
时间:2013-11-15 19:38:02

标签: regex perl

我必须对代码C ++代码应用转换,但不应对注释或预处理器语句应用转换。这是我遇到麻烦的预处理器语句。基本上,我想要这样的东西:

my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $doubleQuotedString = q{"(?>[^"\\\\]++|\\\\{2}|\\\\(?s).)*+"};
my $singleQuotedString = q{'(?>[^'\\\\]++|\\\\{2}|\\\\(?s).)*+'};
my ($rest, $code, $stuffToIgnore) = ("");
open(my $inputFH, "<:raw:crlf", $file) or die "can't open $file for reading. $!";
open(my $outputFH, ">:raw:crlf", "$file.out") or die "can't open $file.out for writing. $!";
my $counter = 0;
while (<$inputFH>)
        $_ = "$rest$_";
                ($code, $stuffToIgnore, $rest) = m(
                                 $doubleQuotedString                 # found a string
                                |$singleQuotedString                 # found a string
                                |(?:[^/]++|/[^*/])                   # found something not a string, comment or preprocessor statement
                                ^\s*+#.*$ |                          # preprocessor statement
                                \s*+//.*$ |                          # line comment
                                \s*+/\*(?:[^*]++|\*(?!/))*+\*/       # block comment
                        ((?s).*)                                     # rest
                 goto BLOCK_READ if $stuffToIgnore ne "" or eof($inputFH);
        } while ($_ .= <$inputFH>);
        defined $code or die "Unterminated block.";

        # do transformation on $code

        print "CODE: >>$code<<\nIGNORE: >>$stuffToIgnore<<\n";
        print $outputFH "$code$stuffToIgnore";

我的问题是评论为# found something not a string, comment or preprocessor statement的问题。注释掉行# preprocessor statement使其有效,但它会将预处理器语句视为应用转换的代码。



我在@ sln的帮助下完成了答案。我在这里发布它作为参考,以了解我如何完成我试图做的事情,同时为那些感兴趣的人留下一些调试内容。

use strict;
use warnings;

my $file = $ARGV[0];

my $debug = 1;

my ($rest, $code, $ignore) = ("");
my $lineNumber = 1;
my $topLineOfBlock;

open(my $inputFH, "<:raw:crlf", $file) or die "can't open $file for reading. $!";
open(my $outputFH, ">:raw:crlf", "$file.out") or die "can't open $file.out for writing. $!";

my $complete = 1; # NOTE: These 2 must be declared in the base scope of the package.
my $lineOffset;   #       See https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=120554 for details.

while ($_ = <$inputFH>, !eof($inputFH) or length($rest) != 0)
  $topLineOfBlock = $lineNumber;
  print "Read line $lineNumber\n" if $debug;
  if (defined $_)
    $_ = "$rest$_";
    $_ = $rest;
  my $loopAgain;
    if (/\\$/)  # if line ends with '\' read and append in next line
      $complete = 0;
    elsif (eof($inputFH) or /;\s*+$/) # if eof or line does end in a ';', break it up.
    # otherwise read and append in next line.
      print "INPUT: '$_'\n" if $debug;
      use re 'eval';
          (?{print "STRING: '${^POSTMATCH}'\n" if $debug})
          (?{$lineOffset = 0})
          # ROUTINES
            (?!) # Ignore this section for matching

          # DEBUG ROUTINES
          # Call them using (?N) where N is the corrisponding number.
            ((?{print  "1]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "2]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "3]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "4]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "5]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "6]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "7]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "8]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print  "9]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "10]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "11]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "12]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "13]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "14]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "15]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "16]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "17]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "18]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))
            ((?{print "19]'${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug}))

          # SUBROUTINES
            # States that code read in is in an incomplete state.
            (?<INCOMPLETE>(?{print "INCOMPLETE: '${^MATCH}'\n" if $debug; $complete = 0;}))

            # States that code read in is in a completed state.
            (?<COMPLETE>  (?{print "COMPLETE: '${^MATCH}'\n"   if $debug; $complete = 1;}))

            # Matches against one character that has been escaped including EOL.
            # If a quoted EOL found, mark match as incomplete.
                (?&EOL)       (?&INCOMPLETE)
                | (?s).

            # Matches against a single quoted string excluding EOL.
              \'(?&INCOMPLETE)             # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                  [^\'\\\\n]++             # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                | (?&ESCAPED_CHAR)
              \'(?&COMPLETE)               # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO

            # Matches against a double quoted string excluding EOL.
              \"(?&INCOMPLETE)             # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                  [^\"\\\n]++              # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                | (?&ESCAPED_CHAR)
              \"(?&COMPLETE)               # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO

            # matches strings intermingled with other chars excluding EOL.
              #   (?&NON_ESCAPED_CHARS)
                  [^\\\n\"\']++             # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                | (?&DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING)
                | (?&SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)
                | (?&ESCAPED_CHAR)

            # Matches against non escaped characters excluding EOL.
            (?<NON_ESCAPED_CHARS> [^\\\n]++)

            # Matches all non escaped chars and escaped chars.
            # upto but not including the EOL unless it's escaped.
            (?<CHARS> (?:(?&NON_ESCAPED_CHARS)|(?&ESCAPED_CHAR))*+)

