If line == Csetting name="BaseDirectory" serializeAs="String">
Next line = <value>User Input from begining of batch</value>
答案 0 :(得分:6)
,...)但仍然存在无法解决的问题< sup> 1 (例如不匹配的引号)会导致此类尝试失败。然后你仍然无法解析XML,但你宁愿使用原始文本处理,只要使用单引号而不是双引号就可能很容易失败。或者在某个地方抛出额外的空间。或者您要查找的行分为几行。所有有效的XML,但是当没有XML解析器时,解析起来很痛苦。
1 请注意,我可能是高级批处理文件用户/程序员,但绝不具有权威性。也许这很容易实现,而且我看起来太愚蠢了。
答案 1 :(得分:6)
我在StackOverflow上找到了另一个标准批处理脚本,它允许我将文件分成两部分,然后在它们之间插入我想要的代码。现在我唯一的问题(可能是由于懒惰或我缺乏知识/耐心)是我无法摆脱&lt; ,&gt;问题。该脚本一直认为我试图写入一个无效的文件。我尝试了各种方法来使用该角色,但我希望它以变量的形式出现。不用说,我让它工作(甚至)......
<强>的README.txt 强> 问题: 大量文件缺少一个字符串或一段代码,需要进行编辑
解决方案: 这个工具拆分文件并注入一个字符串或一段代码,然后将文件放回另一个位置。
**1 - _README.txt - This file describes how to use the script
**2 - insert.txt - This file contains the text that will be inserted into the file you need edited.
**3 - InsertString.bat - This file contains the actual script that loops to restructure the file. Here you will find all the variables that need to be set to make this work.
**4 - String_Insert_Launcher.bat - This file is what you will launch to run the InsertString.bat file.
编辑String_Insert_Launcher并将此文件放在包含要编辑的文件的目录中。 注意 此文件必须与您要编辑的所有其他文件位于同一文件夹中。 您需要编辑此文件中的变量以匹配文件系统 batchpath
编辑InsertString.bat并将此文件放在您设置上面的batchpath变量的同一目录中 您需要编辑此文件中的变量以匹配您的文件系统 insertpath destpath top_last_line insert_last_line bot_last_line
编辑insert.txt并将此文件放在您设置上面的insertpath的同一目录中 您需要将要插入的字符串放入此文本文档
* insert.txt *
在此文件中,您需要将要插入的文本放入要定位的文件中。使用单独文件的原因是,特殊字符(&gt;,&lt;,/,\,|,^,%等等)不会被视为批处理文件中的参数。 此文件必须与您在InsertString.bat中设置的名为“insertpath”的变量位于同一位置,或者在批处理文件中作为%insertpath%引用。
* InsertString.bat *
在此文件中,您将找到需要为脚本设置的变量。 变量包括:
**1. filelist - This sets the counter for counting how many files were edited *this should not be edited*
**2. insertpath - This sets the path of insert.txt file containing the string you want to insert into the files that will be edited. If this location does not exist it will create it.
**3. destpath - This sets the path for the location of the files after they're edited. If this location does not exist it will create it.
**4. top_last_line - This sets the LAST GOOD LINE of the file that will be edited before the insert.txt is added. In essence this will split the file into 2 parts and add the contents of " insert.txt " into the middle of those 2 parts.
**5. insert_last_line - This sets the number of lines to add to the file from insert.txt (i.e. if insert_last_line=2 then the top two lines will be added after top_last_line)
**6. bot_last_line - This sets the last line of the original file (i.e. if there are 25 lines in the original file bot_last_line should be 25 - always over esitimate this, because if this number is less than the original not all lines will be rewritten to the new file)
* String_Insert_Launcher.bat *
- 这是执行所有工作的实际批处理文件的位置。这个位置只是文件路径,不包括任何文件名。
@ECHO off
TITLE Insert String to XML Script Launch File
set batchfilepath=C:\JHA\Synergy\insertpath
REM This is the location of the actual batch file that does all of the work. This location is JUST the filepath, not including any filenames.
IF NOT exist %batchfilepath% md %batchfilepath%
IF NOT exist %batchfilepath%\InsertString.bat goto pause
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d-h-s') do "%batchfilepath%\InsertString.bat" %%f
REM This command string gets the names of all of the files in the directory it's in and then runs the InsertString.bat file against every file individually.
echo.The file InsertString.bat is not in the correct directory.
echo.Please put this file in the location listed below:
echo.When this file has been added press any key to continue running the script.
goto run
REM Insert String to XML Script
REM Created by Trevor Giannetti
REM An unpublished work
@ECHO off
TITLE Insert String to XML Script
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
REM From Command Line: for /f "delims=" %f in ('dir /b /a-d-h-s') do InsertString.bat %f
REM ---------------------------
REM ---------------------------
set insertpath=C:\JHA\Synergy\insertpath
REM This sets the path of insert.txt file containing the string you want to insert into the files that will be edited. If this location does not exist it will create it.
set destpath=C:\JHA\Synergy\destination
REM This sets the path for the location of the files after they're edited. If this location does not exist it will create it.
set top_last_line=1
REM This sets the LAST GOOD LINE of the file to be edited before the insert.txt is added. In essence this will split the file into 2 parts and add the contents of " insert.txt " into the middle of those 2 parts.
