我有一系列实现接口的类。我想创建一个第三类(也实现接口),它将两个类的方法组合成一个,再加上一些管理代码。 换句话说。
public interface ITestClass
string NamePlusLastName(string name);
int AgePlus20(int age);
DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age);
public class TestClassPeter : ITestClass
public string NamePlusLastName(string name)
return string.Concat(name, " ", "Mc.Cormick");
public int AgePlus20(int age)
return age + 40;
public DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age)
return DateTime.Now;
public class TestClassCharles : ITestClass
public string NamePlusLastName(string name)
return string.Concat(name, " ", "Gonzales");
public int AgePlus20(int age)
return age + 20;
public DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age)
return DateTime.Now ;
public class TestBoth
ITestClass peter;
ITestClass charles;
ITestClass combinedClass;
public TestBoth()
// instantiate classes to be combined.
peter = new TestClassPeter();
charles = new TestClassCharles();
// BEG
// Add here code that will automatically combine methods of both classes into one.
// ......
// END
// expose as property
public ITestClass CombinedClass
return combinedClass;
TestBoth classBuilder = new TestBoth();
ITestClass combinedClass = classBuilder.combinedClass;
// call a method
string fullName = combinedClass.NamePlusLastName("William");
string firstValue = peter.NamePlusLastName("William");
// some code here
string secondValue = charles.NamePlusLastName("William");
// some more code here
return finalValue;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
只需定义一个调用两个实现的第三个类,以某种方式组合它们的值并返回该结果,实现接口本身。我认为不需要 TestBoth ,除非你想动态构建代码,这是一种完全不同的方式,而且更加困难。我会做这样的事情:
public class TestClassPeterAndCharles : ITestClass
private readonly ITestClass peter;
private readonly ITestClass charles;
public TestClassPeterAndCharles()
// Create helper objects from base implementation
// Alternatively, take them as constructor parameters
this.peter = new TestClassPeter();
this.charles = new TestClassCharles();
public string NamePlusLastName(string name)
// Get the result from each class and operate on them
string namePeter = this.peter.NamePlusLastName(name);
string nameCharles = this.charles.NamePlusLastName(name);
return namePeter + nameCharles;
public int AgePlus20(int age)
int agePeter = this.peter.AgePlus20(age);
int ageCharles = this.charles.AgePlus20(age);
return agePeter + ageCharles;
public DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age)
DateTime yearPeter = this.peter.YearYouWillDie(age);
DateTime yearCharles = this.charles.YearYouWillDie(age);
return yearPeter + yearCharles;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
好的,经过一些研究和测试后,我认为我找到了一个可行的解决方案。它需要使用Unity Intercept和一些反射。
public enum PersonChoice : byte
Peter = 1,
Charles = 2,
Both = 3
public class TestClassPeter : ITestClass
private PersonChoice personChoice;
// Default Constructor
public TestClassPeter()
// Constructor where global personChoice is stored
public TestClassPeter(PersonChoice personChoice)
this.personChoice = personChoice;
public string NamePlusLastName(string name)
return string.Concat(name, " ", "Mc.Cormick");
public int AgePlus20(int age)
return age + 40;
public DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age)
return DateTime.Now;
public PersonChoice PersonChoice
get{return personChoice;}
public class TestClassCharles : ITestClass
public TestClassCharles()
public class ChoosePersonAttribute : HandlerAttribute
public override ICallHandler CreateHandler(IUnityContainer container)
return new PersonChoiceHandler();
public interface ITestClass
string NamePlusLastName(string name);
int AgePlus20(int age);
DateTime YearYouWillDie(int age);
接下来,我定义了一个类,它将为我提供一个准备被拦截的对象实例。 (注意容器有PersonChoice作为构造函数的参数)
public static class Arbitrator
public static ITestClass getInstance(PersonChoice personChoice)
// Initialize container
IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
// Associate Interface with object to be intercepted
unityContainer.RegisterType<ITestClass, TestClassPeter>(new InjectionConstructor(personChoice));
.SetInterceptorFor<ITestClass>(new InterfaceInterceptor());
// return instance
return unityContainer.Resolve<ITestClass>();
public class TestFacade
private ITestClass testClass;
public TestFacade(PersonChoice personChoice)
// Get Instance of primary object
ITestClass combinedClass = Arbitrator.getInstance(personChoice);
testClass = combinedClass;
// expose property
public ITestClass ITester
return testClass;
public class PersonChoiceHandler : ICallHandler
private WriteOption writeOption;
private PersonChoice personChoice;
public PersonChoiceHandler(WriteOption writeOption)
this.writeOption = writeOption;
public PersonChoiceHandler()
this.writeOption = WriteOption.Both;
public IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input, GetNextHandlerDelegate getNext)
// Get personChoice value from object property.
