如何使用Python编写wordcount程序而不使用map reduce

时间:2013-10-30 05:13:00

标签: python mapreduce

其实我是hadoop和python的新手......所以我的疑问是如何在hadoop中运行python脚本.....我还在使用python编写一个wordcount程序。所以我们可以执行这个脚本没有使用地图减少.... 其实我写的代码我可以看到输出如下     黑暗1     天堂2     它3     光4     5岁     6岁     所有7     全部8     当局9     10点之前     11之前     12岁     信念13     最佳14     比较15     学位16     绝望17     直接18     直接19

It is counting number of words in a list..but whati have to achieve is grouping and deleting the duplicates and also count number of times of its occurrences  ..... 

Below is my code . can somebody please tell me where i have done the mistake


import urllib2
import random
from operator import itemgetter

current_word = {}
current_count = 0
story = 'http://sixty-north.com/c/t.txt'
request = urllib2.Request(story)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
each_word = []
words = None
count = 1
same_words ={}
word = []
""" looping the entire file """
for line in response:
    line_words = line.split()
    for word in line_words:  # looping each line and extracting words
        Sort_word = sorted(each_word)
for words in Sort_word:
    same_words = words.lower(),int(count)
    #print same_words
    #print words
    if not words in current_word :
        current_count = current_count +1
        print '%s\t%s' % (words, current_count)
        current_count = 1
        #if Sort_word == words.lower():
            #current_count += count
current_count = count
current_word = word
        #print '2. %s\t%s' % (words, current_count)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.1.2/streaming.html http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/writing-an-hadoop-mapreduce-program-in-python/

您需要使用Mapper - Reducer设计代码,以使Hadoop能够执行您的Python脚本。在开始编写代码之前,请阅读Map-Reduce编程范例。了解MR编程范式以及{Key,value}对在解决问题中的作用非常重要。

#Modified your above code to generate the required output
import urllib2
import random
from operator import itemgetter

current_word = {}
current_count = 0
story = 'http://sixty-north.com/c/t.txt'
request = urllib2.Request(story)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
each_word = []
words = None
count = 1
same_words ={}
word = []
""" looping the entire file """
#Collect All the words into a list
for line in response:
    #print "Line = " , line
    line_words = line.split()
    for word in line_words:  # looping each line and extracting words

#for every word collected, in dict same_words
#if a key exists, such that key == word then increment Mapping Value by 1
# Else add word as new key with mapped value as 1
for words in each_word:
    if words.lower() not in same_words.keys() :

for each in same_words.keys():
    print "word = ",each, ", count = ",same_words[each]