
时间:2008-10-09 14:25:29

标签: ms-access version-control


我想更改表设计,VBA,查询和表单。如何通过版本控制跟踪我的更改? (我们使用Subversion,但这适用于任何风格)我可以将整个mdb粘贴在subversion中,但这将存储二进制文件,我将无法告诉我只更改了一行VBA代码。 / p>


20 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:172)

我们在VBScript中编写了自己的脚本,它使用Access中未记录的Application.SaveAsText()来导出所有代码,表单,宏和报表模块。在这里,它应该给你一些指示。 (注意:有些消息是德语的,但你可以很容易地改变它。)

编辑: 总结下面的各种评论: 我们的项目采用.adp文件。为了使用.mdb / .accdb工作,您必须将OpenAccessProject()更改为OpenCurrentDatabase()。 (如果它看到.adp扩展名,则更新为使用OpenAccessProject(),否则请使用OpenCurrentDatabase()。)


' Usage:
'  CScript decompose.vbs <input file> <path>

' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to
' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>.  Requires Microsoft Access.

Option Explicit

const acForm = 2
const acModule = 5
const acMacro = 4
const acReport = 3

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

dim sADPFilename
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then
    MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error"
End if
sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0))

Dim sExportpath
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then
    sExportpath = ""
    sExportpath = WScript.Arguments(1)
End If

exportModulesTxt sADPFilename, sExportpath

If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function exportModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sExportpath)
    Dim myComponent
    Dim sModuleType
    Dim sTempname
    Dim sOutstring

    dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename)

    If (sExportpath = "") then
        sExportpath = myPath & "\Source\"
    End If
    sStubADPFilename = sExportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType

    WScript.Echo "copy stub to " & sStubADPFilename & "..."
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error Goto 0
    fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sStubADPFilename

    WScript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    WScript.Echo "opening " & sStubADPFilename & " ..."
    If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then
        oApplication.OpenAccessProject sStubADPFilename
        oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sStubADPFilename
    End If

    oApplication.Visible = false

    dim dctDelete
    Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    WScript.Echo "exporting..."
    Dim myObj
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".form"
        oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.fullname
        dctDelete.Add "FO" & myObj.fullname, acForm
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".bas"
        dctDelete.Add "MO" & myObj.fullname, acModule
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".mac"
        dctDelete.Add "MA" & myObj.fullname, acMacro
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".report"
        dctDelete.Add "RE" & myObj.fullname, acReport

    WScript.Echo "deleting..."
    dim sObjectname
    For Each sObjectname In dctDelete
        WScript.Echo "  " & Mid(sObjectname, 3)
        oApplication.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(sObjectname), Mid(sObjectname, 3)

    oApplication.CompactRepair sStubADPFilename, sStubADPFilename & "_"

    fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename & "_", sStubADPFilename
    fso.DeleteFile sStubADPFilename & "_"

End Function

Public Function getErr()
    Dim strError
    strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
               "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _
               "    Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
               "    Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
    getErr = strError
End Function


cscript decompose.vbs youraccessapplication.adp

默认情况下,所有导出的文件都会进入Access-application的“Scripts”子文件夹。 .adp / mdb文件也会复制到此位置(带有“stub”后缀)并删除所有导出的模块,使其非常小。



当然,还有反向脚本,从“源”构建应用程序 - 目录:


' Usage:
'  WScript compose.vbs <file> <path>

' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros in a directory created by "decompose.vbs"
' and composes then into an Access Project file (.adp). This overwrites any existing Modules with the
' same names without warning!!!
' Requires Microsoft Access.

Option Explicit

const acForm = 2
const acModule = 5
const acMacro = 4
const acReport = 3

Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

dim sADPFilename
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then
    MsgBox "Please enter the file name!", vbExclamation, "Error"
End if
sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0))

Dim sPath
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then
    sPath = ""
    sPath = WScript.Arguments(1)
End If

importModulesTxt sADPFilename, sPath

If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function importModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sImportpath)
    Dim myComponent
    Dim sModuleType
    Dim sTempname
    Dim sOutstring

    ' Build file and pathnames
    dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename)

    ' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory
    If (sImportpath = "") then
        sImportpath = myPath & "\Source\"
    End If
    sStubADPFilename = sImportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType

    ' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub
    if (fso.FileExists(sADPFilename)) Then
        WScript.StdOut.Write sADPFilename & " exists. Overwrite? (y/n) "
        dim sInput
        sInput = WScript.StdIn.Read(1)
        if (sInput <> "y") Then
        end if

        fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sADPFilename & ".bak"
    end if

    fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename, sADPFilename

    ' launch MSAccess
    WScript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    WScript.Echo "opening " & sADPFilename & " ..."
    If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then
        oApplication.OpenAccessProject sADPFilename
        oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sADPFilename
    End If
    oApplication.Visible = false

    Dim folder
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath)

