
时间:2013-11-08 11:51:35

标签: android

我正在尝试在Google Map标记之上实现布局,因为我有一个带按钮的自定义信息窗口,但按钮仅适用于最后一个标记,因此我尝试在标记顶部修复布局:

public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements InfoWindowAdapter {

static int Tab_Button_Of_List_And_Map_Is_Checked = 0,
        Setting_Button_Is_Clicked = 0, Marker_Number, Count_Of_Character,

int k;

// static MAdapter Adapter;

static GoogleMap Google_Map;
public static ViewGroup Pop_Up;
View pop_1;
public static Marker Marker;

public static double[] latitude2, longitude2;
public static String Map_Current_city = "Lahore", Marker_title,
        String_Container_Of_Search_Text = "^";
public static TextView[] UnitsTitle, Units;
public static String[] Cities;
LatLng[] newyorker = {};
public static SupportMapFragment supportMapFragment;
public static ViewSwitcher View_Switcher;
public static Button Back_Button, Map_Button, Refresh_Button, List_Button,
        By_Proximity_Button, By_Status_Button, Setting_Button, Mud_Button,
public static TextView Marker_Title;

public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> Array_Sort_Array_List,
        BY_STATUS_Array_List, BY_PROXIMITY_Array_List;

public static ListView List_View;

static OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener Info_Button_Listener;

static Context ctx;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



    // / Layout Initialization ////////////////////////////////////

    Pop_Up = (ViewGroup) this.getLayoutInflater().inflate(
            R.layout.contentwidow, null);

    // ///////// End Of Layout Initialization//////////////////////

    latitude2 = new double[] { 24.983, 25.983, 26.983, 27.983, 28.983,
            29.983, 30.983, 31.983, 32.983, 33.983 };
    longitude2 = new double[] { 67.028, 68.028, 69.983, 71.983, 72.983,
            73.983, 74.983, 75.983, 76.983, 77.983 };

    // //// putting the textviews id for unit in array /// //

    TextView First_First_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Second_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Third_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Fourth_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_First_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Second_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Third_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Fourth_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_First_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Second_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Third_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Fourth_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_First_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Second_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Third_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Fourth_Title = (TextView) Pop_Up

    Units = new TextView[] { First_First_Title, First_Second_Title,
            First_Third_Title, First_Fourth_Title, Second_First_Title,
            Second_Second_Title, Second_Third_Title, Second_Fourth_Title,
            Third_First_Title, Third_Second_Title, Third_Third_Title,
            Third_Fourth_Title, Fourth_First_Title, Fourth_Second_Title,
            Fourth_Third_Title, Fourth_Fourth_Title };

    Cities = new String[] { "Hyderabad", "Karachi", "Islamabad",
            "Faisalabad", "Multan", "RawalPindi", "NawabShah", "Sukkur",
            "Sanghar", "Lahore" };

    // ////// putting the title of units in array //////// //

    TextView First_First_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Second_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Third_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView First_Fourth_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_First_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Second_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Third_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Second_Fourth_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_First_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Second_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Third_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Third_Fourth_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_First_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Second_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Third_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up
    TextView Fourth_Fourth_Unit = (TextView) Pop_Up

    UnitsTitle = new TextView[] { First_First_Unit, First_Second_Unit,
            First_Third_Unit, First_Fourth_Unit, Second_First_Unit,
            Second_Second_Unit, Second_Third_Unit, Second_Fourth_Unit,
            Third_First_Unit, Third_Second_Unit, Third_Third_Unit,
            Third_Fourth_Unit, Fourth_First_Unit, Fourth_Second_Unit,
            Fourth_Third_Unit, Fourth_Fourth_Unit };

    supportMapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

    for (Marker_Number = 0; Marker_Number < 10; Marker_Number++) {

        LatLng NewYorker = new LatLng(latitude2[Marker_Number],

        SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

        Google_Map = mapFragment.getMap();

        Marker = Google_Map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(


        // Google_Map.setInfoWindowAdapter(this);


    Google_Map.setOnMarkerClickListener(new OnMarkerClickListener() {
        int a = 0;
        public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            LinearLayout linear = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.ll1);
            ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.contentwidow,
                    linear, false);

            if (a == 0) {
                Log.d("chal", "gaya");  
                        linear.addView(view, 0);
                Log.d("hello", "world");


            else if(a==1) {


            return true;


public View getInfoContents(Marker arg0) {

    return null;


public View getInfoWindow(final Marker arg0) {

    Pop_Up = (ViewGroup) this.getLayoutInflater().inflate(
            R.layout.contentwidow, null);

    Mud_Button = (Button) Pop_Up.findViewById(R.id.mud_log_button);

    MainActivity.Info_Button_Listener = new OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener(
            Mud_Button, null, null) {
        protected void onClickConfirmed(View v) {
            // if (Setting_Button_Is_Clicked == 0) {

            Log.d("Setting", "Buttonclicked");
                    "setting button" + Marker_Number, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)


    // /////// Starting of Setting button //////////// //

    return Pop_Up;


// //////

public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    boolean ret = false;
    int bottomOffsetPixels = 0;
    // Make sure that the infoWindow is shown and we have all the needed
    // references
    if (Marker != null && Marker.isInfoWindowShown() && Google_Map != null
            && Pop_Up != null) {
        // Get a marker position on the screen
        Point point = Google_Map.getProjection().toScreenLocation(

        // Make a copy of the MotionEvent and adjust it's location
        // so it is relative to the infoWindow left top corner
        MotionEvent copyEv = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
        copyEv.offsetLocation(-point.x + (Pop_Up.getWidth() / 2), -point.y
                + Pop_Up.getHeight() + bottomOffsetPixels);

        // Dispatch the adjusted MotionEvent to the infoWindow
        ret = Pop_Up.dispatchTouchEvent(copyEv);
    // If the infoWindow consumed the touch event, then just return true.
    // Otherwise pass this event to the super class and return it's result
    return ret || super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

其实你这样做的方式不对.. 请使用google map api的这种方法来捕获标记事件而不是dispatchEvent()方法,然后它将起作用: -

googlemap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(new OnInfoWindowClickListener() {
        public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {