Unity3D gui按钮里面的gui窗口错误

时间:2013-11-22 07:50:20

标签: button user-interface window unity3d






function Upgrade ()
    var price : float;
    price = (level * 400) + 400;

    if (budget > price)
        budget -= price;
        maxStorage += 10;
        Debug.LogWarning("Upgraded to level " + level);
        Debug.LogWarning("Upgrade failed. Not enough money.");

function OnGUI ()

    if (windowOpen == true)
        windowRect = GUI.Window (windowId, windowRect, WindowFunction, "Statistics Industry");
    if (tooltip != "")
        GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (25, Screen.height - 125, 200, 100));
        GUI.Box (new Rect (0, 0, 200, 100), "");

            GUI.Label (Rect (15, 15, 170, 70), tooltip);


function WindowFunction (windowID : int) 
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 25, 175, 30), "Location: " + cityName);
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 50, 175, 30), "Budget: " + budget);
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 75, 175, 30), "Storage: " + storage + " / " + maxStorage);
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 100, 175, 30), "Energy: " + Mathf.Round(energy));
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 125, 175, 30), "Tax: " + taxPercent + "%");

    //goods price pr unit
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 150, 175, 30), "Price for goods.");
    sellPrice = GUI.HorizontalSlider (Rect (25, 181, 100, 15), sellPrice, 0.0, 10.0);
    GUI.Label (Rect (135, 175, 75, 30), "price: " + sellPrice.ToString("0.0"));
    //Create help button
    GUI.Button (new Rect (155, 150, 25, 25), GUIContent("?", "This is the price which the Industry will take for each piece of Material. \nSelling to Market."));
    //Display the tooltip
    if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
        tooltip = GUI.tooltip;

    //energy price pr unit
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 200, 175, 30), "Price for energy.");
    energyPrice = GUI.HorizontalSlider (Rect (25, 231, 100, 15), energyPrice, 0.0, 10.0);
    GUI.Label (Rect (135, 225, 75, 30), "price: " + energyPrice.ToString("0.0"));
    //Create help button
    GUI.Button (new Rect (155, 200, 25, 25), GUIContent("?", "This is the price which the Industry will pay for each piece of Energy. \nBuying from Consumer."));
    //Display the tooltip
    if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
        tooltip = GUI.tooltip;
    //Upgrade button
    if (GUI.Button (new Rect (25, 250, 150, 25), "Upgrade " + "(" + level + ")"));

    if (GUI.Button (new Rect (25, 280, 150, 25), "Close"))
        renderer.material.mainTexture = mainTexture;
        windowOpen = false;
    GUI.DragWindow (Rect (0,0,10000,10000));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发现我的“if(GUI.Button ......”,我的游戏不喜欢的结尾处有一个分号)。