    ' load each file from the import path into the stub
    Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype
    for each myFile in folder.Files
        objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(myFile.Name)
        objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name)
        WScript.Echo "  " & objectname & " (" & objecttype & ")"

        if (objecttype = "form") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "bas") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "mac") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "report") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path
        end if


    oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules
End Function

Public Function getErr()
    Dim strError
    strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
               "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _
               "    Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
               "    Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
    getErr = strError
End Function


cscript compose.vbs youraccessapplication.adp



答案 1 :(得分:19)


msdn的这个link解释了如何为Microsoft Access安装源代码控制外接程序。它作为Access Developer Extensions for Access 2007的一部分免费下载,并作为Access 2003的单独免费插件提供。


我安装了Access 2003的加载项。它只能用于VSS,但它允许我将Access对象(表单,查询,表,模块等)放入存储库。当您编辑回购中的任何项目时,系统会要求您检查它,但您不必这样做。接下来,我将检查它如何处理在没有加载项的系统上打开和更改。我不是VSS的粉丝,但我确实喜欢在存储库中存储访问对象的想法。


我发现运行“压缩和修复”数据库会提示您是否要从源代码管理中删除数据库。我选择了是,并且能够在没有加载项的情况下编辑数据库。上面link中的文章还说明了如何设置Access 2003和2007以使用Team System。如果你能找到一个SVNS的MSSCCI提供者,你很有可能可以使用它。

答案 2 :(得分:14)

Olivers回答了问题,但CurrentProject引用并不适用于我。基于Arvin Meyer的类似解决方案,我最终从他的导出中间剥离了内容并将其替换为内容。如果您使用的是mdb而不是adp,则具有导出查询的优势。

' Writes database componenets to a series of text files
' @author  Arvin Meyer
' @date    June 02, 1999
Function DocDatabase(oApp)
    Dim dbs 
    Dim cnt 
    Dim doc 
    Dim i
    Dim prefix
    Dim dctDelete
    Dim docName

    Const acQuery = 1

    Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Set dbs = oApp.CurrentDb() ' use CurrentDb() to refresh Collections
    Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Forms")
    prefix = oApp.CurrentProject.Path & "\"
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        oApp.SaveAsText acForm, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".frm"
        dctDelete.Add "frm_" & doc.Name, acForm

    Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Reports")
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        oApp.SaveAsText acReport, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".rpt"
        dctDelete.Add "rpt_" & doc.Name, acReport

    Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Scripts")
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        oApp.SaveAsText acMacro, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".vbs"
        dctDelete.Add "vbs_" & doc.Name, acMacro

    Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Modules")
    For Each doc In cnt.Documents
        oApp.SaveAsText acModule, doc.Name, prefix & doc.Name & ".bas"
        dctDelete.Add "bas_" & doc.Name, acModule

    For i = 0 To dbs.QueryDefs.Count - 1
        oApp.SaveAsText acQuery, dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name, prefix & dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name & ".txt"
        dctDelete.Add "qry_" & dbs.QueryDefs(i).Name, acQuery

    WScript.Echo "deleting " & dctDelete.Count & " objects."
    For Each docName In dctDelete
        WScript.Echo "  " & Mid(docName, 5)
        oApp.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(docName), Mid(docName, 5)

    Set doc = Nothing
    Set cnt = Nothing
    Set dbs = Nothing
    Set dctDelete = Nothing

End Function

答案 3 :(得分:12)


  • 文件编码为UCS-2(UTF-16),这可能导致版本控制系统/工具将文件视为二进制文件。
  • 这些文件包含许多经常变化的错误 - 校验和,打印机信息等等。如果您想要干净的差异或需要在项目上合作,这是一个严重的问题。


2015年3月3日更新:该项目最初由bkidwell在Github上维护/拥有,但它是transferred to timabell - 项目上方的链接也相应更新。 bkidwell的原始项目中有一些分叉,例如by ArminBraby matonb,AFAICT不应该被使用。


  • 它明显变慢了。我确定速度问题可以解决,但我不需要将我的项目导出到经常出现的文本......
  • 它不会创建存根Access项目,并删除导出的内容。这也可以修复(通过采用分解脚本中的代码),但同样重要 - 不那么重要。


答案 4 :(得分:11)


  1. 模块:导出为txt文件,然后与“文件比较工具”(免费软件)进行比较
  2. 表单:通过undocument application.saveAsText命令导出。然后可以看到两个不同版本之间的差异(再次“文件比较工具”)。
  3. 宏:我们没有任何宏可供比较,因为我们只有“autoexec”宏,其中一行启动主VBA程序
  4. 查询:只是存储在表格中的文本字符串:请参阅infra
  5. tables:我们编写了自己的表比较器,列出了记录和表结构的差异。
  6. 整个系统足够智能,允许我们生成Access应用程序的“运行时”版本,这些版本是从txt文件(模块和使用undocument application.loadFromText命令重新创建的表单)和mdb文件(表)自动生成的。


答案 5 :(得分:9)

根据这篇文章的想法和一些博客中的类似条目,我编写了一个适用于mdb和adp文件格式的应用程序。它将所有数据库对象(包括表,引用,关系和数据库属性)导入/导出到纯文本文件。 使用这些文件,您可以使用任何源版本控件。下一版本将允许将纯文本文件导回数据库。还有一个命令行工具



