我需要一些C ++算法的帮助

时间:2013-08-18 20:33:59

标签: c++ algorithm



有两排灯,N< 10000列,如下:






  • 切换一盏灯
  • 切换两盏灯,一个在另一个之上(在同一列中)
  • 在同一行中切换n个连续灯,它可以是整行,也可以只有两个(或者如上所述)



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)





U[i] := i-th light in the upper row.

L[i] := i-th light in the lower row.

A[i][j] := subconfiguration of the input configuration where you have i lamps in the upper row and j lamps in the lower row.






f(i, j) := minimum number of moves to switch all lights off in A[i][j]

您对计算f(n, n)



RU[i] := maximal consecutive run of 1's in the upper row ending in the i-th position.

RL[i] := maximal consecutive run of 1's in the lower row ending in the i-th position.



然后RU[1] = 1RU[3] = 3RU[4] = 0



首先,请注意,如果A[i][j]在上排末尾有k_1个零,而在下排末尾有k_2个零,那么f(i, j) = f(i - k_1, j - k_2)因为最后k_1k_2灯已经关闭。


观察,如果你想计算f(i, j),则有3种情况:

  1. 在一次移动中关闭上排的最大连续1次运行
  2. 在一次移动中关闭下排的最大连续1次1
  3. 如果i = j并且灯U [i]和L [j]打开,那么您可以一次性关闭它们
  4. 当然,基本情况是f(0, 0),它需要0次移动。

    然后为了计算f(i, j)

    if U[i] is switched off: //skip zeros at the end of the upper row
       compute f(i - 1, j)
    else if L[j] is switched off: //skip zeros at the end of the lower row
       compute f(i, j - 1)
       if i == j // U[i] and L[j] are switched on because we skipped zeros at the end
           f(i, j) = min(f(i - RU[i], j), f(i, j - RL[j]), f(i - 1, j - 1)) + 1
           f(i, j) = min(f(i - RU[i], j), f(i, j - RL[j])) + 1


    为了避免在递归调用期间多次计算fi j,只需将已计算的f的结果存储在哈希表中并返回它们在O(1)而不是再次计算。



答案 1 :(得分:3)



// The solver with a single, simple heuristic:
// If there's a hole in a range for row1 where row2 is to have a `1`, we might
// benefit from toggling both rows in advance, because it might result in a
// longer stretch to toggle in the first row
// An obvious improvement would to be to try with rows swapped as well.
// (As a bonus, all solutions are verified)
int solve(std::ostream& os, bitset row1, bitset row2)
    auto candidates = row2 & ~row1;

    int best_count = row1.size() + 1; // or INT_MAX or similar
    bitset best_edits;

    for (auto const& edits : combinations(candidates))
        std::stringstream steps_stream;
        int count = emit_steps(steps_stream, row1, row2, edits);

        assert(verify(steps_stream, row1, row2, false));

        if (count < best_count)
            best_edits = edits;
            best_count = count;

    return emit_steps(os, row1, row2, best_edits);


// test driver reading the target configuration from stdin
// and displaying the 'best found' solution with intermediate steps
int main()
    bitset row1, row2;

    if (std::cin >> row1 >> row2)
        std::stringstream steps;
        int number = solve(steps, row1, row2);

        std::cout << "Best candidate found results in " << number << " steps:\n";
        verify(steps, row1, row2, true);


Best candidate found results in 8 steps:
Start verify
after 'toggle both 2':
  row1: 00000000000000000000000000000100
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000000100
after 'toggle both 4':
  row1: 00000000000000000000000000010100
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000010100
after 'toggle first from 1 through 5':
  row1: 00000000000000000000000000101010
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000010100
after 'toggle first from 9 through 12':
  row1: 00000000000000000001111000101010
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000010100
after 'toggle first from 14 through 15':
  row1: 00000000000000001101111000101010
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000010100
after 'toggle first from 17 through 19':
  row1: 00000000000011101101111000101010
  row2: 00000000000000000000000000010100
after 'toggle second from 11 through 12':
  row1: 00000000000011101101111000101010
  row2: 00000000000000000001100000010100
after 'toggle second from 14 through 18':
  row1: 00000000000011101101111000101010
  row2: 00000000000001111101100000010100

