如何使用VS宏获取Visual Studio中代码文件中的所有功能? 我正在使用Visual Studio 2008.
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参见HOWTO: Navigate the code elements of a file from a Visual Studio .NET macro or add-in 也许HOWTO: Navigate the files of a solution from a Visual Studio .NET macro or add-in对你很有意思。
获取功能可访问性非常简单。在第一篇文章之后,您有CodeElement对象。如果它是CodeFunction类型,您可以将其强制转换为CodeFunction(或CodeFunction2)类型。 CodeFunction包含许多属性,包括Access,这是您所需要的。我修改了本文中的ShowCodeElement,因此它只显示函数并显示其可访问性:
Private Sub ShowCodeElement(ByVal objCodeElement As CodeElement)
Dim objCodeNamespace As EnvDTE.CodeNamespace
Dim objCodeType As EnvDTE.CodeType
Dim objCodeFunction As EnvDTE.CodeFunction
If TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeNamespace Then
objCodeNamespace = CType(objCodeElement, EnvDTE.CodeNamespace)
ElseIf TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeType Then
objCodeType = CType(objCodeElement, EnvDTE.CodeType)
ElseIf TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeFunction Then
Dim msg As String = objCodeElement.FullName & vbCrLf
Dim cd As EnvDTE.CodeFunction = DirectCast(objCodeElement, CodeFunction)
Select Case cd.Access
Case vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessDefault
msg &= "Not explicitly specified. It is Public in VB and private in C#."
Case Else
msg &= cd.Access.ToString
End Select
Catch ex As System.Exception
' Ignore
End Try
End If
End Sub