HTML5画布 - 抗锯齿和油漆桶/洪水填充

时间:2013-08-19 09:31:00

标签: html5 canvas antialiasing flood-fill

在浏览Stack Overflow和Google之后,在我看来,在HTML5画布上绘制线条时无法禁用抗锯齿功能。




  1. 用黑色画一条粗线
  2. 稍后决定该行应为红色
  3. 将填充填充应用于黑线
  4. 我的泛光填充算法用红色填充线条的大部分,但是被抗锯齿的边缘被检测为在应该填充的区域之外...因此保留(灰色留下的灰色/蓝色(?)线)。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)







function myLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
    this.x1 = x1;
    this.y1 = y1;
    this.x2 = x2;
    this.y2 = y2;
    this.color = color;
    return this;


var newLine = new myLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);


/// globally:
var myLineStack = [];

/// after x1/x2/y1/y2 and color is achieved in the draw function:
myLineStack.push(new myLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color));


/// some index to a line you want to change color for:
myLineStack[index].color = newColor;

/// Redraw all (room for optimizations here...)
context.clearRect( ... );

for(var i = 0, currentLine; currentLine = myLineStack[i]; i++) {

    /// new path

    /// set the color for this line
    context.strokeStyle = currentLine.color;

    /// draw the actual line
    context.moveTo(currentLine.x1, currentLine.y1);
    context.lineTo(currentLine.x2, currentLine.y2);



答案 1 :(得分:0)




// posX,posY are the fill start position. The pixel at the location is used to test tolerance.
// RGBA      is the fill colour as an array of 4 bytes all ranged 0-255 for R,G,B,A
// diagonal  if true the also fill into pixels that touch at the corners. 
// imgData   canvas pixel data from ctx.getImageData method
// tolerance Fill tolerance range 0 only allow exact same colour to fill to 255
// fill      all but the extreme opposite.
// antiAlias if true fill edges to reduce anti-Aliasing artifacts.

Bitmaps.prototype.floodFill = function (posX, posY, RGBA, diagonal,imgData,tolerance,antiAlias) {
    var data =; // image data to fill;
    antiAlias = true;
    var stack = [];          // paint stack to find new pixels to paint
    var lookLeft = false;    // test directions
    var lookRight = false;
    var w = imgData.width;   // width and height
    var h = imgData.height;
    var painted = new Uint8ClampedArray(w*h);  // byte array to mark painted area;
    var dw = w*4; // data width.
    var x = posX;   // just short version of pos because I am lazy
    var y = posY;
    var ind = y * dw + x * 4;  // get the starting pixel index
    var sr = data[ind];        // get the start colour tha we will use tollerance against.
    var sg = data[ind+1];
    var sb = data[ind+2];
    var sa = data[ind+3];     
    var sp = 0;
    var dontPaint = false;  // flag to indicate if checkColour can paint

    // function checks a pixel colour passes tollerance, is painted, or out of bounds.
    // if the pixel is over tollerance and not painted set it do reduce anti alising artifacts
    var checkColour = function(x,y){
        if( x<0 || y < 0 || y >=h || x >= w){  // test bounds
            return false;
        var ind = y * dw + x * 4;  // get index of pixel
        var dif = Math.max(        // get the max channel differance;
        if(dif < tolerance){         // if under tollerance pass it
            dif = 0;
        var paint = Math.abs(sp-painted[y * w + x]); // is it already painted
        if(antiAlias && !dontPaint){  // mitigate anti aliasing effect
            // if failed tollerance and has not been painted set the pixel to 
            // reduce anti alising artifact
            if(dif !== 0 && paint !== 255){  
                data[ind] = RGBA[0];
                data[ind+1] = RGBA[1];
                data[ind+2] = RGBA[2];
                data[ind+3] = (RGBA[3]+data[ind+3])/2; // blend the alpha channel
                painted[y * w + x] = 255;  // flag pixel as painted
        return (dif+paint)===0?true:false;  // return tollerance status;
    // set a pixel and flag it as painted;
    var setPixel = function(x,y){
        var ind = y * dw + x * 4;  // get index;
        data[ind] = RGBA[0];       // set RGBA
        data[ind+1] = RGBA[1];
        data[ind+2] = RGBA[2];
        data[ind+3] = RGBA[3];
        painted[y * w + x] = 255;   // 255 or any number >0 will do;

