
时间:2013-11-04 01:03:10

标签: python list loops

我的python hangman游戏遇到了一些麻烦。我认为我的机制大部分都没有下降(不是100%自信),但是当用户输入信件时,我在打印板时遇到了一些问题。它应该找到存储的索引,然后转到该索引并用猜测的字母替换它。目前它并没有取代这封信,当它在一封猜测的信件后重新打印出来时它就会不断增加更多的星星。例如,如果单词长度为6个字母,则打印出6个星。当你猜一封信时,它会重新打印12星级的电路板,依此类推。如何在字母中填写字母并用填写的那个字母打印出相同的字母时,如何取代字母。当游戏结束时,如果他们想要继续播放并循环整个游戏,如何提示他们进入游戏再次?代码如下:

import random

listOfWords = ("hangman", "chairs", "backpack", "bodywash", "clothing", "computer", "python", "program", "glasses", "sweatshirt", "sweatpants", "mattress", "friends", "clocks", "biology", "algebra", "suitcase", "knives", "ninjas", "shampoo")
randomNumber = random.randint(0, len(listOfWords) - 1)
guessWord = listOfWords[randomNumber]
theBoard = []
wrong = []
guessedLetter = int(0)

#Will create the board using a new list and replace them with stars
def makeBoard(word):
    for x in word: #will go through the number of letters in the word that is chosen and for each letter will append a star into theBoard list
    return ''.join(theBoard) #Will print the list without having the [] and the commas

def guessing(letter): #This is for guessing the letters
    win = int(0) #Will be used to see if the user wins
    count = int(0) #Will be used to replace the star with a letter
    if letter.lower() in guessWord: # converts to lowercase and goes through the word 
        guessedLetter = guessWord.index(letter) #create a variable called guessedLetter that will take the index of the letter guessed by the user
        while (count != guessedLetter): #while loop to look for the index of the guessed letter
            count += 1
            if (count == guessedLetter): # will go into the board and replace the desired index with the letter if it matches
                theBoard[count] = letter

    for x in theBoard: # loop to go through theBoard to see if any '*' are there. If none are found it will say you win
        if (x != '*'):
            win += 1
    if (win == len(theBoard)):
        print("You win!")

def main():
   level = input("Enter a difficulty level: ")
   print("The word is: " + makeBoard(guessWord))
   if (level == '1'):
       print("You have selected the easy difficulty.")
       while (len(wrong) != 9):
           userGuess = input("Enter in the letter you want to guess: ")
           if userGuess not in guessWord:
           print("You have " + str(len(wrong)) + " guesses. Guessed letters: " + str(wrong))
           if (len(wrong) == 9):
               level = input("You have lost. If you would like to play again then enter in the difficulty level, or 4 to exit")
               if (level != 4):
                   randomNewNumber = random.randint(0, len(listOfWords) - 1)
                   guessNewWord = listOfWords[randomNewNumber]
               if (level == 4):

   if (level == '2'):
       print("You have selected the medium difficulty.")
       print("The word is: " + makeBoard(guessWord))
       while (len(wrong) != 7):
           userGuess = input("Enter in the letter you want to guess: ")
           if userGuess not in guessWord:
           print("You have " + str(len(wrong)) + " guesses. Guessed letters: " + str(wrong))
   if (level == '3'):
       print("You have selected the hard difficulty.")
       print("The word is: " + makeBoard(guessWord))
       while (len(wrong) != 5):
           userGuess = input("Enter in the letter you want to guess: ")
           if userGuess not in guessWord:
           print("You have " + str(len(wrong)) + " guesses. Guessed letters: " + str(wrong))


编辑:我已经解决了使用正确的字母重新显示的问题,除了第一个。例如,如果单词是python,它就会出现* ython,即使你猜它没有显示。以下是替换代码:

def guessing(letter): #This is for guessing the letters
    win = int(0) #Will be used to see if the user wins
    count = int(0) #Will be used to replace the star with a letter
    guessedLetter = guessWord.index(letter) #create a variable called guessedLetter that will take the index of the letter guessed by the user
    if letter.lower() in guessWord: # converts to lowercase and goes through the word 
        while (count != guessedLetter): #while loop to look for the index of the guessed letter
            count = count + 1
            if (count == guessedLetter): # will go into the board and replace the desired index with the letter if it matches
                theBoard[count] = letter
                print("The word is: " + ''.join(theBoard))

    for x in theBoard: # loop to go through theBoard to see if any '*' are there. If none are found it will say you win
        if (x != '*'):
            win += 1
    if (win == len(theBoard)):
        print("You win!")

