将List <derivedclass>转换为List <baseclass> </baseclass> </derivedclass>

时间:2009-11-30 00:31:22

标签: c# list inheritance collections covariance

虽然我们可以从基类/接口继承,但为什么我们不能声明List<> 使用相同的类/接口?

interface A
{ }

class B : A
{ }

class C : B
{ }

class Test
    static void Main(string[] args)
        A a = new C(); // OK
        List<A> listOfA = new List<C>(); // compiler Error


12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:204)


List<A> listOfA = new List<C>().ConvertAll(x => (A)x);


List<A> listOfA = new List<C>().Cast<A>().ToList();

答案 1 :(得分:150)






这种转换称为“协变”转换。在C#4中,我们将允许您在接口上进行协变转换,并在知道转换始终是安全的时委托。有关详细信息,请参阅我关于协方差和逆变的博客文章。 (本周一和周四的这个主题将会有一个新的。)

答案 2 :(得分:50)



会发生什么?你想要长颈鹿的名单包含一只老虎吗?你想要崩溃吗?或者您是否希望编译器通过首先使分配非法来保护您免受崩溃?   我们选择后者。




class Test
    static void Main(string[] args)
        A a = new C(); // OK
        IList<A> listOfA = new List<C>().CastList<C,A>(); // now ok!


public class CastedList<TTo, TFrom> : IList<TTo>
    public IList<TFrom> BaseList;

    public CastedList(IList<TFrom> baseList)
        BaseList = baseList;

    // IEnumerable
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return BaseList.GetEnumerator(); }

    // IEnumerable<>
    public IEnumerator<TTo> GetEnumerator() { return new CastedEnumerator<TTo, TFrom>(BaseList.GetEnumerator()); }

    // ICollection
    public int Count { get { return BaseList.Count; } }
    public bool IsReadOnly { get { return BaseList.IsReadOnly; } }
    public void Add(TTo item) { BaseList.Add((TFrom)(object)item); }
    public void Clear() { BaseList.Clear(); }
    public bool Contains(TTo item) { return BaseList.Contains((TFrom)(object)item); }
    public void CopyTo(TTo[] array, int arrayIndex) { BaseList.CopyTo((TFrom[])(object)array, arrayIndex); }
    public bool Remove(TTo item) { return BaseList.Remove((TFrom)(object)item); }

    // IList
    public TTo this[int index]
        get { return (TTo)(object)BaseList[index]; }
        set { BaseList[index] = (TFrom)(object)value; }

    public int IndexOf(TTo item) { return BaseList.IndexOf((TFrom)(object)item); }
    public void Insert(int index, TTo item) { BaseList.Insert(index, (TFrom)(object)item); }
    public void RemoveAt(int index) { BaseList.RemoveAt(index); }

public class CastedEnumerator<TTo, TFrom> : IEnumerator<TTo>
    public IEnumerator<TFrom> BaseEnumerator;

    public CastedEnumerator(IEnumerator<TFrom> baseEnumerator)
        BaseEnumerator = baseEnumerator;

    // IDisposable
    public void Dispose() { BaseEnumerator.Dispose(); }

    // IEnumerator
    object IEnumerator.Current { get { return BaseEnumerator.Current; } }
    public bool MoveNext() { return BaseEnumerator.MoveNext(); }
    public void Reset() { BaseEnumerator.Reset(); }

    // IEnumerator<>
    public TTo Current { get { return (TTo)(object)BaseEnumerator.Current; } }

public static class ListExtensions
    public static IList<TTo> CastList<TFrom, TTo>(this IList<TFrom> list)
        return new CastedList<TTo, TFrom>(list);

答案 3 :(得分:24)

至于为什么它不起作用,理解covariance and contravariance可能会有所帮助。


void DoesThisWork()
     List<C> DerivedList = new List<C>();
     List<A> BaseList = DerivedList;
     BaseList.Add(new B());

     C FirstItem = DerivedList.First();



void ThisWorks<T>(List<T> GenericList) where T:A


void Test()
     ThisWorks(new List<B>());
     ThisWorks(new List<C>());

