我写了一些actionscript 3代码,用于在另一个对象关闭时移动一个对象。 我用flash cs5.5 问题是,当我添加一些代码只移动该对象一次时,代码停止正常工作。也许问题不是代码本身,而是对象或对象实例中的某些东西,但我没有改变任何东西。 我得到了你在代码中可以看到的所有痕迹,但是当我将“磁铁”关闭到“钟摆”时,钟摆不会像它那样移动旋转。
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
var angle:Number = 0; //angle for rotation of object "pendulum"
var rotate:Number = 45; // value to multiple to calculate rotation
//global variable
var moved_once: int=0; //variable for checking the first move of the object
function move_pendulum(e:Event):void{
trace("hit"); //to check if enters the function
pendulum1.rotation = Math.sin(angle) * rotate; //execute rotation
angle +=0.3; //increase angle for next rotation
trace("hit2"); //to check if the function ends
magnet1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, start_magnet); //for start dragging //object "magnet"
magnet1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stop_magnet); //for stop dragging //object "magnet"
function start_magnet(event:MouseEvent):void{
magnet1.startDrag(); //start dragging of object "magnet"
//check if the two objects are close enough
if(magnet1.x >pendulum1.x && (magnet1.x-pendulum1.x)<100){
trace("range detect");
//check if it is the first time which the two objects are close enough
trace("called move");
move_pendulum(event); //call function for rotating object "rotation"
moved_once++; //increase counter for not rotating again
}//end of function
function stop_magnet(event:MouseEvent):void{
magnet1.stopDrag(); //stop dragging of object
答案 0 :(得分:0)
move_pendulum(event); //call function for rotating object "rotation"
moved_once++; //increase counter for not rotating again
你正在检查全局变量moving_once的值,如果它是0,那么你移动钟摆然后增加moving_once。在此点之后,moving_once = 1并且条件(moved_once == 0)永远不再为真
再加上你唯一一次调用move_pendulum angle = 0(和sin(0)= 0和0 * rotate = 0)它不会去任何地方。