personChoice = (PersonChoice)Enum.Parse(typeof(PersonChoice), input.Target.GetType().GetProperty("PersonChoice").GetValue(input.Target, null).ToString());
// Get Method Name and parameters
string methodName = input.MethodBase.Name;
object[] methodArgs = new object[input.Inputs.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < input.Inputs.Count; i++)
methodArgs[i] = input.Inputs[i];
Type firstPersonType = null;
Type secondPersonType = null;
object firstPersonObject;
object secondPersonObject;
// based on personChoice value, instantiate appropriate class and execute the appropriate method .
switch (personChoice)
case PersonChoice.Peter:
firstPersonType = typeof(TestClassPeter);
case PersonChoice.Charles:
firstPersonType = typeof(TestClassCharles);
case PersonChoice.Both:
firstPersonType = typeof(TestClassPeter);
secondPersonType = typeof(TestClassCharles);
// object is instantiated with default constructor. No need to specify PersonChoice property.
firstPersonObject = Activator.CreateInstance(firstPersonType);
if (personChoice == PersonChoice.Both)
secondPersonObject = Activator.CreateInstance(secondPersonType);
secondPersonObject = null; ;
// decide method invocation based on PersonChoice
object firstReturnValue;
object secondReturnValue;
switch (personChoice)
// Call Peter's or Charles' methods
case PersonChoice.Peter : case PersonChoice.Charles:
firstReturnValue = firstPersonType.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, firstPersonObject, methodArgs);
// Call Method on Both Peter and Charles and combine results
case PersonChoice.Both :
firstReturnValue = firstPersonType.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, firstPersonObject, methodArgs);
secondReturnValue = secondPersonType.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, secondPersonObject, methodArgs);
// build return value. Done here checking method name as an example.
if (methodName == "NamePlusLastName")
string returnValue = (string)firstReturnValue;
firstReturnValue = returnValue + (string)secondReturnValue;
int returnValue = (int)firstReturnValue;
firstReturnValue = returnValue + (int)secondReturnValue;
firstReturnValue = firstPersonType.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, firstPersonObject, methodArgs);
// Override initial method execution
IMethodReturn methodReturn = new VirtualMethodReturn(input, null);
// this down here would have called the original method.
//var methodReturn = getNext().Invoke(input, getNext);
// Set the return value
methodReturn.ReturnValue = firstReturnValue;
return methodReturn;
public int Order { get; set; }
class TestClass
static void Main()
// instantiate my facades
TestFacade peterFacade = new TestFacade(PersonChoice.Peter);
TestFacade charlesFacade = new TestFacade(PersonChoice.Charles);
TestFacade bothFacade = new TestFacade(PersonChoice.Both);
// run some methods:
// Peter
string name = "Peter";
int age = 15;
writeProperties(peterFacade, name, age);
// Charles
name = "Charles";
age = 20;
writeProperties(charlesFacade, name, age);
// Both
name = "Bothergate";
age = 234;
writeProperties(bothFacade, name, age);
// wait for user input.
static void writeProperties(TestFacade facade, string name, int age)
Console.WriteLine("Person name: {0} Last Name: {1} Age : {2} ", name, facade.ITester.NamePlusLastName(name), facade.ITester.AgePlus20(age));
姓名:Peter姓:Peter Mc.Cormick年龄:55
姓名:Charles姓:Charles Gonzales年龄:40
姓名:Bothergate姓:Bothergate Mc.CormickBothergate Gonzales年龄:528