答案 4 :(得分:22)


而不是 -

List<A> listOfA = new List<C>(); // compiler Error

在问题的原始代码中,使用 -

IEnumerable<A> listOfA = new List<C>(); // compiler error - no more! :)

答案 5 :(得分:13)


IEnumerable<A> enumOfA = new List<C>();//This works
IReadOnlyCollection<A> ro_colOfA = new List<C>();//This works
IReadOnlyList<A> ro_listOfA = new List<C>();//This works


List<string> listString=new List<string>();
List<object> listObject=(List<object>)listString;//Assume that this is possible
listObject.Add(new object());

现在怎么办?请记住,listObject和listString实际上是相同的列表,因此listString现在具有对象元素 - 它应该是不可能的,而不是。

答案 6 :(得分:1)


public static List<TTo> Cast<TFrom, TTo>(List<TFrom> fromlist)
  where TFrom : class 
  where TTo : class
  return fromlist.ConvertAll(x => x as TTo);

答案 7 :(得分:0)

因为C#不允许这种类型的继承转换at the moment

答案 8 :(得分:0)


在我的情况下,我有一个NodeBase类,带有Children字典,我需要一种方法来一般地从孩子那里进行O(1)查找。我试图在Children的getter中返回一个私有字典字段,所以显然我想避免昂贵的复制/迭代。因此,我使用Bigjim的代码将Dictionary<whatever specific type>转换为通用Dictionary<NodeBase>

// Abstract parent class
public abstract class NodeBase
    public abstract IDictionary<string, NodeBase> Children { get; }

// Implementing child class
public class RealNode : NodeBase
    private Dictionary<string, RealNode> containedNodes;

    public override IDictionary<string, NodeBase> Children
        // Using a modification of Bigjim's code to cast the Dictionary:
        return new IDictionary<string, NodeBase>().CastDictionary<string, RealNode, NodeBase>();

这很好用。但是,我最终遇到了无关的限制,最终在基类中创建了一个抽象的FindChild()方法来代替查找。事实证明,这首先消除了对铸造字典的需求。 (为了我的目的,我能用简单的IEnumerable替换它。)




答案 9 :(得分:0)

您还可以使用System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe NuGet包创建对同一List的引用:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
class Tool { }
class Hammer : Tool { }
var hammers = new List<Hammer>();
var tools = Unsafe.As<List<Tool>>(hammers);


答案 10 :(得分:0)



Tiger[] myTigersArray = new Tiger[3] { new Tiger(), new Tiger(), new Tiger() };
Animal[] myAnimalsArray = myTigersArray;    // No problem


myAnimalsArray[1] = new Giraffe();



我得到一个运行时异常“ ArrayTypeMismatchException”。如何解释这一点?如果编译器真的想阻止我做一些愚蠢的事情,它应该阻止了我执行数组分配。

答案 11 :(得分:0)

对于您的问题,有几种本机 C# 可能性:

  1. dynamic

  2. Array

  3. IReadOnlyList, IEnumerable

  4. 正确使用 List<>



1. dynamic:最通用的解决方案

  • 运行时类型检查
  • 您放弃了编译器错误检查支持,因此请小心处理!如果您尝试添加类型错误的元素,您只会收到运行时错误!
  • 您甚至可以分配不相关类的集合。

只需写 dynamic listOfA = new List<C>(); 而不是 List<A> listOfA = new List<C>();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

interface IAnimal
    public string Name { get; }
class Bear : IAnimal
    public string BearName = "aBear";
    public string Name => BearName;
class Cat : IAnimal
    public string CatName = "aCat";
    public string Name => CatName;

// Dog has no base class/interface; it isn't related to the other classes
class Dog
    public string DogName = "aDog";
    public string Name => DogName;