答案 6 :(得分:5)

恢复旧线程,但这是一个很好的线程。我为自己的项目实现了两个脚本(compose.vbs / decompose.vbs),并遇到了旧的.mdb文件的问题:


NoSaveCTIWhenDisabled =1


Can't create database


要撰写(比如你的东西位于C:\ SControl中(创建一个名为Source的子文件夹来存储提取的文件):

'(to extract for importing to source control)
cscript compose.vbs database.accdb     

'(to rebuild from extracted files saved from an earlier date)
cscript decompose.vbs database.accdb C:\SControl\Source\


我遇到上述问题的Access版本包括Access 2000-2003“.mdb”数据库,并通过在运行compose / decompose脚本之前将它们保存为2007-2010“.accdb”格式来解决问题。转换后脚本工作正常!

答案 7 :(得分:3)


除了模块,类,表单和宏之外,我还更改了Oliver的脚本对,以便导出/导入关系,表和查询 Everything 保存在纯文本文件中,因此创建的无数据库文件与版本控制中的文本文件一起存储。


' Usage:
'  cscript decompose.vbs <input file> <path>

' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to
' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>.  Requires Microsoft Access.
Option Explicit

Const acForm = 2
Const acModule = 5
Const acMacro = 4
Const acReport = 3
Const acQuery = 1
Const acExportTable = 0

Dim fso, relDoc, ACCDBFilename, sExportpath
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then
    MsgBox "Please provide the .accdb database file", vbExclamation, "Error"
End If
ACCDBFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments(0))

If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1) Then
 sExportpath = ""
 sExportpath = Wscript.Arguments(1)
End If

exportModulesTxt ACCDBFilename, sExportpath

If (Err <> 0) And (Err.Description <> Null) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function exportModulesTxt(ACCDBFilename, sExportpath)
    Dim myComponent, sModuleType, sTempname, sOutstring
    Dim myType, myName, myPath, hasRelations
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(ACCDBFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(ACCDBFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(ACCDBFilename)

    'if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory
    If (sExportpath = "") Then
        sExportpath = myPath & "\Source"
    End If
    'On Error Resume Next
    fso.DeleteFolder (sExportpath)
    fso.CreateFolder (sExportpath)
    On Error GoTo 0

    Wscript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    Wscript.Echo "Opening " & ACCDBFilename & " ..."
    If (Right(ACCDBFilename, 4) = ".adp") Then
     oApplication.OpenAccessProject ACCDBFilename
     oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase ACCDBFilename
    End If
    oApplication.Visible = False

    Wscript.Echo "exporting..."
    Dim myObj
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms
        Wscript.Echo "Exporting FORM " & myObj.FullName
        oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.FullName & ".form.txt"
        oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.FullName
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules
        Wscript.Echo "Exporting MODULE " & myObj.FullName
        oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.FullName & ".module.txt"
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros
        Wscript.Echo "Exporting MACRO " & myObj.FullName
        oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.FullName & ".macro.txt"
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports
        Wscript.Echo "Exporting REPORT " & myObj.FullName
        oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.FullName, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.FullName & ".report.txt"
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs
        Wscript.Echo "Exporting QUERY " & myObj.Name
        oApplication.SaveAsText acQuery, myObj.Name, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.Name & ".query.txt"
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs
     If Not Left(myObj.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then
      Wscript.Echo "Exporting TABLE " & myObj.Name
      oApplication.ExportXml acExportTable, myObj.Name, , sExportpath & "\" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt"
      'put the file path as a second parameter if you want to export the table data as well, instead of ommiting it and passing it into a third parameter for structure only
     End If

    hasRelations = False
    relDoc.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relations")
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations  'loop though all the relations
    If Not Left(myObj.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then
     Dim relName, relAttrib, relTable, relFoTable, fld
     hasRelations = True

     relDoc.ChildNodes(0).appendChild relDoc.createElement("Relation")
     Set relName = relDoc.createElement("Name")
     relName.Text = myObj.Name
     relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relName

     Set relAttrib = relDoc.createElement("Attributes")
     relAttrib.Text = myObj.Attributes
     relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relAttrib

     Set relTable = relDoc.createElement("Table")
     relTable.Text = myObj.Table
     relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relTable

     Set relFoTable = relDoc.createElement("ForeignTable")
     relFoTable.Text = myObj.ForeignTable
     relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relFoTable

     Wscript.Echo "Exporting relation " & myObj.Name & " between tables " & myObj.Table & " -> " & myObj.ForeignTable

     For Each fld In myObj.Fields   'in case the relationship works with more fields
      Dim lf, ff
      relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.appendChild relDoc.createElement("Field")

      Set lf = relDoc.createElement("Name")
      lf.Text = fld.Name
      relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.LastChild.appendChild lf

      Set ff = relDoc.createElement("ForeignName")
      ff.Text = fld.ForeignName
      relDoc.ChildNodes(0).LastChild.LastChild.appendChild ff

