python中的2d列表 - 通过列名访问

时间:2013-11-17 21:15:57

标签: python list python-3.x



    UID       A        B            C           D   
    ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
    456          536         1       148       304 
    1071         908         1       128       243 
    1118           4         8        52       162 
    249            4         8        68       154 
    1072         296       416        68       114 
    118          180       528        68        67 


    UID       X         Y            A           Z         B   
    ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
    456          536         1       148       304        234
    1071         908         1       128       243        12
    1118           4         8        52       162        123
    249            4         8        68       154        987
    1072         296       416        68       114         45
    118          180       528        68        67          6


问题 1.有没有办法按列名而不是索引访问列? 2.根据文件数据动态给出列名?



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



import csv
with open('File1', 'r', newline='') as f:
    # If you don't pass field names
    # they are taken from the first row.
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for line in reader:
        # `line` is a dict {'UID': val, 'A': val, ... }
        print line


import csv
import re

r = re.compile(r'[ ]+')

def trim_whitespaces(f):
    for line in f:
        yield r.sub(',', line)

with open('test.txt', 'r', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(trim_whitespaces(f))
    for line in reader:
        print line

答案 1 :(得分:2)


import pandas as pd
from StringIO import StringIO

data = """    UID       A        B            C           D
    ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    456          536         1       148       304
    1071         908         1       128       243
    1118           4         8        52       162
    249            4         8        68       154
    1072         296       416        68       114
    118          180       528        68        67 """

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data),skiprows=[1],delimiter=r'\s+')


>>> df
    UID    A    B    C    D
0   456  536    1  148  304
1  1071  908    1  128  243
2  1118    4    8   52  162
3   249    4    8   68  154
4  1072  296  416   68  114
5   118  180  528   68   67


>>> df.merge(df2, on=['UID'])
    UID  A_x  B_x    C    D    X    Y  A_y    Z  B_y
0   456  536    1  148  304  536    1  148  304  234
1  1071  908    1  128  243  908    1  128  243   12
2  1118    4    8   52  162    4    8   52  162  123
3   249    4    8   68  154    4    8   68  154  987
4  1072  296  416   68  114  296  416   68  114   45
5   118  180  528   68   67  180  528   68   67    6


答案 2 :(得分:1)

my_text = """UID       A        B            C           D   
    ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
    456          536         1       148       304 
    1071         908         1       128       243 
    1118           4         8        52       162 
    249            4         8        68       154 
    1072         296       416        68       114 
    118          180       528        68        67     """
lines = my_text.splitlines() #split your text into lines
keys= lines[0].split() #headers is your first line
table = [line.split() for line in lines[1:]] #the data is the rest
columns = zip(*table) #transpose the rows array to a columns array
my_dict = dict(zip(keys,columns)) #create a dict using your keys from earlier and matching them with columns

print my_dict['A'] #access




import pandas
table = pandas.read_csv('foo.csv', index_col=0)