这是使用 dynamic

public class AssignDerivedClass
    public static void TestDynamicListAndArray()
        dynamic any = new List<Bear>()   // List of derived
            new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-1" },
            new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-2" }
        //any[0].CatName = "NewCat"; // => Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException
        Console.WriteLine($"Bear names: {any[0].BearName}, {Name(any[1])}");

        any = new Cat[]   // Array of derived
            new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-3" },
            new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-4" }
        Console.WriteLine($"Cat names: {any[0].CatName}, {any[1].Name}");

        any = new List<Dog>()   // List of non-related class
            new Dog() { DogName = "Dog-5" },
            new Dog() { DogName = "Dog-6" }
        Console.WriteLine($"Dog names: {any[0].DogName}, {Name(any[1])}");

        any = new List<IAnimal>()   // List of interface
        // any = new IAnimal[]   // Array of interface works the same
            new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-7" },
            new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-8" }
        Console.WriteLine($"Animal names: {any[0].BearName}, {any[1].CatName}");

        any[0].BearName = "NewBear";
        Console.WriteLine($"Animal names: {Name(any[0])}, {any[1].Name}");

    private static string Name(dynamic anymal)
        return anymal switch
            Bear bear => bear.BearName,
            Cat cat => cat.CatName,
            Dog dog => dog.DogName,
            _ => "No known Animal"
    // Bear names: Bear-1, Bear-2
    // Cat names: Cat-3, Cat-4
    // Dog names: Dog-5, Dog-6
    // Animal names: Bear-7, Cat-8
    // Animal names: NewBear, Cat-8

2。 Array:创建Bear[]数组,保证所有数组元素引用Bear的实例。

  • 您可以交换元素,但不能删除或添加新元素。

  • 尝试设置错误的类型会产生运行时错误。

      public static void TestArray()
          Bear[] bears = { new Bear(), null };
          IAnimal[] bearAnimals = bears;
          //bearAnimals[1] = new Cat(); // System.ArrayTypeMismatchException
          bearAnimals[1] = new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-1" };
          Console.WriteLine($"Bear names: {bearAnimals[0].Name}, {bears[1].BearName}");
      // Result => Bear names: aBear, Bear-1

3. IReadOnlyList, IEnumerable:

  • 将您的 List<C> 分配给 IEnumerable<A>IReadOnlyList<A>

  • 它们都不能在运行时更改,即您不能添加或删除元素。

  • 为什么编译器应该允许将您的 List<C> 分配给 List<A> 而不是 IReadOnlyList<A> 添加元素无论如何都会导致错误?

      public static void TestIEnumerableAndIReadonlyList()
          var cats = new List<Cat>()
              new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-3" },
              new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-4" }
          IEnumerable<IAnimal> iEnumerable = cats;
          Console.WriteLine($"Cat names: {(iEnumerable.ElementAt(0) as Cat).CatName}, "
              + Name(iEnumerable.Last()));
          IReadOnlyList<IAnimal> iROList = cats;
          Console.WriteLine($"Cat names: {iROList[0].Name}, {Name(iROList[1])}");
          //iROList.Add(new Cat()); // compiler error CS61: no definition for 'Add'
      // Result:
      // Cat names: Cat-3, Cat-4
      // Cat names: Cat-3, Cat-4

4.正确使用List<> List<A> listOfA = new List<A>()

  • 定义界面列表

  • 只分配一个派生类的实例 - 您无论如何都不想存储其他类,是吗?

      public static void TestListOfInterface()
          var bears = new List<IAnimal>()
              new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-1" },
              new Cat() { CatName = "Cat-3" },
          bears.Add(new Bear() { BearName = "Bear-2" });
          string bearNames = string.Join(", ", bears.Select(animal => animal.Name));
          Console.WriteLine($"Bear names: {bearNames}");
          string bearInfo0 = VerifyBear(bears[0]);
          string bearInfo1 = VerifyBear(bears[1]);
          Console.WriteLine($"One animal is {bearInfo0}, the other one is {bearInfo1}");
          string VerifyBear(IAnimal bear)
              => (bear as Bear)?.BearName ?? "disguised as a bear!!!";
      // Bear names: Bear-1, Cat-3, Bear-2
      // One animal is Bear-1, the other one is disguised as a bear!!!