      Wscript.Echo "  Involving fields " & fld.Name & " -> " & fld.ForeignName
    End If
    If hasRelations Then
     relDoc.InsertBefore relDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'"), relDoc.ChildNodes(0)
     relDoc.Save sExportpath & "\relations.rel.txt"
     Wscript.Echo "Relations successfuly saved in file relations.rel.txt"
    End If


End Function

您可以通过调用cscript decompose.vbs <path to file to decompose> <folder to store text files>来执行此脚本。如果省略第二个参数,它将创建数据库所在的“Source”文件夹。请注意,如果目标文件夹已存在,则将其擦除。


替换第93行:oApplication.ExportXML acExportTable, myObj.Name, , sExportpath & "\" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt"

oApplication.ExportXML acExportTable, myObj.Name, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.Name & ".table.txt"


' Usage:
'  cscript compose.vbs <file> <path>

' Reads all modules, classes, forms, macros, queries, tables and their relationships in a directory created by "decompose.vbs"
' and composes then into an Access Database file (.accdb).
' Requires Microsoft Access.
Option Explicit

Const acForm = 2
Const acModule = 5
Const acMacro = 4
Const acReport = 3
Const acQuery = 1
Const acStructureOnly = 0   'change 0 to 1 if you want import StructureAndData instead of StructureOnly
Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E

Dim fso, relDoc, ACCDBFilename, sPath
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set relDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then
 MsgBox "Please provide the .accdb database file", vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

ACCDBFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Wscript.Arguments(0))
If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1) Then
 sPath = ""
 sPath = Wscript.Arguments(1)
End If

importModulesTxt ACCDBFilename, sPath

If (Err <> 0) And (Err.Description <> Null) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function importModulesTxt(ACCDBFilename, sImportpath)
    Dim myComponent, sModuleType, sTempname, sOutstring

    ' Build file and pathnames
    Dim myType, myName, myPath
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(ACCDBFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(ACCDBFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(ACCDBFilename)

    ' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory
    If (sImportpath = "") Then
        sImportpath = myPath & "\Source\"
    End If

    ' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub
    If fso.FileExists(ACCDBFilename) Then
     Wscript.StdOut.Write ACCDBFilename & " already exists. Overwrite? (y/n) "
     Dim sInput
     sInput = Wscript.StdIn.Read(1)
     If (sInput <> "y") Then
      If fso.FileExists(ACCDBFilename & ".bak") Then
       fso.DeleteFile (ACCDBFilename & ".bak")
      End If
      fso.MoveFile ACCDBFilename, ACCDBFilename & ".bak"
     End If
    End If

    Wscript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    Wscript.Echo "Opening " & ACCDBFilename
    If (Right(ACCDBFilename, 4) = ".adp") Then
        oApplication.CreateAccessProject ACCDBFilename
        oApplication.NewCurrentDatabase ACCDBFilename
    End If
    oApplication.Visible = False

    Dim folder
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath)

    'load each file from the import path into the stub
    Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype
    For Each myFile In folder.Files
     objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name)  'get rid of .txt extension
     objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(objectname)
     objectname = fso.GetBaseName(objectname)

     Select Case objecttype
      Case "form"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing FORM from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path
      Case "module"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing MODULE from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path
      Case "macro"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing MACRO from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path
      Case "report"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing REPORT from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path
      Case "query"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing QUERY from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.LoadFromText acQuery, objectname, myFile.Path
      Case "table"
       Wscript.Echo "Importing TABLE from file " & myFile.Name
       oApplication.ImportXml myFile.Path, acStructureOnly
      Case "rel"
       Wscript.Echo "Found RELATIONSHIPS file " & myFile.Name & " ... opening, it will be processed after everything else has been imported"
       relDoc.Load (myFile.Path)
     End Select

    If relDoc.readyState Then
     Wscript.Echo "Preparing to build table dependencies..."
     Dim xmlRel, xmlField, accessRel, relTable, relName, relFTable, relAttr, i
     For Each xmlRel In relDoc.SelectNodes("/Relations/Relation")   'loop through every Relation node inside .xml file
      relName = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text
      relTable = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Table").Text
      relFTable = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("ForeignTable").Text
      relAttr = xmlRel.SelectSingleNode("Attributes").Text

      'remove any possible conflicting relations or indexes
      On Error Resume Next
      oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Delete (relName)
      oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs(relTable).Indexes.Delete (relName)
      oApplication.CurrentDb.TableDefs(relFTable).Indexes.Delete (relName)
      On Error GoTo 0

      Wscript.Echo "Creating relation " & relName & " between tables " & relTable & " -> " & relFTable
      Set accessRel = oApplication.CurrentDb.CreateRelation(relName, relTable, relFTable, relAttr)  'create the relationship object

      For Each xmlField In xmlRel.SelectNodes("Field")  'in case the relationship works with more fields
       accessRel.Fields.Append accessRel.CreateField(xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text)
       accessRel.Fields(xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text).ForeignName = xmlField.SelectSingleNode("ForeignName").Text
       Wscript.Echo "  Involving fields " & xmlField.SelectSingleNode("Name").Text & " -> " & xmlField.SelectSingleNode("ForeignName").Text

      oApplication.CurrentDb.Relations.Append accessRel 'append the newly created relationship to the database
      Wscript.Echo "  Relationship added"
    End If

    oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules
End Function

您可以通过调用cscript compose.vbs <path to file which should be created> <folder with text files>来执行此脚本。如果省略第二个参数,它将查看应在其中创建数据库的“Source”文件夹。