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import random
#global vars when starting the game
listOfWords = ["example", "says", "python", "rocks"]
guessWord = random.choice(listOfWords)
board = [" * " for char in guessWord]
alreadySaid = ""

#ready to rock and roll in a single loop
class Hangman():
    def Playing():
        global guessWord, board, alreadySaid
        whatplayersaid = input("Guess a letter: ")
        if whatplayersaid in guessWord:
          board = [char if char == whatplayersaid or char in alreadySaid else " * " for char in guessWord]
          board = "".join(board)
        alreadySaid = alreadySaid + whatplayersaid


:D这就是你想要完成的吗? (抱歉我的英语不好)

EDITTED 您可以将其保存在新的.py文件中,运行它并尝试说猜测,我希望您可以根据您的代码进行调整。

EDITTED x2 现在有一个循环本身,看看是否正常工作

答案 1 :(得分:1)

修改并测试了Saelyth的例子 - 现在它正在起作用游戏:)


import random

class Hangman():

    def Playing(self):
        listOfWords = ["example", "says", "python", "rocks"]

        again = True
        while again:

            guessWord = random.choice(listOfWords)
            board = "*" * len(guessWord)
            alreadySaid = set()
            mistakes = 7

            print(" ".join(board))

            guessed = False
            while not guessed and mistakes > 0:

                whatplayersaid = input("Guess a letter: ")

                if whatplayersaid in guessWord:
                    board = "".join([char if char in alreadySaid else "*" for char in guessWord])
                    if board == guessWord:
                        guessed = True
                    mistakes -= 1
                    print("Nope.", mistakes, "mistakes left.")

                print(" ".join(board))

            again = (input("Again [y/n]: ").lower() == 'y')



答案 2 :(得分:0)



import random

def Playing():
    listOfWords = ["example", "says", "python", "rocks","test", "hangman"]`

     again = True #variable created
     while again: #created a loop

           guessWord = random.choice(listOfWords) #choses a randomly out of the words in the variable listofWords
           board = "-" * len(guessWord) #prints how many letters theirn are in the randomly chosen word in - format
           alreadySaid = set()
           mistakes = 7 # the msitakes start at 7

           print(" ".join(board)) # joining other letters/ replace - wirh the actual letteers

           guessed = False
           while not guessed and mistakes > 0:

               guess = input("Guess a letter: ") #tells you to guess a letter and input it 
               if guess in guessWord: #if the leter you guessed is in the randomly selected word
                   alreadySaid.add(guess) #add it to whats already been said
                   board = "".join([char if char in alreadySaid else "-" for char in guessWord]) # join them
                   if board == guessWord:
                       guessed = True
                   mistakes -= 1 # minuses 1 from the value of mistakes (7) if you get the guess wrong
                   print("Nope.", mistakes, "mistakes left.") # if what you guessed is wrong then print nope and how many mistakes are remaining

               print(" ".join(board))

           print('well done')
           again = (input("Would you like to go again [y/n]: ").lower() == 'y') # asks if you want to go again -- changes it to lower cap

Playing() # displays Playing() whithout you typing in Playing() for it to appear

答案 3 :(得分:0)


import random

def Playing():
    listOfWords = ["example", "says", "python", "rocks","test", "hangman"]

    again = True #variable created
    while again: #created a loop
        guessWord = random.choice(listOfWords) #choses a randomly out of the words in the variable listofWords
        board = "*" * len(guessWord) #prints how many letters theirn are in the randomly chosen word in - format
        alreadySaid = set()
        mistakes = 7 # the msitakes start at 7

        print(" ".join(board)) # joining other letters/ replace - wirh the actual letteers

        guessed = False
        while not guessed and mistakes > 0:

            guess = input("Guess a letter: ") #tells you to guess a letter and input it
            if guess in guessWord: #if the leter you guessed is in the randomly selected word
                alreadySaid.add(guess) #add it to whats already been said
                board = "".join([char if char in alreadySaid else "*" for char in guessWord]) # join them
                if board == guessWord:
                    guessed = True
                mistakes -= 1 # minuses 1 from the value of mistakes (7) if you get the guess wrong
                print("Nope.", mistakes, "mistakes left.") # if what you guessed is wrong then print nope and how many mistakes are remaining

            print(" ".join(board))

        if mistakes == 0:
            print("Sorry! Game over.")
            print('Nice! You win.')

        again = (input("Would you like to go again [y/n]: ").lower() == 'y') # asks if you want to go again -- changes it to lower cap

Playing() # displays Playing() whithout you typing in Playing() for it to appear 

答案 4 :(得分:0)

当找到字母是否在guessWord中时,将行count = count + 1移至while循环的末尾,如下所示:

def guessing(letter): #This is for guessing the letters
win = int(0) #Will be used to see if the user wins
count = int(0) #Will be used to replace the star with a letter
guessedLetter = guessWord.index(letter) #create a variable called guessedLetter that will take the index of the letter guessed by the user
if letter.lower() in guessWord: # converts to lowercase and goes through the word 
    while (count != guessedLetter): #while loop to look for the index of the guessed letter
        if (count == guessedLetter): # will go into the board and replace the desired index with the letter if it matches
            theBoard[count] = letter
            print("The word is: " + ''.join(theBoard))
##Just Here!
        count = count + 1

for x in theBoard: # loop to go through theBoard to see if any '*' are there. If none are found it will say you win
    if (x != '*'):
        win += 1
if (win == len(theBoard)):
    print("You win!")