
时间:2013-11-21 20:19:43

标签: c for-loop recursion nested-loops

我有一组船只(数据在外部.txt文件中给出:船只编号,到达时间,服务时间,到期时间,罚款因子,等待因素),这些船只一个接一个地到达泊位并送达。我需要找到成本最低的船只的订单。我正在使用非常基本的方法 - 我生成所有可能的序列,而不是比较每个的成本。容器只能服务一次,这意味着序列中不能重复。 每艘新船的成本包括等待成本(排队等待的时间)和罚款成本(在适当时间之后在泊位中花费的时间)。 目前,我有一个包含10个嵌套循环的程序,用于10个容器的集合。 代码


void main()

FILE *f1;
int n = 10;/*The number of vessels*/
int arr[10];
int count = 0, s = 1;
int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
int t[10];
int min;
int time[10];

struct vessel{
    int name;/*the name of the vessel*/
    int ar; /*arrival time*/
    int ser; /*service time*/
    int exp; /*due time*/
    int df; /*delay factor*/
    int wf; /*waiting factor*/
struct vessel x[10]; /* where number means the total number of vessels arriving*/

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    s = s*(n-i) ;
printf("S is %d\n", s);/*The number of possible sequences. (n-1)! */

f1 = fopen("sample1.txt", "r");/*Read data from file*/
if (f1 == NULL){
    printf("Can not open the file\n");
    return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    fscanf(f1, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", &x[i].name, &x[i].ar, &x[i].ser, &x[i].exp, &x[i].df, &x[i].wf);
    arr[i] = x[i].name;

/*f2 = fopen("results.txt", "w");*/

min = 9999999999;/*Set it to be big.*/

for (a = 0; a < n; a++)/*First step. Set time and cost.*/
    t[a] = 0;/*As first vessel comes and goes, there are no penalt or waiting cost.*/
    time[a] = x[a].ar + x[a].ser;/*The time vessel arrives + the service time.*/
    for (b = 0; b < n; b++)/*LOOP START.*/
        if (b != a)/*One vessel can be served only once.*/
            time[b] = 0;
            if (time[a] > x[b].ar)/*If vessel arrived during service time of the previous one*/
                if ((time[a] + x[b].ser - x[b].exp) > 0)/*If the service of current vessel ends after the due time.*/
                    t[b] = t[a] + (time[a] - x[b].ar)*x[b].wf + (time[a] + x[b].ser - x[b].exp)*x[b].df;
                else/*If the service ends before the due time.*/
                    t[b] = t[a] + (time[a] - x[b].ar)*x[b].wf;
                time[b] = time[a] + x[b].ser;/*Update time. The time when the service of current vessel ends.*/
            else/*If vessel arrives after the service time of the previous one.*/
                t[b] = t[a] + 0;/*No penalty or waiting cost.*/
                time[b] = x[b].ar + x[b].ser;/*Update time. Current vessel arrival time + its service time.*/
            if (t[b] < min)/*Check if current cost is smaller than found minimum cost. If yes, continue. If not, go to the start of the loop. LOOP END.*/
                for (c = 0; c < n; c++)
                    if (c != b && c != a)
                        time[c] = 0;
                        if (time[b] > x[c].ar)
                            if ((time[b] + x[c].ser - x[c].exp) > 0)
                                t[c] = t[b] + (time[b] - x[c].ar)*x[c].wf + (time[b] + x[c].ser - x[c].exp)*x[c].df;
                                t[c] = t[b] + (time[b] - x[c].ar)*x[c].wf;
                            time[c] = time[b] + x[c].ser;
                            t[c] = t[b] + 0;
                            time[c] = x[c].ar + x[c].ser;
                        if (t[c] < min)
                            for (d = 0; d < n; d++)
                                if (d != c && d != b && d != a)
                                    time[d] = 0;
                                    if (time[c] > x[d].ar)
                                        if ((time[c] + x[d].ser - x[d].exp) > 0)
                                            t[d] = t[c] + (time[c] - x[d].ar)*x[d].wf + (time[c] + x[d].ser - x[d].exp)*x[d].df;
                                            t[d] = t[c] + (time[c] - x[d].ar)*x[d].wf;
                                        time[d] = time[c] + x[d].ser;
                                        t[d] = t[c] + 0;
                                        time[d] = x[d].ar + x[d].ser;
                                    if (t[d] < min)
                                        for (e = 0; e < n; e++)
                                            if (e != d && e != c && e != b && e != a)
                                                time[e] = 0;
                                                if (time[d] > x[e].ar)
                                                    if ((time[d] + x[e].ser - x[e].exp) > 0)
                                                        t[e] = t[d] + (time[d] - x[e].ar)*x[e].wf + (time[d] + x[e].ser - x[e].exp)*x[e].df;
                                                        t[e] = t[d] + (time[d] - x[e].ar)*x[e].wf;
                                                    time[e] = time[d] + x[e].ser;
                                                    t[e] = t[d] + 0;
                                                    time[e] = x[e].ar + x[e].ser;
                                                if (t[e] < min)
                                                    for (f = 0; f < n; f++)
                                                        if (f != e && f != d && f != c && f != b && f != a)
                                                            time[f] = 0;
                                                            if (time[e] > x[f].ar)
                                                                if ((time[e] + x[f].ser - x[f].exp) > 0)
                                                                    t[f] = t[e] + (time[e] - x[f].ar)*x[f].wf + (time[e] + x[f].ser - x[f].exp)*x[f].df;
                                                                    t[f] = t[e] + (time[e] - x[f].ar)*x[f].wf;
                                                                time[f] = time[e] + x[f].ser;
                                                                t[f] = t[e] + 0;
                                                                time[f] = x[f].ar + x[f].ser;
                                                            if (t[f] < min)
                                                                for (g = 0; g < n; g++)
                                                                    if (g != a && g != b && g != c && g != d && g != e && g != f)