完整的演示程序: Live on Coliru

#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

using bitset = boost::dynamic_bitset<>;

// bitset helpers
int count_ranges(bitset const& bs);
std::vector<bitset> combinations(bitset const& bs);

// generate the steps script
int emit_apply_both (std::ostream& os, bitset const& edits);
int emit_toggles    (std::ostream& os, bitset const& row, std::string const& row_name);
int emit_steps      (std::ostream& os, bitset const& row1, bitset const& row2, bitset const& edits);

// applies a steps script from scratch and verifies the result 
// (optionally tracing all steps along the way)
bool verify(std::istream& is, bitset const& target1, bitset const& target2, bool verbose);

// The solver with a single, simple heuristic:
// If there's a hole in a range for row1 where row2 is to have a `1`, we might
// benefit from toggling both rows in advance, because it might result in a
// longer stretch to toggle in the first row
// An obvious improvement would to be to try with rows swapped as well.
// (As a bonus, all solutions are verified)
int solve(std::ostream& os, bitset row1, bitset row2)
    auto candidates = row2 & ~row1;

    int best_count = row1.size() + 1; // or INT_MAX or similar
    bitset best_edits;

    for (auto const& edits : combinations(candidates))
        std::stringstream steps_stream;
        int count = emit_steps(steps_stream, row1, row2, edits);

        assert(verify(steps_stream, row1, row2, false));

        if (count < best_count)
            best_edits = edits;
            best_count = count;

    return emit_steps(os, row1, row2, best_edits);

// test driver reading the target configuration from stdin
// and displaying the 'best found' solution with intermediate steps
int main()
    bitset row1, row2;

    if (std::cin >> row1 >> row2)
        std::stringstream steps;
        int number = solve(steps, row1, row2);

        std::cout << "Best candidate found results in " << number << " steps:\n";
        verify(steps, row1, row2, true);

/// details, helpers
int count_ranges(bitset const& bs)
    int count = 0;
    for (auto bit=bs.find_first(); bit!=bitset::npos; bit=bs.find_next(bit))
        do ++bit; while (bit<=bs.size() && bs[bit]);
    return count;

std::vector<bitset> combinations(bitset const& bs)
    bitset accum(bs.size());
    std::vector<bitset> result;
    std::function<void(size_t bit)> recurse = [&](size_t bit) mutable 
        if (bit == bitset::npos)
            accum.flip(bit); recurse(bs.find_next(bit));
            accum.flip(bit); recurse(bs.find_next(bit));

    return recurse(bs.find_first()), result;

int emit_toggles(std::ostream& os, bitset const& row, std::string const& row_name)
    int count = 0;
    for (auto start=row.find_first(); start!=bitset::npos; start=row.find_next(start))
        auto end = start;
        do ++end; while (end<row.size() && row[end]);
        if (start+1 == end)
            os << "toggle " << row_name << " " << start << "\n";
            os << "toggle " << row_name << " from " << start << " through " << (end-1) << "\n";
        count += 1;
        start = end;
    return count;

int emit_apply_both(std::ostream& os, bitset const& edits)
    for (auto bit=edits.find_first(); bit!=bitset::npos; bit=edits.find_next(bit))
        os << "toggle both " << bit << "\n";
    return edits.count();

int emit_steps(std::ostream& os, bitset const& row1, bitset const& row2, bitset const& edits)
    auto count = emit_apply_both(os, edits);
    count     += emit_toggles   (os, row1 ^ edits, "first");
    count     += emit_toggles   (os, row2 ^ edits, "second");
    return count;

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
template <typename Lambda> struct WrapAction {
    template <typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
    template <typename... T> void operator()(T&&... t) const { _ll(std::forward<T>(t)...); }

