
时间:2013-12-04 00:58:23

标签: c++ function for-loop



您要编写一个程序来处理员工及其薪酬。对于每个员工,该计划将读取员工的姓名和每小时工资率。它还应该读取每天工作5小时的工作小时数并计算他或她的总工作小时数。您必须使用循环读取小时数。该计划应输出员工姓名,工资总额,扣缴总额和净工资。“   预扣税由州税,联邦税和FICA组成。就本计划而言,州税是总薪酬的1.25%。 FICA将占总薪酬的7.65%。如果总薪酬低于500美元,则联邦税将为总薪酬的15%,否则为25%   您不知道有多少员工,但会有员工姓名的哨兵。哨兵是“完成”



using namespace std;

void instructions(string &name, float &rate, float &sum);
string getName();
float getRate();
float getHours();
float calcPay(float rate, float sum);
float calcGross(float pay);
float calcAmount(float gross);
float calcNet(float gross, float with);
void output(string name, float rate, float sum, float with, float gross, float net, float\

int main()
    string name, done;
    int counter;
    float rate, sum, gross, with, pay, net;
    instructions(name, rate, sum);
    calcPay(rate, sum);
    output(name, rate, sum, with, gross, net, pay);
    return 0;

void instructions(string &name, float &rate, float &sum)
    name = getName();
    rate = getRate();
    sum = getHours();

string getName()
    string name, done;
    cout<<"Enter the name of the employee: "<<" ";
    if (name == done)
      cout <<"bye!";
    return name;

float getRate()
    float rate;
    cout<<"Enter the hourly pay rate: "<<" ";
    return rate;

float getHours()
    int counter;
    float hours, sum=0;
    for (counter=1; counter <=5; counter++)
      cout<<"Enter the number of hours worked for Day "<<counter<<":"<<" ";
      cin>> hours;
      sum += hours;
    return sum;

float calcPay(float rate, float sum)
    float pay;
    pay = rate * sum;
    return pay;

float calcGross (float pay)
    float gross;
    gross = (pay * .89);
    return gross;

float calcAmount(float gross)
    float with;
    if (gross >500)
    with = (gross *.15);
    with = (gross *.25);
    return with;

float calcNet(float gross, float with)
    float net;
    net = gross - with;
    return net;

void output(string name, float rate, float sum, float with, float gross, float net, float\
    gross = calcGross(pay);
    with = calcAmount(gross);
    net = calcNet(gross, with);
    cout<<"Employee name:                        "<<name<<'\n';
    cout<<"Gross pay:                            $ "<<setprecision(2)<<gross<<'\n';
    cout<<"Total Withholding:                    $ "<<setprecision(2)<<with<<'\n';
    cout<<"Net pay:                              $ "<<setprecision(2)<<net<<'\n';


Enter the name of the employee:  Alice
Enter the hourly pay rate:  7.75
Enter the number of hours worked for Day 1: 5
Enter the number of hours worked for Day 2: 6
Enter the number of hours worked for Day 3: 5
Enter the number of hours worked for Day 4: 4
Enter the number of hours worked for Day 5: 5
Employee name:                        Alice
Gross pay:                            $ -1.9e+38
Total Withholding:                    $ -4.8e+37
Net pay:                              $ -1.4e+38

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




pay = calcPay(rate, sum);


答案 1 :(得分:0)



输出给出指数,因为在代码中明确放置了int main() { string name, done; int counter; float rate, sum, gross, with, pay, net; instructions(name, rate, sum); pay = calcPay(rate, sum); gross = calcGross(pay); with = calcAmount(gross); net = calcNet(gross, with); output(name, rate, sum, with, gross, net, pay); return 0; } 。由于人类可读性,我在下面的代码中省略了精度:


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您忘记在main函数中初始化变量。 只需像这样修改你的程序,它就可以运行。

int main()
    string name, done;
    int counter;
    float rate, sum, gross, with, pay, net;
    instructions(name, rate, sum);
    pay=calcPay(rate, sum);
    output(name, rate, sum, with, gross, net, pay);
    return 0;

void output(string name, float rate, float sum, float& with, float& gross, float& net, float& pay)
    gross = calcGross(pay);
    with = calcAmount(gross);
    net = calcNet(gross, with);
    cout<<"Employee name:                        "<<name<<'\n';
    cout<<"Gross pay:                            $ "<<gross<<'\n';
    cout<<"Total Withholding:                    $ "<<with<<'\n';
    cout<<"Net pay:                              $ "<<net<<'\n';