
时间:2013-11-22 10:45:48

标签: c++ c sdl simulation


Screenshot of output


const double g = 9.81, l = 200.0, h = 0.5, u0 = 0, theta0 = 3.1415/3;
const int xoffset = 350, yoffset = 300, r = 10;

//simplified equations 1
double thetadot(double u)
    return u;

//simplified equations 2
double udot(double theta)
    return (-g / l) * sin(theta);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double theta, thetanext, u, unext, ku1, ku2, ku3, ku4, kt1, kt2, kt3, kt4;
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0)
        return 1;

    SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
    if (screen == NULL)
        return 2;
    //putting inital values to the function
    u = u0;
    theta = theta0;

        SDL_Event event;
            if(event.type == SDL_QUIT)
                return 0;

        double x = xoffset + l * sin(theta);
        double y = yoffset + l * cos(theta);


        //string hanging position
        draw_circle(screen, xoffset, yoffset, 10, 0x0000ff00);
        fill_circle(screen, xoffset, yoffset, 10, 0x0000ff00);

        //draw string
        draw_line(screen, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, 0xff3366ff);

        //draw bob's current position
        fill_circle(screen, (int)x, (int)y, r, 0xff004400);
        draw_circle(screen, (int)x, (int)y, r, 0xff3366ff);


        //Numerical integration of equation 1
        kt1 = thetadot(u);
        kt2 = thetadot(u + 0.5 * h * kt1);
        kt3 = thetadot(u + 0.5 * h * kt2);
        kt4 = thetadot(u + h * kt3);
        thetanext = theta + (h / 6) * (kt1 + 2 * kt2 + 2 * kt3 + kt4);

        //Numerical integration of equation 2
        ku1 = udot(theta);
        ku2 = udot(theta + 0.5 * h * ku1);
        ku3 = udot(theta + 0.5 * h * ku2);
        ku4 = udot(theta + h * ku3);
        unext = u + (h / 6) * (ku1 + 2 * ku2 + 2 * ku3 + ku4);

        //updating values
        u = unext;
        theta = thetanext;
    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


int SDL_FillRect(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect, Uint32 color);

E.g。你可以传递params SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, 0x000000)来清除整个屏幕的黑色。