set insert_last_line=1
REM This sets the number of lines to add to the file from insert.txt (i.e. if insert_last_line=2 then the top two lines will be added after top_last_line)
set bot_last_line=25
REM This sets the last line of the original file (i.e. if there are 25 lines in the original file bot_last_line should be 25 - always over esitimate this, because if this number is less than the original not all lines will be rewritten to the new file)
REM ---------------------------
REM ---------------------------
set filelist=0
REM This sets the counter for counting how many files were edited
IF '%1'=='' goto usage
IF NOT exist %insertpath% md %insertpath%
IF NOT exist %destpath% md %destpath%
IF EXIST %destpath%\%1 set done=T
IF EXIST %destpath%\%1 goto exit
IF '%1'=='InsertString.bat' goto exit
IF '%1'=='insert.txt' goto exit
IF '%1'=='Modified_Filelist.txt' goto exit
IF '%1'=='String_Insert_Launcher.bat' goto exit
set /a FirstLineNumber = 1
REM This is the first line in the file that you want edited
set /a LastLineNumber = %top_last_line%
REM This is the last line in the file that you want edited
SET /a counter=1
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
if !counter! GTR !LastLineNumber! goto next
if !counter! GEQ !FirstLineNumber! echo %%a >> %destpath%\%1
set /a counter+=1
goto next
REM echo TEXT TO BE INSERTED >> %destpath%\%1
REM goto bottom_of_file
REM The above can be substituted for the rest of :next if you don't have special characters in the text you need inserted
set /a FirstLineNumber = 1
REM This is the first line in the file with the text you need inserted in the file you want edited
set /a LastLineNumber = %insert_last_line%
REM This is the last line in the file with the text you need inserted in the file you want edited
SET /a counter=1
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%insertpath%\insert.txt) do (
if !counter! GTR !LastLineNumber! goto next
if !counter! GEQ !FirstLineNumber! echo %%a >> %destpath%\%1
set /a counter+=1
REM The %insertpath%\insert.txt is the name of the file with the text you want inserted into the file you want edited
goto bottom_of_file
set /a FirstLineNumber = 1+%top_last_line%
REM This is the first line in the second part of the file with the text you need inserted in the file you want edited
set /a LastLineNumber = %bot_last_line%
REM This is the last line in the second part of the file with the text you need inserted in the file you want edited
REM The above is the split, after the top_of_file. The rest of the contents of the original file will be added after the text you want inserted is appended to the file
SET /a counter=1
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
if !counter! GTR !LastLineNumber! goto exit
if !counter! GEQ !FirstLineNumber! echo %%a >> %destpath%\%1
set /a counter+=1
goto logging
IF NOT EXIST %insertpath%\Modified_Filelist.txt echo Modified File List: > %insertpath%\Modified_Filelist.txt
for /f "tokens=1 delims=[]" %%a in ('find /v /c "" ^< %insertpath%\Modified_Filelist.txt') do (
echo %%a - %1 >> %insertpath%\Modified_Filelist.txt
goto exit
echo Usage: InsertString.bat FILENAME
echo You are missing the file name in your string
IF '%done%'=='T' echo %1 Already exists in folder!
IF '%done%'=='T' echo Not modifying %1
IF '%done%'=='T' echo Moving on to next file...
IF EXIST %destpath%\InsertString.bat del %destpath%\InsertString.bat
IF EXIST %destpath%\insert.txt del %destpath%\insert.txt
REM Insert String to XML Script
REM Created by Trevor Giannetti
REM An unpublished work
然后从我的批处理脚本InsertString.bat你只需要:下一个循环2x(每个文件一个),在它们之间你将放置echo。%userInputFromBeginningofBatch%&gt;&gt; File.xml
答案 2 :(得分:2)
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "greater=>"
set targetLine=Csetting name="BaseDirectory" serializeAs="String"!greater!
echo Enter the new line to insert below target lines:
set /P nextLine=
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
(for /F "delims=" %%a in (document.xml) do (
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !line!
if "!line!" equ "!targetLine!" echo !nextLine!
)) > newDocument.xml
(for /F "delims=" %%a in (document.xml) do (
set "line=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !line!
set lineMatch=1
if "!line:Csetting name=!" equ "!line!" set lineMatch=
if "!line:BaseDirectoy=!" equ "!line!" set lineMatch=
if "!line:serializeAs=!" equ "!line!" set lineMatch=
if defined lineMatch echo !nextLine!
)) > newDocument.xml
答案 3 :(得分:1)
Set objFS=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
strUserValue= WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objFile.ReadLine
If InStr(strLine,"Csetting name") >0 And _
InStr(strLine,"BaseDirectory")> 0 And _
InStr(strLine,"serializeAs=") > 0 Then
strLine=strLine & vbCrLf & "<value>" & strUserValue & "</value>"
End If
WScript.Echo strLine
c:\test> cscript //nologo edit.vbs file "user value"
如果您讨厌使用其他工具(如gawk / sed / Python / Perl或其他xml解析器/编写器),那么vbscript是除了cripple批处理之外的最佳选择。否则,您应该考虑使用这些更好的工具。
答案 4 :(得分:1)
XML不是基于行的,因此假设您可以通过逐行检查来查找文件中的某些内容,这可能容易出现问题,或者依赖于除XML之外的其他假设。 (如果你从某种类型的软件中获取文件,你怎么知道它总是以这种特殊方式产生输出线?)
话虽如此,我会看一下内置JSDB的E4X Javascript。 E4X使得操作XML变得特别简单,只要你能将它全部读入内存即可;它不是基于流的系统。虽然您可以在没有E4X的情况下使用JSDB并使用流处理文件I / O:
var Sin = new Stream('file://c:/tmp/testin.xml');
var Sout = new Stream('file://c:/tmp/testout.xml','w');
while (!Sin.eof)
var Lin = Sin.readLine();
var Lout = some_magic_function(Lin); // do your processing here
Sin.close(); Sout.close();