                                                                        time[g] = 0;
                                                                        if (time[f] > x[g].ar)
                                                                            if ((time[f] + x[g].ser - x[g].exp) > 0)
                                                                                t[g] = t[f] + (time[f] - x[g].ar)*x[g].wf + (time[f] + x[g].ser - x[g].exp)*x[g].df;
                                                                                t[g] = t[f] + (time[f] - x[g].ar)*x[g].wf;
                                                                            time[g] = time[f] + x[g].ser;
                                                                            t[g] = t[f] + 0;
                                                                            time[g] = x[g].ar + x[g].ser;
                                                                        if (t[g] < min)
                                                                            for (h = 0; h < n; h++)
                                                                                if (h != a && h != b && h != c && h != d && h != e && h != f && h != g)
                                                                                    time[h] = 0;
                                                                                    if (time[g] > x[h].ar)
                                                                                        if ((time[g] + x[h].ser - x[h].exp) > 0)
                                                                                            t[h] = t[g] + (time[g] - x[h].ar)*x[h].wf + (time[g] + x[h].ser - x[h].exp)*x[h].df;
                                                                                            t[h] = t[g] + (time[g] - x[h].ar)*x[h].wf;
                                                                                        time[h] = time[g] + x[h].ser;
                                                                                        t[h] = t[g] + 0;
                                                                                        time[h] = x[h].ar + x[h].ser;
                                                                                    if (t[h] < min)
                                                                                        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                                                                            if (i != a && i != b && i != c && i != d && i != e && i != f && i != g && i != h)
                                                                                                time[i] = 0;
                                                                                                if (time[h] > x[i].ar)
                                                                                                    if ((time[h] + x[i].ser - x[i].exp) > 0)
                                                                                                        t[i] = t[h] + (time[h] - x[i].ar)*x[i].wf + (time[h] + x[i].ser - x[i].exp)*x[i].df;
                                                                                                        t[i] = t[h] + (time[h] - x[i].ar)*x[i].wf;
                                                                                                    time[i] = time[h] + x[i].ser;
                                                                                                    t[i] = t[h] + 0;
                                                                                                    time[i] = x[i].ar + x[i].ser;
                                                                                                if (t[i] < min)
                                                                                                    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                                                                                                        if (j != a && j != b && j != c && j != d && j != e && j != f && j != g && j != h && j != i)
                                                                                                            time[j] = 0;
                                                                                                            if (time[i] > x[j].ar)
                                                                                                                if ((time[i] + x[j].ser - x[j].exp) > 0)
                                                                                                                    t[j] = t[i] + (time[i] - x[j].ar)*x[j].wf + (time[i] + x[j].ser - x[j].exp)*x[j].df;
                                                                                                                    t[j] = t[i] + (time[i] - x[j].ar)*x[j].wf;
                                                                                                                time[j] = time[i] + x[j].ser;
                                                                                                                t[j] = t[i] + 0;
                                                                                                                time[j] = x[j].ar + x[j].ser;

