
时间:2013-11-20 00:40:39

标签: f# kinect

我正在使用KinectContrib提供的F#骨架跟踪模板。 C#中的模板做同样的事情,所以我知道硬件没问题。

我正在使用Windows Kinect SDK v1.8





open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Media.Imaging
open Microsoft.Kinect
open System.Diagnostics

let sensor = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.[0]

//The main canvas that is handling the ellipses
let canvas = new System.Windows.Controls.Canvas()
canvas.Background <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent

let ds : byte = Convert.ToByte(1)
let dummySkeleton : Skeleton = new Skeleton(TrackingState = SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)

// Thanks to Richard Minerich (@rickasaurus) for helping me figure out
// some array concepts in F#.
let mutable pixelData : byte array = [| |]
let mutable skeletons : Skeleton array = [| |]

//Right hand ellipse
let rhEllipse = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse()
rhEllipse.Height <- 20.0
rhEllipse.Width <- 20.0
rhEllipse.Fill <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red
rhEllipse.Stroke <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White

//Left hand ellipse
let lhEllipse = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse()
lhEllipse.Height <- 20.0
lhEllipse.Width <- 20.0
lhEllipse.Fill <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red
lhEllipse.Stroke <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White

//Head ellipse
let hEllipse = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse()
hEllipse.Height <- 20.0
hEllipse.Width <- 20.0
hEllipse.Fill <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red
hEllipse.Stroke <- System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White

canvas.Children.Add(rhEllipse) |> ignore
canvas.Children.Add(lhEllipse) |> ignore
canvas.Children.Add(hEllipse) |> ignore

let grid = new System.Windows.Controls.Grid()

let winImage = new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
winImage.Height <- 600.0
winImage.Width <- 800.0

grid.Children.Add(winImage) |> ignore
grid.Children.Add(canvas) |> ignore

//Video frame is ready to be processed.
let VideoFrameReady (sender : obj) (args: ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs) = 
    let receivedData = ref false

    using (args.OpenColorImageFrame()) (fun r -> 
        if (r <> null) then
                pixelData <- Array.create r.PixelDataLength ds
                //Array.Resize(ref pixelData, r.PixelDataLength)
                receivedData := true

        if (receivedData <> ref false) then
        winImage.Source <- BitmapSource.Create(640, 480, 96.0, 96.0, Media.PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, pixelData, 640 * 4)

//Required to correlate the skeleton data to the PC screen
//IMPORTANT NOTE: Code for vector scaling was imported from the Coding4Fun Kinect Toolkit
//available here: http://c4fkinect.codeplex.com/
//I only used this part to avoid adding an extra reference.
let ScaleVector (length : float32, position : float32)  =
    let value = (((length / 1.0f) / 2.0f) * position) + (length / 2.0f)
    if value > length then
    elif value < 0.0f then

//This will set the ellipse positions depending on the passed instance and joint
let SetEllipsePosition (ellipse : System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse, joint : Joint) =
    let vector = new Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint(X = ScaleVector(640.0f, joint.Position.X), Y=ScaleVector(480.0f, -joint.Position.Y),Z=joint.Position.Z)
    let mutable uJoint = joint
    uJoint.TrackingState <- JointTrackingState.Tracked
    uJoint.Position <- vector

    System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse,(float uJoint.Position.X))
    System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.SetTop(ellipse,(float uJoint.Position.Y))

//Triggered when a new skeleton frame is ready for processing
let SkeletonFrameReady (sender : obj) (args: SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs) = 
    let receivedData = ref false

    using (args.OpenSkeletonFrame()) (fun r -> 
        if (r <> null) then
                skeletons <- Array.create r.SkeletonArrayLength dummySkeleton

                for i in skeletons do

                receivedData := true

        if (receivedData <> ref false) then
                for i in skeletons do
                    if i.TrackingState <> SkeletonTrackingState.NotTracked then
                        let currentSkeleton = i

