
时间:2009-12-12 15:57:44

标签: perl



darren.local           1987    A      Sentence1
darren.local           1996    C      Sentence2
darren.local           1991    E      Sentence3
darren.local           1954    G      Sentence4
darren.local           1998    H      Sentence5


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)




my $format = 'A23 A8 A7 A*';

while( <DATA> ) {
    chomp( my $line = $_ );

    my( $machine, $year, $letter, $sentence ) =
        unpack( $format, $_ );

    # save the original line too, which might be useful later
    push @grades, [ $machine, $year, $letter, $sentence, $_ ];

my @sorted = sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @grades;

foreach my $tuple ( @sorted ) {
    print $tuple->[-1];

# go the other way, especially if you changed things
foreach my $tuple ( @sorted ) {
    print pack( $format, @$tuple[0..3] ), "\n";

darren.local           1987    A      Sentence1
darren.local           1996    C      Sentence2
darren.local           1991    E      Sentence3
darren.local           1954    G      Sentence4
darren.local           1998    H      Sentence5


 my $lines = '...multiline string...';

 open my($fh), '<', \ $lines;

 while( <$fh> ) {
      ... same as before ...

答案 1 :(得分:3)

use strict;
use warnings;

# this puts each line in the array @lines
my @lines = <DATA>; # <DATA> is a special filehandle that treats
                    # everything after __END__ as if it was a file
                    # It's handy for testing things

# Iterate over the array of lines and for each iteration
# put that line into the variable $line
foreach my $line (@lines) {
   # Use split to 'split' each $line with the regular expression /s+/
   # /s+/ means match one or more white spaces.
   # the 4 means that all whitespaces after the 4:th will be ignored
   # as a separator and be included in $col4
   my ($col1, $col2, $col3, $col4) = split(/\s+/, $line, 4);

   # here you can do whatever you need to with the data
   # in the columns. I just print them out
   print "$col1, $col2, $col3, $col4 \n";

darren.local           1987    A      Sentece1
darren.local           1996    C      Sentece2
darren.local           1991    E      Sentece3
darren.local           1954    G      Sentece4
darren.local           1998    H      Sentece5

答案 2 :(得分:2)

假设文本被放入单个变量$ info中,那么您可以使用内部perl split函数将其拆分为单独的行:

my @lines = split("\n", $info); 

其中@lines是你的行数组。 “\ n”是换行符的正则表达式。您可以按如下方式遍历每一行:

foreach (@lines) {
   $line = $_;
   # do something with $line....  

然后你可以在空格上分割每一行(正则表达式\ s +,其中\ s是一个空白字符,而+表示1次或更多次):

@fields = split("\s+", $line);

然后您可以通过其数组索引直接访问每个字段:$ field [0],$ field [1]等。


($var1, $var2, $var3, $var4) = split("\s+", $line);


现在 - 如果你想按第三列中的字符排序你的行,你可以这样做:

my @lines = split("\n", $info); 
my @arr = ();    # declare new array

foreach (@lines) {
   my @fields = split("\s+", $_);
   push(@arr, \@fields)    # add @fields REFERENCE to @arr 


@sorted = sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @arr;


编辑2 要将具有相同第三列的行放入自己的变量中,请执行以下操作:

my %hash = ();             # declare new hash

foreach $line (@arr) {     # loop through lines
  my @fields = @$line;     # deference the field array

  my $el = $fields[2];     # get our key - the character in the third column

  my $val = "";
  if (exists $hash { $el }) {         # check if key already in hash
     my $val = $hash{ $el };        # get the current value for key
     $val = $val . "\n" . $line;    # append new line to hash value         
  } else {
     $val = $line;
  $hash{ $el } = $val;         # put the new value (back) into the hash


答案 3 :(得分:0)


my ($domain, $year, $grade, @text) = split /\s+/, $line;

我使用数组作为句子,因为不清楚末尾的句子是否有空格。然后,您可以根据需要将@text数组加入到新字符串中。如果最后的句子没有空格,那么你可以将@text变成$ text。

答案 4 :(得分:-1)


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DataExtract::FixedWidth;

my @rows = <DATA>;

my $defw = DataExtract::FixedWidth->new({ heuristic => \@rows, header_row => undef });

use Data::Dumper;

print Dumper $defw->parse( $_ ) for @rows;

darren.local           1987    A      Sentence1
darren.local           1996    C      Sentence2
darren.local           1991    E      Sentence3
darren.local           1954    G      Sentence4
darren.local           1998    H      Sentence5