将第14行:const acStructureOnly = 0替换为const acStructureOnly = 1。只有在导出的表中包含数据时,这才有效。


  1. 我只使用.accdb文件对此进行了测试,因此其他任何内容都可能存在一些错误。
  2. 不导出设置,我建议创建将在数据库启动时应用设置的宏。
  3. 有时会导出一些以'〜'开头的未知查询。我不知道他们是否有必要。
  4. 在处理此脚本时,我的其他资源之一是this answer,这有助于我弄清楚如何导出关系。

答案 8 :(得分:2)

有一个问题 - VSS 6.0只能在一定数量的对象下使用加载项接受MDB,其中包括所有本地表,查询,模块和表单。不知道确切的对象限制。

要构建我们10年前的prod floor应用程序,这是一个巨大的应用程序,我们不得不将SS中的3个或4个单独的MDB组合到一个MDB中,这使自动构建变得复杂,我们不会浪费时间去做。


答案 9 :(得分:2)

对于那些使用Access 2010的人来说,SaveAsText在Intellisense中不是一个可见的方法,但它似乎是一个有效的方法,因为Arvin Meyer的脚本mentioned earlier对我来说很好。

有趣的是,SaveAsAXL是2010年的新功能,与SaveAsText具有相同的签名,但它似乎只适用于需要SharePoint Server 2010的Web数据库。

答案 10 :(得分:2)


我们的第一个尝试是第三方工具,它提供了用于Subversion的SourceSafe API的代理,以便与MS Access和VB 6一起使用。可以找到工具here

由于我们对该工具不满意,我们切换到Visual SourceSafe和VSS Acces插件。

答案 11 :(得分:1)


总有“Microsoft Office System的Visual Studio [YEAR]工具” (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vs2005/aa718673.aspx)但似乎需要VSS。对我来说,VSS(自动腐败)比我的超级网络共享上的347个保存点更糟糕。

答案 12 :(得分:1)


(请see answer from Oliver了解更多信息/用法)


' Usage:
'  CScript decompose.vbs <input file> <path>

' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access Project file (.adp) <input file> to
' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>.  Requires Microsoft Access.
Option Explicit

const acForm = 2
const acModule = 5
const acMacro = 4
const acReport = 3
const acQuery = 1

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

dim sADPFilename
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then
    MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error"
End if
sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0))

Dim sExportpath
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then
    sExportpath = ""
    sExportpath = WScript.Arguments(1)
End If

exportModulesTxt sADPFilename, sExportpath

If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function exportModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sExportpath)
    Dim myComponent
    Dim sModuleType
    Dim sTempname
    Dim sOutstring

    dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename)

    If (sExportpath = "") then
        sExportpath = myPath & "\Source\"
    End If
    sStubADPFilename = sExportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType

    WScript.Echo "copy stub to " & sStubADPFilename & "..."
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error Goto 0
    fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sStubADPFilename

    WScript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    WScript.Echo "opening " & sStubADPFilename & " ..."
    If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then
        oApplication.OpenAccessProject sStubADPFilename
        oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sStubADPFilename
    End If

    oApplication.Visible = false

    dim dctDelete
    Set dctDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    WScript.Echo "exporting..."
    Dim myObj

    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acForm, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".form"
        oApplication.DoCmd.Close acForm, myObj.fullname
        dctDelete.Add "FO" & myObj.fullname, acForm
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acModule, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".bas"
        dctDelete.Add "MO" & myObj.fullname, acModule
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acMacro, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".mac"
        dctDelete.Add "MA" & myObj.fullname, acMacro
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports
        WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.fullname
        oApplication.SaveAsText acReport, myObj.fullname, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.fullname & ".report"
        dctDelete.Add "RE" & myObj.fullname, acReport
    For Each myObj In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs
        if not left(myObj.name,3) = "~sq" then 'exclude queries defined by the forms. Already included in the form itself
            WScript.Echo "  " & myObj.name
            oApplication.SaveAsText acQuery, myObj.name, sExportpath & "\" & myObj.name & ".query"
            oApplication.DoCmd.Close acQuery, myObj.name
            dctDelete.Add "FO" & myObj.name, acQuery
        end if

    WScript.Echo "deleting..."
    dim sObjectname
    For Each sObjectname In dctDelete
        WScript.Echo "  " & Mid(sObjectname, 3)
        oApplication.DoCmd.DeleteObject dctDelete(sObjectname), Mid(sObjectname, 3)

    oApplication.CompactRepair sStubADPFilename, sStubADPFilename & "_"

    fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename & "_", sStubADPFilename
    fso.DeleteFile sStubADPFilename & "_"

End Function

Public Function getErr()
    Dim strError
    strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
               "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _
               "    Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
               "    Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
    getErr = strError
End Function


' Usage:
'  WScript compose.vbs <file> <path>

' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros in a directory created by "decompose.vbs"
' and composes then into an Access Project file (.adp). This overwrites any existing Modules with the
' same names without warning!!!
' Requires Microsoft Access.

