
时间:2013-12-14 17:21:17

标签: vhdl

这是7层楼电梯的vhdl代码 编码被封装成3个状态s0 =无移动,s1 =向上移动,s2 =向下移动 如果它在s0中,它应该在上下移动后等待2个周期,根据所需的楼层或下一个上升边缘的被叫楼层。 问题是电梯卡在s1状态 有人可以帮我吗?

-- Cad Project 
-- Project Name : Elevator 
-- Date : 18\12\2013

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

--Entity Decleration

entity Elevator is
  port (call, clk, press                : in     std_logic;
    -- Call To Call The Elevator ,press if a key is pressrd from the pannel inside the elevator . 
    Desire_floor, Call_Floor            : in     std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
    -- Desired_floor is the floor number choosed from inside the elevator .
    -- called_floor  is the floor number that the   "Call" Key has been pressed from . 
    weight                      : in     std_logic;
    Door_open_close, Move_up, move_down, OverWeight : out    std_logic;
    -- Door_open_close is 1 when opened ,0 when closed .
    -- OverWeight is 1 when the weight is over 500 KG.
    Current_Floor                   : buffer std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    temp1_state, temp2_state            : buffer std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7          : out    std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));

--architecture Decleration  
architecture Elevator of Elevator is
  type   state is (s0, s1, s2);
  --s0 state represents no move ,s1 state represents  move up ,s2 state represents move down .
  signal current_state             : state             := s0;
  signal next_state            : state;
  signal Desired_floor, Called_Floor       : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
  signal X                 : std_logic             := '0';  -- X is a signal used to restart the timer or to resume it's count.
  signal counter               : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);  -- Timer befor closing/opening the doors "timer".
  signal counter2              : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";  -- Timer for the elevator to move up or down.
  signal temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);


  P1 : process (clk , weight, x)
    variable s11 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    -- Variable insted of the counter signal -->to have the direct assigment
    if (weight = '1') then
      OverWeight    <= '1';
      current_state <= s0;
    elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
      if (x = '1') then     -- if X equals to 1 that means restart the timer. 
    s11 := "000";
      elsif (x = '0') then  -- if X equals 0 then count up "keep counting ".
    s11 := s11+1;
      end if;
      current_state <= next_state;
      counter       <= s11;
      OverWeight    <= '0';
    end if;
    counter <= s11;
    o5      <= counter;
  end process P1;

  P2 : process (clk)            -- this process if for the 2nd timer.
    variable s4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    -- Variable insted of the counter2 signal -->to have the direct assigment
    if (rising_edge(clk)) then
      if (press = '1') then
    Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
    if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 +1;
    elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 -1;
    end if;
    counter2 <= s4;

      elsif (call = '1') then
    Called_Floor <= Call_Floor;
    if (Current_Floor < Called_Floor) then
      s4 := s4 +1;
    elsif (Current_Floor > Called_Floor) then
      s4 := s4 -1;
    end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    counter2 <= s4;
    o1       <= counter2;
    o2       <= Desired_floor;
    o3       <= Called_Floor;
    counter2 <= s4;
  end process P2;

  P3 : process (counter, current_state)
    case current_state is

      when s0 =>
    if(counter < "001") then
      x     <= '0';
      Current_Floor <= Current_Floor;
      next_state    <= s0;
      temp1_state   <= "00";
      if (press = '1') then
        if(Desired_floor > Current_Floor) then
          next_state  <= s1;
          temp2_state <= "01";
        elsif (Desired_floor < Current_Floor) then
          next_state  <= s2;
          temp2_state <= "10";
        end if;
        if (call = '1') then
          if (Called_Floor > Current_Floor) then
        next_state  <= s1;
        temp2_state <= "01";
          elsif (Called_Floor < Current_Floor) then
        next_state  <= s2;
        temp2_state <= "10";
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      x <= '1';
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '1';
    Move_up     <= '0';
    move_down   <= '0';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    temp1_state <= "00";

      when s1 =>
    temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);
    temp2 <= (Called_Floor-Current_Floor);
    o4    <= temp1;
    if ((temp1 /= "000") or (temp2 /= "000")) then
      next_state    <= s1;
      temp2_state   <= "01";
      Current_Floor <= counter2;
    elsif (((Desired_floor-Current_Floor) = "000")or ((Called_Floor-Current_Floor) = "000")) then
      next_state  <= s0;
      temp2_state <= "00";
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '0';
    Move_up     <= '1';
    move_down   <= '0';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    x       <= '1';
    temp1_state <= "01";

      when s2 =>
    temp3 <= (Current_Floor-Desired_floor);
    temp4 <= (Current_Floor-Called_Floor);
    if ((temp3 /= "000") or (temp4 /= "000")) then
      next_state    <= s2;
      temp2_state   <= "10";
      Current_Floor <= counter2;
    elsif (((Current_Floor-Desired_floor) = "000") or ((Called_Floor-Current_Floor) = "000")) then
      next_state  <= s0;
      temp2_state <= "00";
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '0';
    Move_up     <= '0';
    move_down   <= '1';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    x       <= '1';
    temp1_state <= "10";

    end case;
  end process P3;



-- Cad Project .
-- Project Name : Elevator .
-- Date : 18\12\2013.
-- Group Number : 13. 