    WrapAction(Lambda&& ll) : _ll(std::forward<Lambda>(ll)) { }
    mutable Lambda _ll;

template <typename Lambda> WrapAction<Lambda> make_action(Lambda&& ll) { return { std::forward<Lambda>(ll) }; }

bool verify(std::istream& is, bitset const& target1, bitset const& target2, bool verbose)
    bitset row1(target1.size()), row2(target2.size());
    if (verbose) std::cout << "Start verify\n";

    auto toggle1 = make_action([&](int i) mutable { row1.flip(i); });
    auto toggle2 = make_action([&](int i) mutable { row2.flip(i); });
    auto both    = make_action([&](int i) mutable { toggle1(i); toggle2(i); });
    auto range1  = make_action([&](int i1, int i2) mutable { while (i2>=i1) toggle1(i2--); });
    auto range2  = make_action([&](int i1, int i2) mutable { while (i2>=i1) toggle2(i2--); });

    // for statement tracing:
    typedef boost::spirit::istream_iterator It;
    auto trace = make_action([&](boost::iterator_range<It> const& raw_iterators) mutable {
                if (verbose) {
                    std::cout << "after '" << std::string(raw_iterators.begin(), raw_iterators.end()) << "':\n";
                    std::cout << "  row1:\t" << row1 << "\n" << "  row2:\t" << row2 << "\n"; 

    using namespace boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
    using phx::bind;
    using phx::construct;

    It f(is), l;
    bool ok = phrase_parse(f, l,
            - raw [  
                lit("toggle") >> ("both" >> int_)                                       [ bind(both, _1)       ]
              | lit("toggle") >> lit("first")  >> ("from" >> int_ >> "through" >> int_) [ bind(range1, _1, _2) ]
              | lit("toggle") >> lit("second") >> ("from" >> int_ >> "through" >> int_) [ bind(range2, _1, _2) ]
              | "toggle"      >> lit("first")  >> (int_)                                [ bind(toggle1,  _1)   ]
              | "toggle"      >> lit("second") >> (int_)                                [ bind(toggle2,  _1)   ]
              | eps(false)
             ] [ bind(trace, _1) ] % eol,

    if (verbose)
        if (ok)     std::cout << "Done\n";
        else        std::cout << "Failed\n";
        if (f != l) std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

    return ok && (f==l) && (row1==target1) && (row2==target2);

答案 2 :(得分:2)


此解决方案使用单次迭代O(n+1)并仅以 7个步骤

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

const string upperInput("11101101111000101010");
const string lowerInput("01111101100000010100");
vector<bool> upper, lower;

void init()
{   // convert string rows to vector<bool> rows
    for_each(upperInput.begin(), upperInput.end(), [&](char e) { upper.push_back(e == '1'); });
    for_each(lowerInput.begin(), lowerInput.end(), [&](char e) { lower.push_back(e == '1'); });
    assert(upper.size() == lower.size());

void dump()
{   // output current content of vector<bool> rows
    for_each(upper.begin(), upper.end(), [] (bool b) { cout << (b ? '1' : '0'); });
    cout << endl;
    for_each(lower.begin(), lower.end(), [] (bool b) { cout << (b ? '1' : '0'); });
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;

// iterate over both rows with callback
typedef function<void (const vector<bool>::iterator& itUpper, const vector<bool>::iterator& itLower)> IteratorCallback;
void iterate(const bool includeEnd, const IteratorCallback callback)
    for (auto itUpper = upper.begin(), itLower = lower.begin(); itUpper != upper.end(); itUpper++, itLower++)
        callback(itUpper, itLower);
    if (includeEnd)
        callback(upper.end(), lower.end());

int main()

    cout << "Initial rows data: " << endl;

    int steps = 0;

    // a state is isolated if the state before and after holds the opposite value or is an isolated 1 at the beginning or end.
    const auto isIsolatedState = [] (const vector<bool>& source, const vector<bool>::iterator& it) {
        return (it != source.begin() && it != source.end() && *(it - 1) != *it && *(it + 1) != *it)
            || (it == source.begin() && *it && !*(it + 1))
            || (it == source.end()   && *it && !*(it - 1));