Option Explicit

const acForm = 2
const acModule = 5
const acMacro = 4
const acReport = 3
const acQuery = 1

Const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

dim sADPFilename
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then
    MsgBox "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben!", vbExclamation, "Error"
End if
sADPFilename = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0))

Dim sPath
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 1) then
    sPath = ""
    sPath = WScript.Arguments(1)
End If

importModulesTxt sADPFilename, sPath

If (Err <> 0) and (Err.Description <> NULL) Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
End If

Function importModulesTxt(sADPFilename, sImportpath)
    Dim myComponent
    Dim sModuleType
    Dim sTempname
    Dim sOutstring

    ' Build file and pathnames
    dim myType, myName, myPath, sStubADPFilename
    myType = fso.GetExtensionName(sADPFilename)
    myName = fso.GetBaseName(sADPFilename)
    myPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(sADPFilename)

    ' if no path was given as argument, use a relative directory
    If (sImportpath = "") then
        sImportpath = myPath & "\Source\"
    End If
    sStubADPFilename = sImportpath & myName & "_stub." & myType

    ' check for existing file and ask to overwrite with the stub
    if (fso.FileExists(sADPFilename)) Then
        WScript.StdOut.Write sADPFilename & " existiert bereits. Überschreiben? (j/n) "
        dim sInput
        sInput = WScript.StdIn.Read(1)
        if (sInput <> "j") Then
        end if

        fso.CopyFile sADPFilename, sADPFilename & ".bak"
    end if

    fso.CopyFile sStubADPFilename, sADPFilename

    ' launch MSAccess
    WScript.Echo "starting Access..."
    Dim oApplication
    Set oApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    WScript.Echo "opening " & sADPFilename & " ..."
    If (Right(sStubADPFilename,4) = ".adp") Then
        oApplication.OpenAccessProject sADPFilename
        oApplication.OpenCurrentDatabase sADPFilename
    End If
    oApplication.Visible = false

    Dim folder
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sImportpath)

    ' load each file from the import path into the stub
    Dim myFile, objectname, objecttype
    for each myFile in folder.Files
        objecttype = fso.GetExtensionName(myFile.Name)
        objectname = fso.GetBaseName(myFile.Name)
        WScript.Echo "  " & objectname & " (" & objecttype & ")"

        if (objecttype = "form") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acForm, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "bas") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acModule, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "mac") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acMacro, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "report") then
            oApplication.LoadFromText acReport, objectname, myFile.Path
        elseif (objecttype = "query") then
           oApplication.LoadFromText acQuery, objectname, myFile.Path
        end if


    oApplication.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules
End Function

Public Function getErr()
    Dim strError
    strError = vbCrLf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
               "From " & Err.source & ":" & vbCrLf & _
               "    Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
               "    Code: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
    getErr = strError
End Function

答案 13 :(得分:1)

您还可以将MS Access连接到Team Foundation Server。还有一个免费的Express变种,最多可供5位开发人员使用。工作得很好!


答案 14 :(得分:1)

我正在使用Oasis-Svn http://dev2dev.de/

我可以告诉它至少救了我一次。我的mdb增长超过2 GB并且打破了它。我可以回到旧版本并导入表格,然后失去了一天左右的工作。

答案 15 :(得分:1)

我正在使用Access 2003 Add-in: Source Code Control。它工作正常。一个问题是像“:”这样的无效字符。


答案 16 :(得分:1)




答案 17 :(得分:0)

我尝试通过在访问数据库中为查询添加导出选项来帮助他做出回答。 (在other SO answers

Dim def
Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile(sExportpath & "\" & myName & ".queries.txt")
  For Each def In oApplication.CurrentDb.QueryDefs

    WScript.Echo "  Exporting Queries to Text..."
    stream.WriteLine("Name: " & def.Name)
    stream.writeline "--------------------------"
    stream.writeline " "



注意:我还在 decompose.vbs 中的每个导出文件名中添加了“.txt”,以便源控件立即显示文件差异。


答案 18 :(得分:0)


在某些专业商业软件开发环境中,软件可交付成果的配置管理(CM)通常不在软件应用程序本身或软件项目本身内完成。通过将软件保存在特殊的CM文件夹中,CM被强加到最终可交付产品上,其中文件及其文件夹都标有版本标识。 例如,Clearcase允许数据管理器“签入”软件文件,为其分配“分支”,为其分配“气泡”,并应用“标签”。 当你想要查看和下载文件时,你必须配置你的“配置规范”以指向你想要的版本,然后cd进入文件夹就可以了。


答案 19 :(得分:0)

对于使用Access 97的任何人,我无法获得其他工作的答案。使用Oliver'sDaveParillo's优秀答案的组合并进行一些修改,我能够使脚本与Access 97数据库一起使用。它也更加用户友好,因为它询问放置文件的文件夹。


