
时间:2013-10-08 19:24:38

标签: akka

首先,我不是Akka新手(已经使用了2年多)。我有一个高吞吐量(数百万msg / min /节点)应用程序,可以执行繁重的网络I / O.初始actor(由RandomRouter支持)接收消息并将它们分发给适当的子actor以进行处理:

private val distributionRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new DistributionActor)
  .withRouter(RandomRouter(distrib.distributionActors)), "distributionActor")


akka.actor.mailbox.file-based {
    directory-path = "./.akka_mb"
    max-items = 2147483647

    # attempting to add an item after the queue reaches this size (in bytes) will fail.
    max-size = 2147483647 bytes
    # attempting to add an item larger than this size (in bytes) will fail.
    max-item-size = 2147483647 bytes
    # maximum expiration time for this queue (seconds).
    max-age = 3600s
    # maximum journal size before the journal should be rotated.
    max-journal-size = 16 MiB
    # maximum size of a queue before it drops into read-behind mode.
    max-memory-size = 128 MiB
    # maximum overflow (multiplier) of a journal file before we re-create it.
    max-journal-overflow = 10
    # absolute maximum size of a journal file until we rebuild it, no matter what.
    max-journal-size-absolute = 9223372036854775807 bytes
    # whether to drop older items (instead of newer) when the queue is full
    discard-old-when-full = on
    # whether to keep a journal file at all
    keep-journal = on
    # whether to sync the journal after each transaction
    sync-journal = off
    # circuit breaker configuration
    circuit-breaker {
        # maximum number of failures before opening breaker
        max-failures = 3
        # duration of time beyond which a call is assumed to be timed out and considered a failure
        call-timeout = 3 seconds
        # duration of time to wait until attempting to reset the breaker during which all calls fail-fast
        reset-timeout = 30 seconds

distributor-dispatcher {
    executor = "thread-pool-executor"
    type = Dispatcher
    thread-pool-executor {
        core-pool-size-min = 20
        core-pool-size-max = 20
        max-pool-size-min = 20
    throughput = 100
    mailbox-type = akka.actor.mailbox.FileBasedMailboxType



我在Scala 2.9.2上使用Akka 2.0.4。



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