$ _无法输出我想要的内容

时间:2016-11-09 07:35:38

标签: perl

我使用$ _将格式化的响应文件中的数据读入名为response的文件中;我的perl代码的部分内容如下:我确信在我的文件中可以找到$rname例如:RESP.IU.BILL.00.BH2$rname之一 文件,所以不要以为无法找到该文件。

$high_pass_co = 0.002;
$low_pass_co = 1;
$du = 120;
$pre_ev = 20;
$sample = 1.0;

open RES, ">response";

    $rname= "RESP." . $ev;

# make response file
    open (IRIS, "<$rname");
    while (<IRIS>)   {
                print "$rname \n you are processing:\n";  
                print "\n $_\n\n";
        if ($_ =~ /Start date:/ ) {
            if ($year > $Yst) {
            if ($year == $Yst && $day >= $Dst) {
        if ($_ =~ /End date:/ ) {
            if ($_ =~ /No Ending Time/) {
                $Yen=`date +%Y`;
                if ($year < $Yen) {
                if ($year == $Yen && $day <= $Den) {
            } else {
                if ($year < $Yen ) {
                if ($year == $Yen && $day <= $Den) {
        if ($_ =~ /B053F05/ ) {$UNI=substr($_,51,25);}
        if ($_ =~ /B053F07/ ) {$A0=substr($_,51,25);}
        if ($_ =~ /B053F09/ ) {$NZ=substr($_,51,5);}
        if ($_ =~ /B053F04/ ) {
        if ($_ =~ /B053F14/ ) {
            $fprint = 1;
            if($firis == 2 && $Sn == 1) {
                if($UNI =~ /Displacement/) {$id="0";}
                if($UNI =~ /Velocity/) {$id="1";}
                if($UNI =~ /Acceleration/) {$id="2";}
                print RES "$sname\n";
                print RES " A0 normalization factor: $A0\n";
                print RES " Number of zeroes:            $NZ\n";
                print RES " Number of poles:              $NP\n";
        if ($_ =~ /B053F10-13/ && $firis == 2 && $fprint == 1 && $Sn == 1) {
            $tmp = substr($_,11,70);
            print RES "$tmp\n";
        if ($_ =~ /B053F15-18/ && $firis == 2 && $fprint == 1 && $Sn == 1) {
            $tmp = substr($_,11,70);
            print RES "$tmp\n";
        if ($_ =~ /Sensitivity/ && $_ =~ /B058F04/) {
            if($firis == 2) {
                print RES " Sensitivity:             $SE\n";


