有人可以帮帮我吗?我有点卡住,不知道为什么我收到此错误消息: 不在范围类型构造函数或类'Point'
中--import Haste hiding (eval)
--import Haste.Graphics.Canvas
import Data.Maybe
import Expr
-- calculates all points of the graph in pixels
points :: Expr -> Double -> (Int,Int) -> [Point]
points exp sca (w,h) = [(x,realToPix(eval exp(pixToReal x))) | x<- [0..w]]
pixToReal :: Int -> Double
pixToReal x = sca*((fromIntegral x)-(fromIntegral w)/2)
realToPix :: Double -> Int
realToPix x = round ((x/sca) + ((fromIntegral w)/2))
-- calculates the lines that are going to be drawn between the points
linez :: Expr -> Double -> (Int,Int) -> [(Point,Point)]
linez exp sca (w,h) = zip (points exp sca (w,h)) (drop 1 (points exp sca (w,h)))
-- width and height of the window
sizeX, sizeY :: Int
sizeX = 300
sizeY = 300
--main :: IO ()
--main = do
--Just can <- getCanvasById "canvas"
--Just canElem <- elemById "canvas"
--Just func <- elemById "formula"
--Just d <- elemById "draw"
--onEvent d OnClick $ \_ (x,y) -> do
--f <- getProp func "value"
--w <- getProp canElem "width"
--h <- getProp canElem "height"
--render can (stroke (path (points (fromJust (readExpr f)) 0.04 (read w,read h))))
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