' Converts all modules, classes, forms and macros from an Access file (.mdb) <input file> to
' text and saves the results in separate files to <path>.  Requires Microsoft Access.
Option Explicit

Const acQuery = 1
Const acForm = 2
Const acModule = 5
Const acMacro = 4
Const acReport = 3
Const acCmdCompactDatabase = 4
Const TemporaryFolder = 2

Dim strMDBFileName : strMDBFileName = SelectDatabaseFile
Dim strExportPath : strExportPath = SelectExportFolder
Dim objProgressWindow
Dim strOverallProgress
CreateProgressWindow objProgressWindow
Dim strTempMDBFileName
CopyToTempDatabase strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress
Dim objAccess
Dim objDatabase
OpenAccessDatabase objAccess, objDatabase, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress
ExportQueries objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress
ExportForms objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress
ExportReports objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress
ExportMacros objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress
ExportModules objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress
DeleteTempDatabase strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress
MsgBox "Successfully exported database."

Private Function SelectDatabaseFile()
    MsgBox "Please select the Access database to export."
    Dim objFileOpen : Set objFileOpen = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen")
    If objFileOpen.OpenFileOpenDlg Then
        SelectDatabaseFile = objFileOpen.FileName
    End If
End Function

Private Function SelectExportFolder()
    Dim objShell : Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    SelectExportFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to export the database to:", 0, "").self.path & "\"
End Function

Private Sub CreateExportFolders(strExportPath)
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    MsgBox "Existing folders from a previous Access export under " & strExportPath & " will be deleted!"
    If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Queries\") Then
        objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Queries", true
    End If
    objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Queries\")
    If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Forms\") Then
        objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Forms", true
    End If
    objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Forms\")
    If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Reports\") Then
        objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Reports", true
    End If
    objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Reports\")
    If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Macros\") Then
        objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Macros", true
    End If
    objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Macros\")
    If objFileSystem.FolderExists(strExportPath & "Modules\") Then
        objFileSystem.DeleteFolder strExportPath & "Modules", true
    End If
    objFileSystem.CreateFolder(strExportPath & "Modules\")
End Sub

Private Sub CreateProgressWindow(objProgressWindow)
    Set objProgressWindow = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application")
    objProgressWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
    objProgressWindow.ToolBar = 0
    objProgressWindow.StatusBar = 0
    objProgressWindow.Width = 320
    objProgressWindow.Height = 240
    objProgressWindow.Visible = 1
    objProgressWindow.Document.Title = "Access export in progress"
End Sub

Private Sub CopyToTempDatabase(strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Copying to temporary database...<br/>"
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    strTempMDBFileName = objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "\" & objFileSystem.GetBaseName(strMDBFileName) & "_temp.mdb"
    objFileSystem.CopyFile strMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName
End Sub

Private Sub OpenAccessDatabase(objAccess, objDatabase, strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Compacting temporary database...<br/>"
    Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    objAccess.Visible = false
    CompactAccessDatabase objAccess, strTempMDBFileName
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Opening temporary database...<br/>"
    objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strTempMDBFileName
    Set objDatabase = objAccess.CurrentDb
End Sub

' Sometimes the Compact Database command errors out, and it's not serious if the database isn't compacted first.
Private Sub CompactAccessDatabase(objAccess, strTempMDBFileName)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    objAccess.DbEngine.CompactDatabase strTempMDBFileName, strTempMDBFileName & "_"
    objFileSystem.CopyFile strTempMDBFileName & "_", strTempMDBFileName
    objFileSystem.DeleteFile strTempMDBFileName & "_"
End Sub

Private Sub ExportQueries(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Queries (Step 1 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter
    For counter = 0 To objDatabase.QueryDefs.Count - 1
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & objDatabase.QueryDefs.Count
        objAccess.SaveAsText acQuery, objDatabase.QueryDefs(counter).Name, strExportPath & "Queries\" & Clean(objDatabase.QueryDefs(counter).Name) & ".sql"
End Sub

Private Sub ExportForms(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Forms (Step 2 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 1
    Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Forms")
    Dim objDocument
    For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count
        counter = counter + 1
        objAccess.SaveAsText acForm, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Forms\" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".form"
        objAccess.DoCmd.Close acForm, objDocument.Name
End Sub

Private Sub ExportReports(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Reports (Step 3 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 1
    Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Reports")
    Dim objDocument
    For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count
        counter = counter + 1
        objAccess.SaveAsText acReport, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Reports\" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".report"
End Sub

Private Sub ExportMacros(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Macros (Step 4 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 1
    Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Scripts")
    Dim objDocument
    For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count
        counter = counter + 1
        objAccess.SaveAsText acMacro, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Macros\" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".macro"
End Sub

Private Sub ExportModules(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strExportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Exporting Modules (Step 5 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 1
    Dim objContainer : Set objContainer = objDatabase.Containers("Modules")
    Dim objDocument
    For Each objDocument In objContainer.Documents
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter & " of " & objContainer.Documents.Count
        counter = counter + 1
        objAccess.SaveAsText acModule, objDocument.Name, strExportPath & "Modules\" & Clean(objDocument.Name) & ".module"
End Sub

