我知道这可能看起来非常具体,但我是PDO数据库连接的新手,我不得不重写这个组件。我使用Php microtime检查我的代码的哪些部分加载缓慢,并缩小到下面的函数(从类文件调用)。你能帮我弄清楚这段代码的低效部分是什么吗?我的其余功能也使用PDO,有些还查看连接表而没有任何性能问题。
public function GetRecentActivity($user = null, $length = 20){
global $pdo;
$user = ((isset($_SESSION['UserID']))?$_SESSION['UserID']:FALSE);
return -1;
$actions = array();
$courses = $pdo->prepare("SELECT courses.courseID, courses.courseName FROM courses INNER JOIN courseRoles on courses.courseID = courseRoles.courseID WHERE courseRoles.userRole != 'Blocked' AND courseRoles.userID = :user");
return -1;
// now we have an array of [courseID, courseName]
//prepare some statements for the big loop
$discs = $pdo->prepare("SELECT dID, dTitle, courseDiscussions.courseDiscussionTime FROM discussions INNER JOIN courseDiscussions on discussions.dID = courseDiscussions.discussionID WHERE courseDiscussions.courseID = :cID");
$last = $pdo->prepare("SELECT logTime from logs WHERE logAction = 'view' AND logUserID = :user AND logPageID = :dID ORDER BY logTime DESC LIMIT 1");
$posts = $pdo->prepare("SELECT postAuthorID, postMessage, postTime, users.firstName, postID, postType FROM posts INNER JOIN users ON posts.postAuthorID = users.userID WHERE postID IN (SELECT logActionID FROM logs INNER JOIN discussionPosts ON discussionPosts.postID = logs.logActionID WHERE logs.logAction = 'addPost' AND logs.logTime > :lastView AND logs.logPageID = :dID)");
while($row = $courses->fetch()){
$cID = $row['courseID'];
return -1;
while($d_row = $discs->fetch()){
$dID = $d_row['dID'];
//find out when the user last visited this disucssion
$lastView = $last->fetch();
$lastView = $lastView['logTime'];
$lastView = $d_row['courseDiscussionTime'];
while($p_row = $posts->fetch()){
$path = "/discussion.php?c=".$cID."&d=".$dID."&p=".$p_row['postID'];
array_push($actions, array("action" => 'post',"actionTime" =>$p_row['postTime'], "actionType" =>$p_row['postType'], "context" =>'discussion', "contextLabel" =>$d_row['dTitle'] ,"contextID" =>$dID, "agentLabel" => $p_row['firstName'], "agentID" =>$p_row['postAuthorID'], "content" =>substr($p_row['postMessage'],0,120), "actionPath" =>$path));
usort($actions, function($a,$b){
return strtotime($b['actionTime']) - strtotime($a['actionTime']);
$actions = array_slice($actions,0,$length);
return $actions;