $ e, MsgPurchaseErrorInventoryNegative)
                    , ((0<) . unMoney . stockPrice $ e, MsgPurchaseErrorPriceNegative)
                    , (maybe True ((0<) . unMoney) . stockCostPrice $ e, MsgPurchaseErrorCostPriceNegative)
                    , ((2<=) . length . stockName $ e, MsgPurchaseErrorNameTooShort)


let (isvalid, errors) = validate s
unless isvalid $ invalidArgsI errors