<add name="ZeroConfSweep" />
<add name="AmtScan" />
<add name="ZeroConfSweep" />
# get config file name
$MWExpertConfigFile = "MWExpertSystem.exe.config"
# set the full file path
$MWExpertConfigPath = $OMREGKEY.Path + "Bin\" + $MWExpertConfigFile
# Load the MWExpertConfig file from the installation directory
Write-Output "Loading MWExpert Config"
$MWExpertConfig = [xml](Get-Content $MWExpertConfigPath)
# Define new element for scanner exclusions
$ScannerExclusion = $MWExpertConfig.CreateElement("ScannerExclusion")
# Define an exclusion to add
$ExclusionAdd = $MWExpertConfig.CreateElement("add")
# check if any exclusions exist
if ($MWExpertConfig.configuration.ScannerExclusion -ne $null)
#find previous exclusion names
$PreviousExlusions = $MWExpertConfig.configuration.ScannerExclusion.add.name
Write-Output "Recreating previous exclusions"
foreach ($name in $PreviousExlusions)
if ($name -ne "ZeroConfSweep")
# Set the attribute name and value for the exclusion
$ExclusionAddAttributeName = $MWExpertConfig.CreateAttribute("name")
$ExclusionAddAttributeName.Value = $name
# Append the exclusion attribute to the exclusion element
# Set the attribute name and value for the exclusion
Write-Output "Creating exclusion for ZeroConf"
$ExclusionAddAttributeName = $MWExpertConfig.CreateAttribute("name")
$ExclusionAddAttributeName.Value = "ZeroConfSweep"
# Append the exclusion attribute to the exclusion element
# Append the exclusion element to the Scanner Exclusions element
# define our insert point
$InsertPoint = $MWExpertConfig.configuration.appSettings
# Check if scannerexlusions exist so we can determine whether to append or replace with the new element
if ($MWExpertConfig.configuration.ScannerExclusion -eq $null)
# Now append the scanner exclusions element to the configuration tree
$ScannerExclusionRefNode = $MWExpertConfig.configuration.ScannerExclusion
# Finally lets save our new config file
Write-Output "Saving configuration"