
时间:2013-09-16 06:25:23

标签: cocos2d-iphone playback microphone recording avaudiosession

我正在使用Cocos2d模板为多个iOS设备开发Talking Tom风格的应用程序。


我正在清除AVAudioSession的audioRecorder,audioPlayer,input& amp;应用程序关闭时,在相关函数中输出fileURL和SimpleAudioEngine。




if(isVideoAnimationPlaying == NO){
    CCLOG(@"In 'update', as Video Animations are NOT playing, listen to Microphone & start the Idle State animations...");
    enable_idle_state = YES;

    // Listen if recording is not playing.
    double peakPowerForChannel = 0;
    if(appDel.isPlaying == NO && appDel.soundPlayer.isPlaying == NO){
        CCLOG(@"---------------------> In 'update', when appDel.isPlaying == NO && appDel.soundPlayer.isPlaying == NO....");

        // Constantly update audio levels picked up by Microphone.
        [appDel.soundRecorder updateMeters];

        // Get values for the audio levels.
        const double alpha = 0.05;
        peakPowerForChannel = pow(10, (0.05 * [appDel.soundRecorder peakPowerForChannel:0]));
        appDel.lowPassResults = alpha * peakPowerForChannel + (1.0 - alpha) * appDel.lowPassResults;

        // Check if audio has been picked up or not.
        low_pass_result_value = 0.500;

        // Check the values with the standard.
        if(appDel.lowPassResults > low_pass_result_value){
            CCLOG(@"---------------------> Microphone has detected voices....hence stop the Idle State animations !!!");

            // Start audio recording.
            [self startRecordingNow];

        } else if(appDel.lowPassResults <= low_pass_result_value) {
            CCLOG(@"---------------------> No voices resume the Idle State animations !!! :(");

            // Stop audio recording.
            [appDel stopRecording:recordLabel];

            // Play the Recording now.
            [appDel playRecording:recordLabel];

            // Enable Idle State animations, only if user is not touching any Body Part button.
            if(/* button.isSelected */)
                CCLOG(@"enable_idle_state = YES");
                enable_idle_state = YES;

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