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

--Entity Decleration

entity Elevator is
  port (clk, press                  : in     std_logic;
    -- Call To Call The Elevator ,press if a key is pressrd from the pannel inside the elevator . 
    Desire_floor                    : in     std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
    -- Desired_floor is the floor number choosed from inside the elevator .
    -- called_floor  is the floor number that the   "Call" Key has been pressed from . 
    weight                      : in     std_logic;
    Door_open_close, Move_up, move_down, OverWeight : out    std_logic;
    -- Door_open_close is 1 when opened ,0 when closed .
    -- OverWeight is 1 when the weight is over 500 KG.
    Current_Floor                   : buffer std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    temp1_state, temp2_state            : buffer std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
    o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7          : out    std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));

--architecture Decleration  
architecture Elevator of Elevator is
  type   state is (s0, s1, s2);
  --s0 state represents no move ,s1 state represents  move up ,s2 state represents move down .
  signal current_state             : state             := s0;
  signal next_state            : state;
  signal Desired_floor             : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
  signal X                 : std_logic             := '0';  -- X is a signal used to restart the timer or to resume it's count.
  signal counter               : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);  -- Timer befor closing/opening the doors "timer".
  signal counter2              : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";  -- Timer for the elevator to move up or down.
  signal temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
  signal temp6                 : std_logic;


  P1 : process (clk , weight, x)
    variable s11 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    -- Variable insted of the counter signal -->to have the direct assigment
    if (weight = '1') then
      OverWeight    <= '1';
      current_state <= s0;
    elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
      if (x = '1') then     -- if X equals to 1 that means restart the timer. 
    s11 := "000";
      elsif (x = '0') then  -- if X equals 0 then count up "keep counting ".
    s11 := s11+1;
      end if;
      current_state <= next_state;
      counter       <= s11;
      OverWeight    <= '0';
    end if;
    counter <= s11;
    o5      <= counter;
  end process P1;

  P2 : process (clk)            -- this process if for the 2nd timer.
    variable s4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
    -- Variable insted of the counter2 signal -->to have the direct assigment
    if (rising_edge(clk)) then
      if (press = '1') then
    if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 +1;
    elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 -1;
    end if;
    counter2 <= s4;

      end if;
    end if;
    counter2 <= s4;
    o1       <= counter2;
    o2       <= Desired_floor;
    counter2 <= s4;
  end process P2;

  P3 : process (counter, current_state)
    case current_state is

      when s0 =>
    if(counter < "010") then
      x     <= '0';
      Current_Floor <= Current_Floor;
      next_state    <= s0;
      temp1_state   <= "00";
      if (press = '1') then
        if(Desired_floor > Current_Floor) then
          next_state  <= s1;
          temp2_state <= "01";
        elsif (Desired_floor < Current_Floor) then
          next_state  <= s2;
          temp2_state <= "10";
        end if;

      end if;
      x <= '1';
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '1';
    Move_up     <= '0';
    move_down   <= '0';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    temp1_state <= "00";
    temp6       <= '1';

      when s1 =>
    temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);

    o4 <= temp1;
    if ((temp1 /= "000")) then
      next_state    <= s1;
      temp2_state   <= "01";
      Current_Floor <= counter2;
    elsif ((Desired_floor-Current_Floor) = "000") then
      next_state  <= s0;
      temp2_state <= "00";
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '0';
    Move_up     <= '1';
    move_down   <= '0';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    x       <= '1';
    temp1_state <= "01";
    temp6       <= '0';

      when s2 =>
    temp3 <= (Current_Floor-Desired_floor);

    if ((temp3 /= "000")) then
      next_state    <= s2;
      temp2_state   <= "10";
      Current_Floor <= counter2;
    elsif ((Current_Floor-Desired_floor) = "000") then
      next_state  <= s0;
      temp2_state <= "00";
    end if;
    Door_open_close <= '0';
    Move_up     <= '0';
    move_down   <= '1';
    Current_Floor   <= counter2;
    x       <= '1';
    temp1_state <= "10";
    temp6       <= '0';

    end case;
  end process P3;

  P4 : process (temp6, clk)
    if (clk 'event and clk = '1') then
      if (temp6'event and temp6 = '1')then
    --if ( current_state =s0 ) then 
    Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
    Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
      end if;
      Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
    end if;

  end process P4;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);

o4 <= temp1;
if ((temp1 /= "000")) then
  next_state    <= s1;
  temp2_state   <= "01";
  Current_Floor <= counter2;


 if (rising_edge(clk)) then
  if (press = '1') then
    if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 +1;
    elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
      s4 := s4 -1;
    end if;
    counter2 <= s4; <-
  end if;
end if;
counter2 <= s4; <-
o1       <= counter2;
o2       <= Desired_floor;
counter2 <= s4; <-





P1 : process (clk , weight, x)         <- BAD
P2 : process (clk)                     <- GOOD
P3 : process (counter, current_state)  <- OKAY
P4 : process (temp6, clk)              <- BAD 

缩进对您阅读代码的方式有很大影响。学会正确缩进。我使用emacs VHDL模式,它具有很好的美化功能,真的很有帮助。当我编辑评论并写下这个答案时,我运行了你的代码。



  if (temp6'event and temp6 = '1')then
--if ( current_state =s0 ) then 
    Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
    Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
  end if;
  Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