    stack.push([x,y]);  // push the first pixel to paint onto the paint stack

    while (stack.length) {   // do while pixels on the stack
        var pos = stack.pop();  // get the pixel
        x = pos[0];
        y = pos[1];
        dontPaint = true;    // turn off anti alising 
        while (checkColour(x,y-1)) {  // find the bottom most pixel within tolerance;
            y -= 1;
        dontPaint = false;    // turn on anti alising if being used
        //checkTop left and right if alowing diagonal painting
            if(!checkColour(x-1,y) && checkColour(x-1,y-1)){
            if(!checkColour(x+1,y) && checkColour(x+1,y-1)){
        lookLeft = false;  // set look directions
        lookRight = false; // only look is a pixel left or right was blocked
        while (checkColour(x,y)) { // move up till no more room
            setPixel(x,y);         // set the pixel
            if (checkColour(x - 1,y)) {  // check left is blocked
                if (!lookLeft) {        
                    stack.push([x - 1, y]);  // push a new area to fill if found
                    lookLeft = true;
            } else 
            if (lookLeft) {
                lookLeft = false;
            if (checkColour(x+1,y)) {  // check right is blocked
                if (!lookRight) {
                    stack.push([x + 1, y]); // push a new area to fill if found
                    lookRight = true;
            } else 
            if (lookRight) {
                lookRight = false;
            y += 1;                 // move up one pixel
        // check down left 
        if(diagonal){  // check for diagnal areas and push them to be painted 
            if(checkColour(x-1,y) && !lookLeft){
            if(checkColour(x+1,y) && !lookRight){
    // all done


提高图像质量的另一种方法是对要绘制的图像进行超级采样。保持第二个画布,其大小是正在绘制的图像的两倍。完成所有绘制到该图像并将其显示给另一个具有CTX.imageSmoothingEnabledctx.setTransform(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,0)半尺寸的画布的用户,完成后,使用以下代码手动将图像准备好一半(don&#39 ; t依赖于画布imageSmoothingEnabled,因为它弄错了。)


    // ctxS is the source canvas context
    var w = ctxS.canvas.width;
    var h = ctxS.canvas.height;
    var data = ctxS.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
    var d =;
    var x,y;
    var ww = w*4;
    var ww4 = ww+4;
    for(y = 0; y < h; y+=2){
        for(x = 0; x < w; x+=2){
            var id = y*ww+x*4;
            var id1 = Math.floor(y/2)*ww+Math.floor(x/2)*4;
            d[id1] = Math.sqrt((d[id]*d[id]+d[id+4]*d[id+4]+d[id+ww]*d[id+ww]+d[id+ww4]*d[id+ww4])/4);
            id += 1;
            id1 += 1;
            d[id1] = Math.sqrt((d[id]*d[id]+d[id+4]*d[id+4]+d[id+ww]*d[id+ww]+d[id+ww4]*d[id+ww4])/4);
            id += 1;
            id1 += 1;
            d[id1] = Math.sqrt((d[id]*d[id]+d[id+4]*d[id+4]+d[id+ww]*d[id+ww]+d[id+ww4]*d[id+ww4])/4);
            id += 1;
            id1 += 1;
            d[id1] = Math.sqrt((d[id]*d[id]+d[id+4]*d[id+4]+d[id+ww]*d[id+ww]+d[id+ww4]*d[id+ww4])/4);
    ctxS.putImageData(data,0,0); // save imgData
    // grab it again for new image we don't want to add artifacts from the GPU
    var data = ctxS.getImageData(0,0,Math.floor(w/2),Math.floor(h/2));
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    canvas.width = Math.floor(w/2);
    canvas.height =Math.floor(h/2);
    var ctxS = canvas.getContext("2d",{ alpha: true });
    // result canvas with downsampled high quality image.