加速Haskell PBKDF2算法

时间:2013-09-10 11:44:34

标签: performance haskell pbkdf2

我在Haskell中编写了一个新版本的PBKDF2算法。它几乎通过RFC 6070中列出的所有HMAC-SHA-1测试向量,但效率不高。我该如何改进代码?

当我在测试向量上运行它时,第三种情况(见下文)永远不会完成(我在2010 Macbook Pro上让它运行超过半小时)。

我相信foldl'是我的问题。 foldr表现更好,还是需要使用可变数组?

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{- Copyright 2013, G. Ralph Kuntz, MD. All rights reserved. LGPL License. -}

module Crypto where

import Codec.Utils (Octet)
import qualified Data.Binary as B (encode)
import Data.Bits (xor)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (unpack)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.HMAC (hmac_sha1)
import Text.Bytedump (dumpRaw)

-- Calculate the PBKDF2 as a hexadecimal string
  :: ([Octet] -> [Octet] -> [Octet])  -- pseudo random function (HMAC)
  -> Int  -- hash length in bytes
  -> String  -- password
  -> String  -- salt
  -> Int  -- iterations
  -> Int  -- derived key length in bytes
  -> String
pbkdf2 prf hashLength password salt iterations keyLength =
    passwordOctets = stringToOctets password
    saltOctets = stringToOctets salt
    totalBlocks =
      ceiling $ (fromIntegral keyLength :: Double) / fromIntegral hashLength
    blockIterator message acc =
      foldl' (\(a, m) _ ->
        let !m' = prf passwordOctets m
        in (zipWith xor a m', m')) (acc, message) [1..iterations]
    dumpRaw $ take keyLength $ foldl' (\acc block ->
      acc ++ fst (blockIterator (saltOctets ++ intToOctets block)
                      (replicate hashLength 0))) [] [1..totalBlocks]
    intToOctets :: Int -> [Octet]
    intToOctets i =
      let a = L.unpack . B.encode $ i
      in drop (length a - 4) a

    stringToOctets :: String -> [Octet]
    stringToOctets = L.unpack . C.pack

-- Calculate the PBKDF2 as a hexadecimal string using HMAC and SHA-1
  :: String  -- password
  -> String  -- salt
  -> Int  -- iterations
  -> Int  -- derived key length in bytes
  -> String
pbkdf2HmacSha1 =
  pbkdf2 hmac_sha1 20


   P = "password" (8 octets)
   S = "salt" (4 octets)
   c = 16777216
   dkLen = 20

   DK = ee fe 3d 61 cd 4d a4 e4
        e9 94 5b 3d 6b a2 15 8c
        26 34 e9 84             (20 octets)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


% time Crypto-Main
./Crypto-Main  1027.30s user 15.34s system 100% cpu 17:22.61 total


  -- ...
  blockIterator message acc = foldl' (zipWith' xor) acc ms
    where ms = take iterations . tail $ iterate (prf passwordOctets) message
          zipWith' f as bs = let cs = zipWith f as bs in sum cs `seq` cs
  dumpRaw $ take keyLength $ foldl' (\acc block ->
    acc ++ blockIterator (saltOctets ++ intToOctets block)
                    (replicate hashLength 0)) [] [1..totalBlocks]

请注意我如何强制对每个zipWith xor进行全面评估。为了计算 sum cs进入WHNF,我们必须知道cs中每个元素的确切价值。

这可以防止构建一系列thunk,我认为你现有的代码试图这样做,但是失败了,因为foldl'只会强制累加器进入WHNF。由于您的累加器是一对,因此WHNF只是(_thunk, _another_thunk),因此您的中间thunk不会被强迫。