-One迭代所有元素并应用公式field[y,x] = (1-alpha)*field[y,x] + (field[max(y-1,0),x] + field[min(y+1,field.shape[0]-1),x] + field[y,max(x-1,0)] + field[y,min(x+1,field.shape[1]-1)]) * alpha/4
- 另一个,我创建4个矩阵在4个方向上移动1.我应用相同的公式,然后向上添加矩阵。然而,这并未考虑在当前迭代期间进行的修改。这比前一个快得多。
当alpha = 1.9时,第一个算法收敛,而第二个算法收敛。对于alpha = 1.0,两者都收敛但非常缓慢。
#! python3
import numpy
import math
import time
def solve_laplace(boundary, mask, file = None, alpha = 1.0, threshold = 0.0001):
We are using the successive over-relaxation method. We iterate until our solution changes less than some threshold value.
Vm+1(x,y,...) = alpha*( ((Vm(x-1,y,...) + Vm(x+1,y,...) + Vm(x,y-1,...) + Vm(x,y+1,...) + ...)/(2*nr dimensions) ) + (1-alpha)*Vm(x,y,...)
dim = boundary.ndim
threshold = 0.0001
field = numpy.zeros_like(boundary)
numpy.copyto(field, boundary, casting = "safe", where = mask)
last_diff = float("infinity")
for iter_nr in range(10000):#max number of iterations
prev = field.copy() #make a copy of the field at the start of the iteration (python always stores pointers unless you explicitly copy something)
for d in range(dim): #can be scaled to arbitrary dimensions, using 2D for testing
#these 2 blocks are hard to follow but they work, read the comments
front = prev[tuple(0 if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #select front face of cube/whatever
front = front[tuple(numpy.newaxis if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #prepare it for next step
front = numpy.concatenate((front,prev),d) #add it the previous iteration's result
front = front[tuple(slice(-1) if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #remove the back side of the previous iteration's result
#we now have the volume shifted right by 1 pixel, x now corresponds to the x-1 term
back = prev[tuple(-1 if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #select back face of cube/whatever
back = back[tuple(numpy.newaxis if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #prepare it for next step
back = numpy.concatenate((prev,back),d) #add it the previous iteration's result
back = back[tuple(slice(1,None) if i==d else slice(None) for i in range(dim))] #remove the front side of the previous iteration's result
#we now have the volume shifted left by 1 pixel, x now corresponds to the x+1 term
field += (front + back) * alpha/(2*dim) #this part of the formula: alpha*( ((Vm(x-1,y,...) + Vm(x+1,y,...) + Vm(x,y-1,...) + Vm(x,y+1,...))/(2*nr dimensions)
#numpy.copyto(field, boundary, casting = "safe", where = mask)
field -= alpha*prev #this part of the formula: (1-alpha)*Vm(x,y,...)
#reset values at boundaries
numpy.copyto(field, boundary, casting = "safe", where = mask)
#check if the difference is less than threshold
average = math.sqrt(numpy.average(field**2)) #sqrt of average of squares, just so i get a positive number
diff = math.sqrt(numpy.average((field-prev)**2)) #standard deviation
if last_diff < diff/average:
print("Solution is diverging.")
if diff/average < threshold:
print("Found solution after", iter_nr,"iteratiorn.")
last_diff = diff/average
if file is not None:
return field
def solve_laplace_slow_2D(boundary, mask, file = None, alpha = 1.9,threshold = 0.0001):
We are using the successive over-relaxation method. We iterate until our solution changes less than some threshold value.
Vm+1(x,y,...) = alpha*( ((Vm(x-1,y,...) + Vm(x+1,y,...) + Vm(x,y-1,...) + Vm(x,y+1,...) + ...)/(2*nr dimensions) ) + (1-alpha)*Vm(x,y,...)
assert boundary.ndim == 2
field = numpy.zeros_like(boundary)
numpy.copyto(field, boundary, casting = "safe", where = mask)
last_diff = float("infinity")
start_time = time.time()
for iter_nr in range(10000):#max number of iterations
prev = field.copy()
for y in range(field.shape[0]):
for x in range(field.shape[1]):
if not mask[y,x]:
field[y,x] = (1-alpha)*field[y,x] + (field[max(y-1,0),x] + field[min(y+1,field.shape[0]-1),x] + field[y,max(x-1,0)] + field[y,min(x+1,field.shape[1]-1)]) * alpha/4
#check if the difference is less than threshold
average = math.sqrt(numpy.average(field**2)) #sqrt of average of squares, just so i get a positive number
diff = math.sqrt(numpy.average((field-prev)**2)) #standard deviation
if last_diff < diff/average:
print("Solution is diverging.")
if diff/average < threshold:
print("Found solution after the", iter_nr,"iteratiorn.")
if time.time() - start_time > 3600:
print("Completed in an hour time at iteration:", iter_nr)
last_diff = diff/average
#print(time.time() - start_time, iter_nr, last_diff)
if file is not None:
return field
def test():
boundary = numpy.zeros((51,51))
boundary[25,25] = 1
for i in range(51):
boundary[0,i] = -1
boundary[50,i] = -1
boundary[i,0] = -1
boundary[i,50] = -1
mask = (boundary != 0)
print("Trying fast method:")
solve_laplace(boundary,mask,alpha = 1.5) #diverges
print("Trying slow method:")
solve_laplace_slow_2D(boundary,mask,alpha = 1.5) #converges but is very slow
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这很棘手......如果您可以在单个ufunc中定义整个操作,如和 ufunc在没有缓冲的情况下运行,您可以进行这种类型的迭代计算非常快。在您的情况下,可以按如下方式一次处理数组内部:
>>> a = np.arange(25, dtype=np.double).reshape(5, 5)
>>> from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
>>> rows, cols = a.shape
>>> a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(rows-3+1, cols-3+1, 3, 3) ,strides=a.strides*2)
>>> alpha = 2
>>> mask = [[0, alpha/4, 0], [alpha/4, 1-alpha, alpha/4], [0, alpha/4, 0]]
>>> np.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij', a_view, mask)
array([[ 6., 7., 8.],
[ 11., 12., 13.],
[ 16., 17., 18.]])
>>> np.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij', a_view, mask, out=a[1:-1, 1:-1])
array([[ 3. , 2.25 , 5.625 ],
[ 5.5625 , 4.1875 , 9.09375 ],
[ 19.046875 , 17.546875 , 24.2734375]])
>>> a
array([[ 0. , 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. ],
[ 5. , 3. , 2.25 , 5.625 , 9. ],
[ 10. , 5.5625 , 4.1875 , 9.09375 , 14. ],
[ 15. , 19.046875 , 17.546875 , 24.2734375, 19. ],
[ 20. , 21. , 22. , 23. , 24. ]])