Private Sub DeleteTempDatabase(strTempMDBFileName, strOverallProgress)
    On Error Resume Next
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Deleting temporary database...<br/>"
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    objFileSystem.DeleteFile strTempMDBFileName, true
End Sub

' Windows doesn't like certain characters, so we have to filter those out of the name when exporting
Private Function Clean(strInput)
    Dim objRegexp : Set objRegexp = New RegExp
    objRegexp.IgnoreCase = True
    objRegexp.Global = True
    objRegexp.Pattern = "[\\/:*?""<>|]"
    Dim strOutput
    If objRegexp.Test(strInput) Then
        strOutput = objRegexp.Replace(strInput, "")
        MsgBox strInput & " is being exported as " & strOutput
        strOutput = strInput
    End If
    Clean = strOutput
End Function



' Imports all of the queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules from text
' files to an Access file (.mdb).  Requires Microsoft Access.
Option Explicit

const acQuery = 1
const acForm = 2
const acModule = 5
const acMacro = 4
const acReport = 3
const acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = &H7E

Dim strMDBFilename : strMDBFilename = SelectDatabaseFile
CreateBackup strMDBFilename
Dim strImportPath : strImportPath = SelectImportFolder
Dim objAccess
Dim objDatabase
OpenAccessDatabase objAccess, objDatabase, strMDBFilename
Dim objProgressWindow
Dim strOverallProgress
CreateProgressWindow objProgressWindow
ImportQueries objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress
ImportForms objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress
ImportReports objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress
ImportMacros objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress
ImportModules objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress
MsgBox "Successfully imported objects into the database."

Private Function SelectDatabaseFile()
    MsgBox "Please select the Access database to import the objects from.  ALL EXISTING OBJECTS WITH THE SAME NAME WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!"
    Dim objFileOpen : Set objFileOpen = CreateObject( "SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen" )
    If objFileOpen.OpenFileOpenDlg Then
        SelectDatabaseFile = objFileOpen.FileName
    End If
End Function

Private Function SelectImportFolder()
    Dim objShell : Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    SelectImportFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to import the database objects from:", 0, "").self.path & "\"
End Function

Private Sub CreateBackup(strMDBFilename)
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    objFileSystem.CopyFile strMDBFilename, strMDBFilename & ".bak"
End Sub

Private Sub OpenAccessDatabase(objAccess, objDatabase, strMDBFileName)
    Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strMDBFilename
    objAccess.Visible = false
    Set objDatabase = objAccess.CurrentDb
End Sub

Private Sub CreateProgressWindow(ByRef objProgressWindow)
    Set objProgressWindow = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application")
    objProgressWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
    objProgressWindow.ToolBar = 0
    objProgressWindow.StatusBar = 0
    objProgressWindow.Width = 320
    objProgressWindow.Height = 240
    objProgressWindow.Visible = 1
    objProgressWindow.Document.Title = "Access import in progress"
End Sub

Private Sub ImportQueries(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = "Importing Queries (Step 1 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 0
    Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Queries\")
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim file
    Dim strQueryName
    For Each file in folder.Files
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count
        strQueryName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name)
        objAccess.LoadFromText acQuery, strQueryName, file.Path
        counter = counter + 1
End Sub

Private Sub ImportForms(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Forms (Step 2 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 0
    Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Forms\")
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim file
    Dim strFormName
    For Each file in folder.Files
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count
        strFormName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name)
        objAccess.LoadFromText acForm, strFormName, file.Path
        counter = counter + 1
End Sub

Private Sub ImportReports(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Reports (Step 3 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 0
    Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Reports\")
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim file
    Dim strReportName
    For Each file in folder.Files
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count
        strReportName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name)
        objAccess.LoadFromText acReport, strReportName, file.Path
        counter = counter + 1
End Sub

Private Sub ImportMacros(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Macros (Step 4 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 0
    Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Macros\")
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim file
    Dim strMacroName
    For Each file in folder.Files
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count
        strMacroName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name)
        objAccess.LoadFromText acMacro, strMacroName, file.Path
        counter = counter + 1
End Sub

Private Sub ImportModules(objAccess, objDatabase, objProgressWindow, strImportPath, strOverallProgress)
    strOverallProgress = strOverallProgress & "Importing Modules (Step 5 of 5)...<br/>"
    Dim counter : counter = 0
    Dim folder : Set folder = objFileSystem.GetFolder(strImportPath & "Modules\")
    Dim objFileSystem : Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim file
    Dim strModuleName
    For Each file in folder.Files
        objProgressWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOverallProgress & counter + 1 & " of " & folder.Files.Count
        strModuleName = objFileSystem.GetBaseName(file.Name)
        objAccess.LoadFromText acModule, strModuleName, file.Path
        counter = counter + 1

    ' We need to compile the database whenever any module code changes.
    If Not objAccess.IsCompiled Then
        objAccess.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules
    End If
End Sub