
时间:2013-08-19 16:28:07

标签: c++ geometry boost-graph boost-geometry

我在游戏设置中有一组用户路径(2 dim),它们被建模为一组线(弧)和航点=顶点。整个路径集可以看作是一个图形,其中边是具有长度,概率等附加属性的线段。



我想过使用boost-graph来处理图形并将其与boost-geometry结合起来。 例如。请参阅在boost-graph中使用捆绑属性的TrajGraph:

struct Tvertex
    float x, y; //vertex=waypoint position

struct Tarc_segment
    float len, curvature, prob; //line segment=edge properties

typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, Tvertex, Tarc_segment> TrajGraph;

现在,为了将线段存储为边缘属性,可以添加boost几何体的model :: linestring,并使用boost-geometry的最近邻居查询来查找线段。但afaik boost-geometry不允许像boost-graph那样将属性附加到线串。那么如何从线串获得边缘?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

当然可以在Boost.Geometry中将属性附加到线串,实际上Boost.Geometry就是为了做这些事情。您可以从boost :: geometry :: model :: linestring派生,或者实现任何其他基于范围的结构(例如std :: vector)并将其注册为线串。请参阅c03示例。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

对于线条,我会使用Hesse Normal Form为每个线段计算距离并选择或丢弃该线条。

Hesse Normal Form

/// Hesse Normal Form
/// \NOTE: Since negative distances from the origin are accepted, it is almost
///        a Hesse Normal Form, only)
template<class ScalarType>
class HesseNormalForm2D
    typedef ScalarType Scalar;
    typedef Normal2D<Scalar> Normal;
    typedef Vector2D<Scalar> Vector;
    typedef Point2D<Scalar> Point;
    typedef Line2D<Scalar> Line;

    /// An invalid line initialized with NaN.
    static HesseNormalForm2D nan() { return HesseNormalForm2D(Normal::nan(), Scalar::nan()); }

    /// An undefined line.
    HesseNormalForm2D() {}

    /// A line defined by a normal and a distance form the origin.
    explicit HesseNormalForm2D(const Normal& n, const Scalar& d)
    :   m_n(n), m_d(d)

    /// The Hesse Normal Form of a line.
    /// ATTENTION The scalar value d of the line may be negative.
    explicit HesseNormalForm2D(const Point& p, const Vector& v) {
        m_n = -orthonormal(v);
        m_d = scalar_product(m_n, Vector(p));

    /// The Hesse Normal Form of a line.
    /// ATTENTION The scalar value d of the line may be negative.
    explicit HesseNormalForm2D(const Point& p0, const Point& p1) {
        m_n = -orthonormal(p1 - p0);
        m_d = scalar_product(m_n, Vector(p0));

    /// The Hesse Normal Form of a line.
    /// ATTENTION The scalar value d of the line may be negative.
    explicit HesseNormalForm2D(const Line&);

    /// The normal.
    const Normal& n() const { return m_n; }
    /// The normal.
    Normal& n() { return m_n; }
    /// The distance from the origin.
    const Scalar& d() const { return m_d; }
    /// The distance from the origin.
    Scalar& d() { return m_d; }

    /// The distance of a point to the line.
    /// \NOTE The point x on the line L with the smallest distance to p is:
    ///       x = p - L(p) * L.n()
    Scalar operator () (const Point& p) const {
        return scalar_product(Vector(p), n()) - d();

    Normal m_n;
    Scalar m_d;
