//How much pizza each party goer will recieve
const slices = 3; //Number of slices 8
var people = 8; //Number of people 25
var pizzas = 10; //Number of pizzas 10
//pizzas ordered times the number of slices, divided by the number of people & asign slicePerson variable
var slicePerson = (slices * pizzas)/people;
//print out how many pieces per person
console.log("Each person ate" + " " + slicePerson + " " + "slices of pizza at the party.")
//Sparky gets what remainder of pizza
//Slices by pizzas used modulo to give remainder with people
var dogFood = 30 % people;
//print out how many slices sparky got
console.log("Sparky got" + " " + dogFood + " " + "slices of pizza.");
在披萨派对Sparky,主人的狗很兴奋,因为他在客人之间均匀分割切片后得到剩余的披萨。假设客人得到整片,Sparky会吃多少整片? 示例数据集:10个人,4个披萨和每个披萨8个切片意味着每个人吃3片,Sparky得到2片。 (请注意,这是一个示例,无论我为这些给定变量输入什么数字,您的代码都应该可以正常运行并给我准确的结果。) 鉴于: 不要为此创建新的给定变量/常量。而是使用你为Slice of Pie I设置的数量。 结果变量: Sparky可以吃的切片数量。 打印结果: “Sparky得到了X片披萨。”
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var leftovers = (slicesPerPizza * numberOfPizzas) % numberOfGuests;
var slicesPerPerson = (slicesPerPizza * numberOfPizzas - leftovers) / numberOfGuests;