#       << IRIS SEED Reader, Release 5.2 >>
#       ======== CHANNEL RESPONSE DATA ========
B050F03     Station:     TIXI
B050F16     Network:     IU
B052F03     Location:    00
B052F04     Channel:     BH1
B052F22     Start date:  2014,264,00:00:00
B052F23     End date:    2599,365,23:59:59
#       =======================================
#       +               +--------------------------------------------+                +
#       +               |   Response (Poles & Zeros),  TIXI ch BH1   |                +
#       +               +--------------------------------------------+                +
B053F03     Transfer function type:                A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)]
B053F04     Stage sequence number:                 1
B053F05     Response in units lookup:              M/S - Velocity in Meters Per Second
B053F06     Response out units lookup:             V - Volts
B053F07     A0 normalization factor:               3948.58
B053F08     Normalization frequency:               0.02
B053F09     Number of zeroes:                      2
B053F14     Number of poles:                       4
#       Complex zeroes:
#         i  real          imag          real_error    imag_error
B053F10-13    0  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
B053F10-13    1  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
#       Complex poles:
#         i  real          imag          real_error    imag_error
B053F15-18    0 -1.234000E-02  1.234000E-02  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
B053F15-18    1 -1.234000E-02 -1.234000E-02  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
B053F15-18    2 -3.918000E+01  4.912000E+01  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
B053F15-18    3 -3.918000E+01 -4.912000E+01  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
#       +                  |       Channel Gain,  TIXI ch BH1      |                  +
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
B058F03     Stage sequence number:                 1
B058F04     Gain:                                  2.276000E+03
B058F05     Frequency of gain:                     5.000000E-02 HZ
B058F06     Number of calibrations:                0
#       +               +-------------------------------------------+                 +
#       +               |   Response (Coefficients),  TIXI ch BH1   |                 +
#       +               +-------------------------------------------+                 +
B054F03     Transfer function type:                D
B054F04     Stage sequence number:                 2
B054F05     Response in units lookup:              V - Volts
B054F06     Response out units lookup:             COUNTS - Digital Counts
B054F07     Number of numerators:                  0
B054F10     Number of denominators:                0
#       +                      +------------------------------+                       +
#       +                      |   Decimation,  TIXI ch BH1   |                       +
#       +                      +------------------------------+                       +
B057F03     Stage sequence number:                 2
B057F04     Input sample rate:                     2.000000E+01
B057F05     Decimation factor:                     1
B057F06     Decimation offset:                     0
B057F07     Estimated delay (seconds):             0.000000E+00
B057F08     Correction applied (seconds):          0.000000E+00
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
#       +                  |       Channel Gain,  TIXI ch BH1      |                  +
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
B058F03     Stage sequence number:                 2
B058F04     Gain:                                  1.677720E+06
B058F05     Frequency of gain:                     0.000000E+00 HZ
B058F06     Number of calibrations:                0
#       +               +-------------------------------------------+                 +
#       +               |   Response (Coefficients),  TIXI ch BH1   |                 +
#       +               +-------------------------------------------+                 +
B054F03     Transfer function type:                D
B054F04     Stage sequence number:                 3
B054F05     Response in units lookup:              COUNTS - Digital Counts
B054F06     Response out units lookup:             COUNTS - Digital Counts
B054F07     Number of numerators:                  67
B054F10     Number of denominators:                0
#       Numerator coefficients:
#         i, coefficient,  error
B054F08-09    0 -3.653420E-17  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    1  3.674880E-08  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    2 -4.270600E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    3  1.145020E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    4 -1.875940E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    5 -3.372740E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    6  2.787470E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    7 -3.744030E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    8  5.411720E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09    9  7.473360E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   10 -5.177590E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   11  2.106770E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   12  4.632580E-05  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   13 -6.082220E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   14  1.441750E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   15 -2.406270E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   16  3.225340E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   17 -3.506390E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   18  2.814410E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   19 -7.719710E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   20 -2.805120E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   21  7.778050E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   22 -1.358150E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   23  1.917650E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   24 -2.297040E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   25  2.403980E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   26 -2.209860E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   27  8.607340E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   28  1.175250E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   29 -4.477870E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   30  9.649230E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   31 -1.917550E-01  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   32  5.276520E-01  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   33  7.241670E-01  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   34 -1.569050E-01  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   35  4.425740E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   36  3.141680E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   37 -2.667140E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   38  3.615320E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   39 -3.856870E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   40  3.108420E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   41 -2.352590E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   42  1.532110E-02  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   43 -7.403980E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   44  1.096450E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   45  3.097970E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   46 -5.193200E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   47  5.561310E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   48 -4.761100E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   49  3.382130E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   50 -1.920520E-03  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   51  7.152180E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   52  7.677190E-05  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   53 -4.518970E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   54  5.027000E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   55 -5.650370E-04  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   56 -5.568000E-05  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   57  1.577360E-05  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   58 -1.419850E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   59  8.149090E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   60  6.807950E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   61 -1.252730E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   62  1.524350E-06  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   63 -2.833360E-07  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   64 -1.063840E-08  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   65  1.257120E-09  0.000000E+00
B054F08-09   66 -5.429540E-11  0.000000E+00
#       +                      +------------------------------+                       +
#       +                      |   Decimation,  TIXI ch BH1   |                       +
#       +                      +------------------------------+                       +
B057F03     Stage sequence number:                 3
B057F04     Input sample rate:                     2.000000E+01
B057F05     Decimation factor:                     1
B057F06     Decimation offset:                     0
B057F07     Estimated delay (seconds):             1.630500E+00
B057F08     Correction applied (seconds):          1.630500E+00
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
#       +                  |       Channel Gain,  TIXI ch BH1      |                  +
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
B058F03     Stage sequence number:                 3
B058F04     Gain:                                  1.000000E+00
B058F05     Frequency of gain:                     0.000000E+00 HZ
B058F06     Number of calibrations:                0
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +
#       +                  |   Channel Sensitivity,  TIXI ch BH1   |                  +
#       +                  +---------------------------------------+                  +


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)





open (IRIS, "<$rname");


$rname= "RESP." . $ev;

但是你不能在任何地方声明变量$ev。所以你的程序正在寻找一个名为RESP.的文件 - 带有一个空的扩展名。我猜这个文件不存在,因此您对open()的调用无声地失败,您的while (<IRIS>)循环永远不会被执行。


  • 当您尝试使用尚未声明的变量时,在代码中添加use strict会引发错误。当然,这也意味着您现在需要声明所有变量。这是一个非常好的主意。
  • 检查您对open()的通话结果总是一个好主意

    open (IRIS, "<$rname")
      or die "Couldn't open $rname: $!";
  • 当您尝试从use warnings读取时,向您的代码添加IRIS会发出警告(因为您正试图从未成功打开的文件句柄中读取) )。


  • 现在,我们使用{arner-version {3}}和词法变量作为文件句柄。

  • 如果您正在阅读文件并撰写另一个文件,那么将其作为&#34; Unix过滤器&#34;进行编写通常是一个好主意。 - 你从STDIN读取并写入STDOUT。这使您的程序更加灵活(可以与其他程序链接在一起),而且实际上更容易编写。

  • open my $iris_fh, '<', $rname or die(...); 通常比chomp()更安全。

  • 请更加注意代码的缩进。缩进应该使代码更容易理解。

  • 如果您与chop()匹配,那么您只需撰写$_而不是/.../

答案 1 :(得分:3)


您必须先将use strictuse warnings 'all'添加到程序的顶部,然后使用my声明所有变量。这将为您提供更好的工作机会