#version 330
struct Matrix {
mat4 mvp;
mat4 mv;
mat4 view;
mat4 projection;
struct Light {
vec3 position; //Supplied in eye space(camera view )
vec3 color;
vec3 direction;
float intensity;
vec3 ambient;
attribute vec3 inputPosition;
attribute vec3 inputNormal;
attribute vec2 inputTexture;
attribute ivec2 number_influence;
attribute ivec4 boneIDs;
attribute vec4 boneWeights;
// UNIFORM:INPUT Supplied Data from C++ application
uniform Matrix matrix;
uniform Light light;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition; //position of viewer
// Bone deformation matrices
uniform mat4 boneFinalMatrix [30];
uniform mat4 boneInvBindPosition[30];
uniform mat4 boneTranslation [30];
//Output Variables
out vec3 oFragNormal;
out vec2 oTexCoord;
out vec3 oFragPosition;
void main() {
mat3 Normal_Matrix = mat3( transpose(inverse(matrix.view)) );
vec4 INPUT= vec4(inputPosition , 1.0);
vec4 vertex= vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
vec3 normal= vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
int id = 0;
mat4 im;
vec4 O;
float weight;
mat4 locTrans;
mat4 invMatrix;
mat4 transform;
mat4 iBindMatrix;
mat4 FinalTranform;
mat4 Ttrans;
for( int i = 0; i < number_influence.x; i++ ){
id = boneIDs[i];
weight = boneWeights[id];
if(weight <= 0.0) weight = 1.0;
invMatrix = boneInvBindPosition[id];
locTrans = boneTranslation[id];
transform = boneFinalMatrix[id] ;
FinalTranform += transform * weight;
iBindMatrix+= (invMatrix)*weight;
Ttrans += locTrans * weight;
vertex = ( FinalTranform )* ( iBindMatrix * (INPUT )) ;
normal = mat3(FinalTranform) * mat3(iBindMatrix) * inputNormal ;
// output the transformed vertex
gl_Position = matrix.projection * matrix.view * vertex;
oFragPosition = vec3(matrix.view * vertex);
oFragNormal = Normal_Matrix * normal;
//store the texture data
oTexCoord = inputTexture.xy;
#version 330
const vec4 AMBIENT = vec4(0.452, 0.452, 0.479, 1.0); //0.2 for all component is a good dark value
struct Light {
vec3 position;
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 direction;
float specularExponent;
vec3 ambient;
vec3 specular;
//the image
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 materialDiffuse;
uniform vec3 materialSpecular;
uniform Light light[10];
uniform int numberLights;
out vec4 finalOutput;
in vec2 oTexCoord;
in vec3 oFragNormal;
in vec3 oFragPosition;
void main() {
int i=0;
vec3 N = normalize( oFragNormal );
//V = frag to viewier vector
vec3 V = normalize( cameraPosition - oFragPosition );
vec4 texColor = texture2D(textureSampler, oTexCoord);
vec3 mDiffuse = vec3(0.0);
vec3 mSpecular = vec3(0.0);
float N_dot_L = 0.0;
float N_dot_H = 0.0;
vec3 L;
vec3 H;
for( i= 0; i < numberLights; i++){
L = normalize( oFragPosition - light[i].position );
//Diffuse: CmaterialDiffuseColor = max( Normal * LightDir, 0) * CmaterialColor * ClightColor
N_dot_L = max ( dot ( N, L), 0.0 ) ;
mDiffuse += materialDiffuse * light[i].diffuse * N_dot_L ;
//Specular: CmaterialSpecularColor = max(Normal * HalfAngleLightandViewVector, 0) ^ exp * CmaterialColor * ClightColor
H = normalize( (L + V)/2.0 );
N_dot_H = max( dot ( N , H ), 0.0 ) ;
mSpecular += materialSpecular * light[i].specular * vec3(pow(N_dot_H, light[i].specularExponent) );
finalOutput = texColor * vec4(mDiffuse,1.0 ) ;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
#version 330
struct Matrix {
mat4 mvp;
mat4 mv;
mat4 view;
mat4 projection;
struct Light {