                        SetEllipsePosition(hEllipse, currentSkeleton.Joints.[JointType.Head])
                        SetEllipsePosition(lhEllipse, currentSkeleton.Joints.[JointType.HandLeft])
                        SetEllipsePosition(rhEllipse, currentSkeleton.Joints.[JointType.HandRight])

let WindowLoaded (sender : obj) (args: RoutedEventArgs) = 
    sensor.ColorFrameReady.AddHandler(new EventHandler<ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs>(VideoFrameReady))
    sensor.SkeletonFrameReady.AddHandler(new EventHandler<SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs>(SkeletonFrameReady))

let WindowUnloaded (sender : obj) (args: RoutedEventArgs) = 

//Defining the structure of the test window
let window = new Window()
window.Width <- 800.0
window.Height <- 600.0
window.Title <- "Kinect Skeleton Application"
window.Loaded.AddHandler(new RoutedEventHandler(WindowLoaded))
window.Unloaded.AddHandler(new RoutedEventHandler(WindowUnloaded))
window.Content <- grid

    let app = new Application() in
    app.Run(window) |> ignore

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.net

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Media.Imaging
open System.Windows.Threading
open Microsoft.Kinect
open System.Diagnostics

    let sensor = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.[0]

    // Set-up the WPF window and its contents
    let width = 1024.
    let height = 768.
    let w = Window(Width=width, Height=height)
    let g = Controls.Grid()
    let c = Controls.Canvas()
    let hd = Shapes.Rectangle(Fill=Media.Brushes.Red, Width=15., Height=15.)
    let rh = Shapes.Rectangle(Fill=Media.Brushes.Blue, Width=15., Height=15.)
    let lh = Shapes.Rectangle(Fill=Media.Brushes.Green, Width=15., Height=15.)
    ignore <| c.Children.Add hd
    ignore <| c.Children.Add rh
    ignore <| c.Children.Add lh
    ignore <| g.Children.Add c
    w.Content <- g

    w.Unloaded.Add(fun args -> sensor.Stop())

    let getDisplayPosition w h (joint : Joint) =
        let x = ((w * (float)joint.Position.X + 2.0) / 4.0) + (w/2.0)
        let y = ((h * -(float)joint.Position.Y + 2.0) / 4.0) + (h/2.0)
        System.Console.WriteLine("X:" + x.ToString() + " Y:" + y.ToString())
        new Point(x,y)

    let draw (joint : Joint) (sh : System.Windows.Shapes.Shape) =
        let p = getDisplayPosition width height joint
        sh.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, Action(fun () -> System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.SetLeft(sh, p.X))) |> ignore
        sh.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, Action(fun () -> System.Windows.Controls.Canvas.SetTop(sh, p.Y))) |> ignore

    let drawJoints (sk : Skeleton) =
        draw (sk.Joints.Item(JointType.Head)) hd
        draw (sk.Joints.Item(JointType.WristRight)) rh
        draw (sk.Joints.Item(JointType.WristLeft)) lh

    let skeleton (sensor : KinectSensor) =
        let rec loop () =
            async {
                let! args = Async.AwaitEvent sensor.SkeletonFrameReady
                use frame = args.OpenSkeletonFrame()
                let skeletons : Skeleton[] = Array.zeroCreate(frame.SkeletonArrayLength)
                |> Seq.filter (fun s -> s.TrackingState <> SkeletonTrackingState.NotTracked)
                |> Seq.iter  (fun s ->  drawJoints s)
                return! loop ()
        loop ()

    skeleton sensor |> Async.Start

    let a = Application()
    ignore <| a.Run(w)

答案 1 :(得分:1)



您的代码的第二个版本没有任何问题,但更典型的F#方法是将您的功能(getDisplayPositiondraw等)提升到顶级{ {1}}绑定。通过明确表明这些函数没有捕获do中创建的任何本地值,这使得代码更容易阅读。