    // toggle consecutive states in the given range
    const auto toggle = [] (const vector<bool>::iterator& begin, const vector<bool>::iterator& end)
        for (auto it = begin; it != end; it++)
            *it = !*it;

    auto upperBlockStart = upper.front() ? upper.begin() : upper.end();
    auto lowerBlockStart = lower.front() ? lower.begin() : lower.end();
    iterate(true, [&upperBlockStart, &lowerBlockStart, &steps, isIsolatedState, toggle] (const vector<bool>::iterator& itUpper, const vector<bool>::iterator& itLower) {
        // toggle columns if state in both rows is isolated
        if (itUpper != upper.end())
            const int column =  itUpper - upper.begin() + 1;
            if (isIsolatedState(upper, itUpper) && isIsolatedState(lower, itLower))
                cout << "#" << ++steps << ": Toggling column " << column << endl;
                toggle(itUpper, itUpper + 1);
                toggle(itLower, itLower + 1);

        // keep track of blocks with 1's in upper row
        const bool upperState = itUpper != upper.end() ? *itUpper : false;
        if (upperState && upperBlockStart == upper.end())
            upperBlockStart = itUpper; // start of block of 1's in upper row
        if (!upperState && upperBlockStart != upper.end())
        {   // end of block of 1's in upper row
            const int count = itUpper - upperBlockStart;
            const int column = upperBlockStart - upper.begin() + 1;
            cout << "#" << ++steps << ": Toggling " << count << " lamp(s) in upper row starting from column " << column << endl;
            toggle(upperBlockStart, itUpper);
            upperBlockStart = upper.end();

        // keep track of blocks with 1's in lower row
        const bool lowerState = itLower != lower.end() ? *itLower : false;
        if (lowerState && *itLower && lowerBlockStart == lower.end())
            lowerBlockStart = itLower; // start of block of 1's in lower row
        if (!lowerState && lowerBlockStart != lower.end())
        {   // end of block of 1's in lower row
            const int count = itLower - lowerBlockStart;
            const int column = lowerBlockStart - lower.begin() + 1;
            cout << "#" << ++steps << ": Toggling " << count << " lamp(s) in lower row starting from column " << column << endl;
            toggle(lowerBlockStart, itLower);
            lowerBlockStart = lower.end();

    cout << "Solved in " << steps << " step(s)" << endl;

    return 0;

See it working on coliru

答案 3 :(得分:1)

这是我的解决方案。 O(N)时间,单程。 (如果您将输入格式更改为一次接受一列,则甚至可以适应O(1)存储。)添加注释并证明它是正确的是读者练习。

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

int main()
    std::array<std::vector<bool>, 2> lamps;
    auto row_iter = lamps.begin();
    char c;
    while (std::cin.get(c) && row_iter != lamps.end()) {
        switch (c){
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '\n':
            std::cerr << "Unexpected input char "
                      << static_cast<int>(c) << std::endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::vector<bool>& row1 = lamps[0];
    std::vector<bool>& row2 = lamps[1];
    if (row1.size() != row2.size()) {
        std::cerr << "Rows must be the same length" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    unsigned int col_flips = 0;
    unsigned int changes = 0;
    bool prev1 = false, prev2 = false, both_changed = false;
    for (auto iter1=row1.cbegin(), iter2=row2.cbegin();
         iter1 != row1.cend() && iter2 != row2.cend();
         ++iter1, ++iter2) {
        unsigned int col_changes = (*iter1 != prev1);
        col_changes += (*iter2 != prev2);
        if (col_changes == 2) {
            if (both_changed) {
                changes -= 2;
                both_changed = false;
            } else {
                changes += col_changes;
                both_changed = true;
        } else {
            changes += col_changes;
            both_changed = false;
        prev1 = *iter1;
        prev2 = *iter2;

    std::cout << col_flips + changes/2 << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Live on coliru