vec3 position; //Supplied in eye space(camera view )
vec3 color;
vec3 direction;
float intensity;
vec3 ambient;
attribute vec3 inputPosition;
attribute vec3 inputNormal;
attribute vec2 inputTexture;
attribute ivec2 number_influence;
attribute ivec4 boneIDs;
attribute vec4 boneWeights;
// UNIFORM:INPUT Supplied Data from C++ application
uniform Matrix matrix;
uniform Light light;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition; //position of viewer
// Bone deformation matrices
uniform mat4 boneFinalMatrix [30];
uniform mat4 boneInvBindPosition[30];
uniform mat4 boneTranslation [30];
//Output Variables
out vec3 oFragNormal;
out vec2 oTexCoord;
out vec3 oFragPosition;
void main() {
vec4 vertex= vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
vec3 normal= vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
int id = 0;
mat4 im;
vec4 O;
float weight;
mat4 locTrans;
mat4 invMatrix;
mat4 transform;
mat4 iBindMatrix;
mat4 FinalTranform;
mat4 Ttrans;
for( int i = 0; i < number_influence.x; i++ ){
id = boneIDs[i];
weight = boneWeights[id];
if(weight <= 0.0) weight = 1.0;
invMatrix = boneInvBindPosition[id];
locTrans = boneTranslation[id];
transform = boneFinalMatrix[id] ;
FinalTranform += transform * weight;
iBindMatrix+= (invMatrix)*weight;
Ttrans += locTrans * weight;
mat4 BoneFinal = ( FinalTranform )* ( iBindMatrix );
vertex = BoneFinal * vec4(inputPosition , 1.0) ;
mat3 transInvView = mat3( transpose(inverse(matrix.view )) );
mat3 transInvBone = mat3( transpose ( inverse (BoneFinal)) );
normal = vec3( normalize ( BoneFinal * vec4(inputNormal,0.0) ) );
mat3 Normal_Matrix = mat3( transpose(inverse(matrix.view )) );
// output the transformed vertex
gl_Position = matrix.projection * matrix.view * vertex;
oFragPosition = vec3( vertex);
oFragNormal = normal;
//store the texture data
oTexCoord = inputTexture.xy;
Fragment Shader:
#version 330
const vec4 AMBIENT = vec4(0.452, 0.452, 0.479, 1.0); //0.2 for all component is a good dark value
struct Light {
vec3 position;
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 direction;
float specularExponent;
vec3 ambient;
vec3 specular;
//the image
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform vec3 materialDiffuse;
uniform vec3 materialSpecular;
uniform vec3 materialAmbient;
uniform Light light[10];
uniform int numberLights;
out vec4 finalOutput;
in vec2 oTexCoord;
in vec3 oFragNormal;
in vec3 oFragPosition;
void main() {
int i=0;
vec3 N = normalize( oFragNormal );
//V = frag to viewier vector
vec3 V = normalize( vec3(0.0) - oFragPosition );
vec4 texColor = texture2D(textureSampler, oTexCoord);
vec3 mAmbient = vec3(0.0);
vec3 mDiffuse = vec3(0.0);
vec3 mSpecular = vec3(0.0);
float N_dot_L = 0.0;
float N_dot_H = 0.0;
vec3 L;
vec3 H;
for( i= 0; i < numberLights; i++){
L = normalize( oFragPosition - light[i].position );
mAmbient = materialAmbient * light[i].ambient;
//Diffuse: CmaterialDiffuseColor = max( Normal * LightDir, 0) * CmaterialColor * ClightColor
N_dot_L = max ( dot ( N, L), 0.0 ) ;
mDiffuse += materialDiffuse * light[i].diffuse * N_dot_L ;
//Specular: CmaterialSpecularColor = max(Normal * HalfAngleLightandViewVector, 0) ^ exp * CmaterialColor * ClightColor
H = normalize( (L + V));
N_dot_H = max( dot ( N , H ), 0.0 ) ;
mSpecular += materialSpecular * light[i].specular * vec3(pow(N_dot_H, light[i].specularExponent) );
finalOutput = texColor * (vec4(mDiffuse,1.0 ) + vec4(mAmbient, 1.0) );