            # Matches EOL (end of line) or EOS (end of string) and states it is in a complete state.
            (?<EOL_OR_EOS> (?&EOL) | $     (?&COMPLETE))

            # Matches on EOL and increments $lineOffset if matched.
            # When using this, make sure you don't allow backtracking over this call.
            (?<EOL> \n(?{++$lineOffset}))

          | # ACTUAL SEARCH
                (?&EOL)? ^ [^\S\n]*+ \# (?&STRINGS_WITH_CHARS) (?&EOL_OR_EOS) # preprocessor statement
              # Escaping slashes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
              | \s*+ \/\/ (?&CHARS) (?&EOL_OR_EOS)    # line comment
              | \s*+ \/\* (?&INCOMPLETE)      # block comment
                  | \* (?!\/)
                \*\/ (?&COMPLETE)             # block comment completed
          (?(?{$complete}) # completed parse of all ignored stuff?  Then read code stuff.
                (?!^[^\S\n]*+\#)               # do not match on a preprocessor statement
                    (?&DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING)   # found a string
                  | (?&SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)   # found a string
                  | (?: [^\'\"/\n]++ | /[^*/\n]) # found something not a string or comment or newline
                                               # Escaped quotes due to a syntax highlighting bug in SO
                  | (?&EOL)                    # newline
              (?s).*                         # match to the end of the string
          ) # if not completed, read in more stuff and do parse over again.
      ($code, $ignore, $rest) = ($+{'code'}, $+{'ignore'}, $+{'rest'});
      print "**COMPLETE = $complete\n" if $debug;
      goto BLOCK_READ_COMPLETE if $complete or eof($inputFH);
    # read in more data to allow for a complete parse
    print "Reading line $lineNumber\n" if $debug;

    my $newStuff = <$inputFH>;
    if (defined $newStuff)
      $_ .= $newStuff;
      $loopAgain = 1;
      $loopAgain = 0;
  } while ($loopAgain);
  $complete or die "Something wasn't terminated at line ". ($topLineOfBlock+$lineOffset) ." of file '$file'.\n";

  # do transformation on $code

  print "CODE: >>$code<<\nIGNORE: >>$ignore<<\nREST: >>$rest<<\n" if $debug;
  print $outputFH "$ignore$code";


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


如果没有,我认为没有任何条款评论的规定延伸到多行 此外,块注释消耗行注释,我没有看到任何关于行注释延续的规定。

修改 - 5 @Adrian - 我打了一个适合我的版本。 Perl代码和输出如下 如果这样做,请告诉我 请注意,#预处理器的添加行继续代码以及//行注释

 my $doubleQuotedString = q{"(?>[^"\\\\]++|\\\\{2}|\\\\(?s).)*+"};
 my $singleQuotedString = q{'(?>[^'\\\\]++|\\\\{2}|\\\\(?s).)*+'};

 my ($rest, $code, $stuffToIgnore) = ("");

 my $counter = 0;

 while (<DATA>)
         $_ = "$rest$_";
                 ($code, $stuffToIgnore, $rest) = m~

                       (                              # (1), Code
                                 (?! ^ [^\S\n]* \# )            #  Not a preprocessor statement
                                      $ doubleQuotedString           # found a string
                                   |  $ singleQuotedString           # found a string
                                   |  (?: [^/\n]++ | / [^*/\n] )     # found something not a string or comment or newline
                                   |  \n                             # newline

                       (                              # (2), Ignore
                                 \s*+ ^ [^\S\n]* \#             # '#' Preprocessor statement with Continuation logic
                                      [^\\]                          # any Non-Continuation character ^\
                                   |  \\ \n?                         # Or,  any Continuation character followed by optional newline
                                 (?<! \\ )
                                 \s*+ /\*                       # '/**_**/' Block comment
                                   |  \*
                                      (?! / )
                                 \s*+ //                        # '//' Line comment, with Continuation logic
                                   |  \\ \n?

                                 (?<! \\ )

                       (                              # (3), Rest

                  goto BLOCK_READ if $stuffToIgnore ne "" or eof(DATA);

         } while ($_ .= <DATA>);

         defined $code or die "Unterminated block.";

         # do transformation on $code

         print "CODE:   >>$code<<\nIGNORE: >>$stuffToIgnore<<\n---------------------------------------\n";


 # hello \
 # how
 # are

 #pragma once

 #include "EditState.h"
 #include "MyDoc.h"

 // InputEdit

 class CInputEdit : public CEdit

    virtual ~CInputEdit();

 // Attributes


    BOOL m_bTrackingMenu;



 CODE:   >>
 IGNORE: >># hello \
 CODE:   >><<
 IGNORE: >># how
 CODE:   >><<
 IGNORE: >># are
 CODE:   >><<
 IGNORE: >>#you
 CODE:   >>
 IGNORE: >>#pragma once
 CODE:   >>
 IGNORE: >>#include "EditState.h"
 CODE:   >><<
 IGNORE: >>#include "MyDoc.h"
 CODE:   >>
 IGNORE: >>// InputEdit
 CODE:   >>
 class CInputEdit : public CEdit

         virtual ~CInputEdit();

 IGNORE: >>// Attributes
 CODE:   >>protected:


         BOOL m_bTrackingMenu;


 IGNORE: >><<

答案 1 :(得分:0)

