
时间:2013-06-23 01:40:49

标签: scala akka frege

作为练习,我把这些ScalaJava Akka的例子移到了弗雷格。虽然它工作正常,但它比Scala(540ms)对应的运行速度慢(11s)。

module mmhelloworld.akkatutorialfregecore.Pi where
import mmhelloworld.akkatutorialfregecore.Akka

data PiMessage = Calculate | 
                Work {start :: Int, nrOfElements :: Int} |
                Result {value :: Double} | 
                PiApproximation {pi :: Double, duration :: Duration}

data Worker = private Worker where
    calculatePiFor :: Int -> Int -> Double
    calculatePiFor !start !nrOfElements = loop start nrOfElements 0.0 f where
        loop !curr !n !acc f = if n == 0 then acc
                               else loop (curr + 1) (n - 1) (f acc curr) f
        f !acc !i = acc + (4.0 * fromInt (1 - (i `mod` 2) * 2) / fromInt (2 * i + 1))

    onReceive :: Mutable s UntypedActor -> PiMessage -> ST s ()
    onReceive actor Work{start=start, nrOfElements=nrOfElements} = do
        sender <- actor.sender
        self <- actor.getSelf
        sender.tellSender (Result $ calculatePiFor start nrOfElements) self 

data Master = private Master {
    nrOfWorkers :: Int,
    nrOfMessages :: Int,
    nrOfElements :: Int,
    listener :: MutableIO ActorRef,
    pi :: Double,
    nrOfResults :: Int,
    workerRouter :: MutableIO ActorRef,
    start :: Long } where

    initMaster :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MutableIO ActorRef -> MutableIO UntypedActor -> IO Master
    initMaster nrOfWorkers nrOfMessages nrOfElements listener actor = do
        props <- Props.forUntypedActor Worker.onReceive
        router <- RoundRobinRouter.new nrOfWorkers
        context <- actor.getContext
        workerRouter <- props.withRouter router >>= (\p -> context.actorOf p "workerRouter")
        now <- currentTimeMillis ()
        return $ Master nrOfWorkers nrOfMessages nrOfElements listener 0.0 0 workerRouter now

    onReceive :: MutableIO UntypedActor -> Master -> PiMessage -> IO Master
    onReceive actor master Calculate = do
        self <- actor.getSelf
        let tellWorker start = master.workerRouter.tellSender (work start) self
            work start = Work (start * master.nrOfElements) master.nrOfElements
        forM_ [0 .. master.nrOfMessages - 1] tellWorker
        return master
    onReceive actor master (Result newPi) = do
        let (!newNrOfResults, !pi) = (master.nrOfResults + 1, master.pi + newPi)
        when (newNrOfResults == master.nrOfMessages) $ do
            self <- actor.getSelf
            now <- currentTimeMillis ()
            duration <- Duration.create (now - master.start) TimeUnit.milliseconds
            master.listener.tellSender (PiApproximation pi duration) self
            actor.getContext >>= (\context -> context.stop self)
        return master.{pi=pi, nrOfResults=newNrOfResults}

data Listener = private Listener where
    onReceive :: MutableIO UntypedActor -> PiMessage -> IO ()
    onReceive actor (PiApproximation pi duration) = do
        println $ "Pi approximation: " ++ show pi
        println $ "Calculation time: " ++ duration.toString
        actor.getContext >>= ActorContext.system >>= ActorSystem.shutdown

calculate nrOfWorkers nrOfElements nrOfMessages = do
    system <- ActorSystem.create "PiSystem"
    listener <- Props.forUntypedActor Listener.onReceive >>= flip system.actorOf "listener"
    let constructor = Master.initMaster nrOfWorkers nrOfMessages nrOfElements listener
        newMaster = StatefulUntypedActor.new constructor Master.onReceive
    factory <- UntypedActorFactory.new newMaster
    masterActor <- Props.fromUntypedFactory factory >>= flip system.actorOf "master"
    masterActor.tell Calculate
    getLine >> return () --Not to exit until done

main _ = calculate 4 10000 10000



  1. Frege的Akka原生定义:Akka.fr
  2. Java助手扩展Akka类,因为我们无法扩展类 弗雷格:Actors.java

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



其次,在我们的例子中,你只使用f一次,所以可以内联它。 (这是在你链接的文章中的scala代码中完成的。)


test b c = loop 100 0 f 
      loop 0 !acc f = acc
      loop n !acc f = loop (n-1) (acc + f (acc-1) (acc+1)) f   -- tail recursion
      f x y = 2*x + 7*y


// arg2$f is the accumulator
arg$2 = arg$2f + (int)frege.runtime.Delayed.<java.lang.Integer>forced(
      f_3237.apply(PreludeBase.INum_Int._minusƒ.apply(arg$2f, 1)).apply(
            PreludeBase.INum_Int._plusƒ.apply(arg$2f, 1)

你在这里看到f被称为懒惰,这导致所有参数expressios也被懒惰地计算。注意这需要的方法调用次数! 在您的情况下,代码仍应类似于:




test b c = loop 100 0 
      loop 0 !acc = acc
      loop n !acc = loop (n-1) (acc + f (acc-1) (acc+1)) 
      f x y = 2*x + 7*y


arg$2 = arg$2f + f(arg$2f - 1, arg$2f + 1);

好多了! 最后,在上面的例子中,我们可以完全没有函数调用:

      loop n !acc = loop (n-1) (acc + f) where
        f = 2*x + 7*y
        x = acc-1
        y = acc+1


final int y_3236 = arg$2f + 1;
final int x_3235 = arg$2f - 1;
arg$2 = arg$2f + ((2 * x_3235) + (7 * y_3236));