                                                                                                            if (t[j] < min)
                                                                                                                min = t[j];
                                                                                                                printf("%d\n", min);
                                                                                                                /*printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", t[a], t[b], t[c], t[d], t[e], t[f], t[g], t[h], t[i], t[j]);*/
                                                                                                                arr[0] = a + 1; arr[1] = b + 1; arr[2] = c + 1; arr[3] = d + 1; arr[4] = e + 1; arr[5] = f + 1; arr[6] = g + 1; arr[7] = h + 1; arr[8] = i + 1; arr[9] = j + 1;

                                                                                                            count++;/*How many sequences of n vessels were able to reach the end of loop.*/


printf("Final sequence is: ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    printf("%d, ", arr[i]);
printf("\nFinal count is %d\n", count);
printf("Final cost is %d\n", min);

return 0;

此代码有效。但。 这是漫长而令人讨厌的。我不知道如何改变它。 对我来说唯一重要的部分是循环。 样本数据(以防万一)

1, 756, 207, 1148, 1160, 303
2, 660, 243, 1105, 847, 344
3, 1444, 225, 1857, 1006, 310
4, 1554, 199, 1941, 1004, 326
5, 1376, 186, 1737, 1112, 321
6, 1396, 170, 1680, 1053, 247
7, 1577, 158, 1917, 1005, 275
8, 629, 218, 1026, 976, 289
9, 807, 181, 1151, 1078, 299
10, 779, 157, 1088, 804, 254


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)





该解决方案可扩展至10个以上的血管。 (我得到的订单与你相同,但成本不同,所以我的解决方案在计算成本方面存在错误。我将把它留作练习, yadda,yadda ...... 原则上,但代码似乎有效。)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Vessel Vessel;

struct Vessel {
    int id;
    int arrival;
    int service;
    int due;
    int delay_cost;
    int waiting_cost;
    int order;          /* Current order, 0 means not yet treated */
    int final;          /* final (optimum) order */

void service(Vessel *vessel, int n, int m, int time, int cost, int *min)
    int i;

    if (cost > *min) return;

    if (m == n) {
        while (n--) vessel[n].final = vessel[n].order;
        *min = cost;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Vessel *v = vessel + i;
        int dtime = v->service;
        int dcost = 0;

        if (v->order) continue;

        if (m == 0) {
            time = v->arrival;
        } else {
            if (time < v->arrival) {
                dtime += v->arrival - time;
                dcost += (v->arrival - time) * v->waiting_cost;

        if (time + dtime > v->due) {
            dcost += v->delay_cost * (time + dtime - v->due);

        v->order = m + 1;
        service(vessel, n, m + 1, time + dtime, cost + dcost, min);
        v->order = 0;

int vessel_cmp(const void *aa, const void *bb)
    const Vessel *a = aa;
    const Vessel *b = bb;

    return a->final - b->final;

int main()
    Vessel vessel[] = {
        {1,  756, 207, 1148, 1160, 303, 0, 0},
        {2,  660, 243, 1105,  847, 344, 0, 0},
        {3, 1444, 225, 1857, 1006, 310, 0, 0},
        {4, 1554, 199, 1941, 1004, 326, 0, 0},
        {5, 1376, 186, 1737, 1112, 321, 0, 0},
        {6, 1396, 170, 1680, 1053, 247, 0, 0},
        {7, 1577, 158, 1917, 1005, 275, 0, 0},
        {8,  629, 218, 1026,  976, 289, 0, 0},
        {9,  807, 181, 1151, 1078, 299, 0, 0},
        {10, 779, 157, 1088,  804, 254, 0, 0},
    int nvessel = 10;
    int min = 0x7fffffff;
    int i;

    service(vessel, nvessel, 0, 0, 0, &min);
    qsort(vessel, nvessel, sizeof(vessel[0]), vessel_cmp);

    printf("Final order: ");
    for (i = 0; i < nvessel; i++) {
        if (i) printf(", ");
        printf("%d", vessel[i].id);

    printf("Total cost: %d\n", min);

