VB Classic SQL BETWEEN两个日期结果错误

时间:2013-10-01 18:18:53

标签: sql vb6


Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset 
    RS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    RS.Open "SELECT StaffTable.ID, StaffTable.LastName, FirstTable.Description, " & _
            "FirstIssue.DateIssue, FirstIssue.QtyIssue " & _
            "FROM (StaffTable " & _
            "INNER JOIN FirstIssue " & _
            "ON FirstIssue.StaffID = StaffTable.ID) " & _
            "INNER JOIN FirstTable " & _
            "ON FirstTable.ItemNo = FirstIssue.ItemNo " & _
            "WHERE FirstIssue.DateIssue BETWEEN #" & datepicker1 & "# " & _
            "AND #" & datepicker2 & "#;", CN, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
            If Not RS.EOF Then
                With datareport1
                     .DataMember = vbNullString
                     Set .DataSource = RS
                     With .Sections("Section5").Controls
                          .Item("Function1").DataField = RS.Fields(4).Name
                     End With
                     With .Sections("Section1").Controls
                          .Item("Text1").DataField = RS.Fields(0).Name
                          .Item("Text2").DataField = RS.Fields(1).Name
                          .Item("Text3").DataField = RS.Fields(2).Name
                          .Item("Text4").DataField = RS.Fields(3).Name
                          .Item("Text5").DataField = RS.Fields(4).Name
                     End With
                     .Show vbModal
                End With
               MsgBox "No current record to generate on this date(s).", vbInformation, "Information"
                        Exit Sub
           End if

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