    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)






void functionA(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (j != a && j != b && j != c && j != d && j != e && j != f && j != g && j != h && j != i)
        time[j] = 0;
        if (time[i] > x[j].ar)
            if ((time[i] + x[j].ser - x[j].exp) > 0)
                t[j] = t[i] + (time[i] - x[j].ar)*x[j].wf + (time[i] + x[j].ser - x[j].exp)*x[j].df;
                t[j] = t[i] + (time[i] - x[j].ar)*x[j].wf;
            time[j] = time[i] + x[j].ser;
            t[j] = t[i] + 0;
            time[j] = x[j].ar + x[j].ser;

        if (t[j] < min)
            min = t[j];
            printf("%d\n", min);
            /*printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", t[a], t[b], t[c], t[d], t[e], t[f], t[g], t[h], t[i], t[j]);*/

            arr[0] = a + 1;
            arr[1] = b + 1; 
            arr[2] = c + 1; 
            arr[3] = d + 1;
            arr[4] = e + 1; 
            arr[5] = f + 1;
            arr[6] = g + 1;
            arr[7] = h + 1;
            arr[8] = i + 1;
            arr[9] = j + 1;

        count++;/*How many sequences of n vessels were able to reach the end of loop.*/

void functionB(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (i != a && i != b && i != c && i != d && i != e && i != f && i != g && i != h)
        time[i] = 0;
        if (time[h] > x[i].ar)
            if ((time[h] + x[i].ser - x[i].exp) > 0)
                t[i] = t[h] + (time[h] - x[i].ar)*x[i].wf + (time[h] + x[i].ser - x[i].exp)*x[i].df;
                t[i] = t[h] + (time[h] - x[i].ar)*x[i].wf;
            time[i] = time[h] + x[i].ser;
            t[i] = t[h] + 0;
            time[i] = x[i].ar + x[i].ser;
        if (t[i] < min)
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                functionA(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionC(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (h != a && h != b && h != c && h != d && h != e && h != f && h != g)
        time[h] = 0;
        if (time[g] > x[h].ar)
            if ((time[g] + x[h].ser - x[h].exp) > 0)
                t[h] = t[g] + (time[g] - x[h].ar)*x[h].wf + (time[g] + x[h].ser - x[h].exp)*x[h].df;
                t[h] = t[g] + (time[g] - x[h].ar)*x[h].wf;
            time[h] = time[g] + x[h].ser;
            t[h] = t[g] + 0;
            time[h] = x[h].ar + x[h].ser;
        if (t[h] < min)
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                functionB(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionD(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (g != a && g != b && g != c && g != d && g != e && g != f)

        time[g] = 0;
        if (time[f] > x[g].ar)
            if ((time[f] + x[g].ser - x[g].exp) > 0)
                t[g] = t[f] + (time[f] - x[g].ar)*x[g].wf + (time[f] + x[g].ser - x[g].exp)*x[g].df;
                t[g] = t[f] + (time[f] - x[g].ar)*x[g].wf;
            time[g] = time[f] + x[g].ser;
            t[g] = t[f] + 0;
            time[g] = x[g].ar + x[g].ser;
        if (t[g] < min)
            for (h = 0; h < n; h++)
                functionC(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionE(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (f != e && f != d && f != c && f != b && f != a)
        time[f] = 0;
        if (time[e] > x[f].ar)
            if ((time[e] + x[f].ser - x[f].exp) > 0)
                t[f] = t[e] + (time[e] - x[f].ar)*x[f].wf + (time[e] + x[f].ser - x[f].exp)*x[f].df;
                t[f] = t[e] + (time[e] - x[f].ar)*x[f].wf;
            time[f] = time[e] + x[f].ser;
            t[f] = t[e] + 0;
            time[f] = x[f].ar + x[f].ser;
        if (t[f] < min)
            for (g = 0; g < n; g++)
                functionD(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionF(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (e != d && e != c && e != b && e != a)
        time[e] = 0;
        if (time[d] > x[e].ar)
            if ((time[d] + x[e].ser - x[e].exp) > 0)
                t[e] = t[d] + (time[d] - x[e].ar)*x[e].wf + (time[d] + x[e].ser - x[e].exp)*x[e].df;
                t[e] = t[d] + (time[d] - x[e].ar)*x[e].wf;
            time[e] = time[d] + x[e].ser;
            t[e] = t[d] + 0;
            time[e] = x[e].ar + x[e].ser;
        if (t[e] < min)
            for (f = 0; f < n; f++)
                functionE(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionG(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (d != c && d != b && d != a)
        time[d] = 0;
        if (time[c] > x[d].ar)
            if ((time[c] + x[d].ser - x[d].exp) > 0)
                t[d] = t[c] + (time[c] - x[d].ar)*x[d].wf + (time[c] + x[d].ser - x[d].exp)*x[d].df;
                t[d] = t[c] + (time[c] - x[d].ar)*x[d].wf;
            time[d] = time[c] + x[d].ser;
            t[d] = t[c] + 0;
            time[d] = x[d].ar + x[d].ser;
        if (t[d] < min)
            for (e = 0; e < n; e++)
                functionF(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionH(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (c != b && c != a)
        time[c] = 0;
        if (time[b] > x[c].ar)
            if ((time[b] + x[c].ser - x[c].exp) > 0)
                t[c] = t[b] + (time[b] - x[c].ar)*x[c].wf + (time[b] + x[c].ser - x[c].exp)*x[c].df;
                t[c] = t[b] + (time[b] - x[c].ar)*x[c].wf;
            time[c] = time[b] + x[c].ser;
            t[c] = t[b] + 0;
            time[c] = x[c].ar + x[c].ser;
        if (t[c] < min)
            for (d = 0; d < n; d++)
                functionG(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void functionI(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, *t, *time, *min, *arr, *count) {
    if (b != a)/*One vessel can be served only once.*/
        time[b] = 0;
        if (time[a] > x[b].ar)/*If vessel arrived during service time of the previous one*/
            if ((time[a] + x[b].ser - x[b].exp) > 0)/*If the service of current vessel ends after the due time.*/
                t[b] = t[a] + (time[a] - x[b].ar)*x[b].wf + (time[a] + x[b].ser - x[b].exp)*x[b].df;
            else/*If the service ends before the due time.*/
                t[b] = t[a] + (time[a] - x[b].ar)*x[b].wf;
            time[b] = time[a] + x[b].ser;/*Update time. The time when the service of current vessel ends.*/
        else/*If vessel arrives after the service time of the previous one.*/
            t[b] = t[a] + 0;/*No penalty or waiting cost.*/
            time[b] = x[b].ar + x[b].ser;/*Update time. Current vessel arrival time + its service time.*/
        if (t[b] < min)/*Check if current cost is smaller than found minimum cost. If yes, continue. If not, go to the start of the loop. LOOP END.*/
            for (c = 0; c < n; c++)
                functionH(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

void main()

FILE *f1;
int n = 10;/*The number of vessels*/
int arr[10];
int count = 0, s = 1;
int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
int t[10];
int min;
int time[10];

struct vessel{
    int name;/*the name of the vessel*/
    int ar; /*arrival time*/
    int ser; /*service time*/
    int exp; /*due time*/
    int df; /*delay factor*/
    int wf; /*waiting factor*/
struct vessel x[10]; /* where number means the total number of vessels arriving*/

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    s = s*(n-i) ;
printf("S is %d\n", s);/*The number of possible sequences. (n-1)! */

f1 = fopen("sample1.txt", "r");/*Read data from file*/
if (f1 == NULL){
    printf("Can not open the file\n");
    return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    fscanf(f1, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", &x[i].name, &x[i].ar, &x[i].ser, &x[i].exp, &x[i].df, &x[i].wf);
    arr[i] = x[i].name;

/*f2 = fopen("results.txt", "w");*/

min = 9999999999;/*Set it to be big.*/

for (a = 0; a < n; a++)/*First step. Set time and cost.*/
    t[a] = 0;/*As first vessel comes and goes, there are no penalt or waiting cost.*/
    time[a] = x[a].ar + x[a].ser;/*The time vessel arrives + the service time.*/
    for (b = 0; b < n; b++)/*LOOP START.*/
        functionI(j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, t, time, min, arr, count);

printf("Final sequence is: ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    printf("%d, ", arr[i]);
printf("\nFinal count is %d\n", count);
printf("Final cost is %d\n", min);

return 0;