CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt
32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 2:218:10:4,6 60
31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13 300
我希望按空格(' ')
答案 0 :(得分:178)
In [43]: df
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 2:218:10:4,6 60
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13 300
In [44]: s = df['Seatblocks'].str.split(' ').apply(Series, 1).stack()
In [45]: s.index = s.index.droplevel(-1) # to line up with df's index
In [46]: s.name = 'Seatblocks' # needs a name to join
In [47]: s
0 2:218:10:4,6
1 1:13:36:1,12
1 1:13:37:1,13
Name: Seatblocks, dtype: object
In [48]: del df['Seatblocks']
In [49]: df.join(s)
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item ItemExt Seatblocks
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 60 2:218:10:4,6
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:36:1,12
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:37:1,13
In [50]: df.join(s.apply(lambda x: Series(x.split(':'))))
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item ItemExt 0 1 2 3
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 60 2 218 10 4,6
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1 13 36 1,12
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1 13 37 1,13
答案 1 :(得分:49)
与Dan不同,我认为他的答案相当优雅......但不幸的是,它的效率也很低。所以,既然问题提到了“一个大的csv文件”,那么让我建议尝试一个shell Dan的解决方案:
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print df['col'].apply(lambda x : pd.Series(x.split(' '))).head()"
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
from scipy import array, concatenate;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(concatenate(df['col'].apply( lambda x : [x.split(' ')]))).head()"
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(range(3), [df['col'].apply(lambda x : x.split(' ')[i]) for i in range(3)]))).head()"
第二种只是避免分配100 000系列,这足以使它快10倍左右。但第三个解决方案,有点讽刺的是浪费了很多对str.split()的调用(每行每列调用一次,所以比其他两个解决方案多三倍),大约是 40次比第一个更快,因为它甚至避免实例化10万个列表。是的,它肯定有点难看......
编辑: this answer建议如何使用“to_list()”并避免使用lambda。结果类似于
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(df.col.str.split().tolist()).head()"
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print pd.DataFrame(list(df.col.str.split())).head()"
编辑: even simpler!并处理NaN(但效率较低):
time python -c "import pandas as pd;
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col']);
print df.col.str.split(expand=True).head()"
答案 2 :(得分:10)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'ItemQty': {0: 3, 1: 25},
'Seatblocks': {0: '2:218:10:4,6', 1: '1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13'},
'ItemExt': {0: 60, 1: 300},
'CustomerName': {0: 'McCartney, Paul', 1: 'Lennon, John'},
'CustNum': {0: 32363, 1: 31316},
'Item': {0: 'F04', 1: 'F01'}},
print (df)
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 2:218:10:4,6 60
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13 300
print (df.drop('Seatblocks', axis=1)
.reset_index(drop=True, level=1)
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item ItemExt Seatblocks
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 60 2:218:10:4,6
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:36:1,12
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:37:1,13
如果列中的 NOT NaN
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*100000, columns=['col'])
In [141]: %timeit (pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(range(3), [df['col'].apply(lambda x : x.split(' ')[i]) for i in range(3)]))))
1 loop, best of 3: 211 ms per loop
In [142]: %timeit (pd.DataFrame(df.col.str.split().tolist()))
10 loops, best of 3: 87.8 ms per loop
In [143]: %timeit (pd.DataFrame(list(df.col.str.split())))
10 loops, best of 3: 86.1 ms per loop
In [144]: %timeit (df.col.str.split(expand=True))
10 loops, best of 3: 156 ms per loop
In [145]: %timeit (pd.DataFrame([ x.split() for x in df['col'].tolist()]))
10 loops, best of 3: 54.1 ms per loop
(documentation),并解释为什么它更慢:< / p>
df = pd.DataFrame(['a b c']*10, columns=['col'])
df.loc[0] = np.nan
print (df.head())
0 NaN
1 a b c
2 a b c
3 a b c
4 a b c
print (df.col.str.split(expand=True))
0 1 2
0 NaN None None
1 a b c
2 a b c
3 a b c
4 a b c
5 a b c
6 a b c
7 a b c
8 a b c
9 a b c
答案 3 :(得分:2)
temp = df['Seatblocks'].str.split(' ')
data = data.reindex(data.index.repeat(temp.apply(len)))
data['new_Seatblocks'] = np.hstack(temp)
答案 4 :(得分:1)
答案 5 :(得分:1)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'CustNum': [32363, 31316],
'CustomerName': ['McCartney, Paul', 'Lennon, John'],
'ItemQty': [3, 25],
'Item': ['F04', 'F01'],
'Seatblocks': ['2:218:10:4,6', '1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13'],
'ItemExt': [60, 360]
df['Seatblocks'] = df['Seatblocks'].str.split('[ :]')
df = df.explode('Seatblocks').reset_index(drop=True)
cols = list(df.columns)
df = df[cols]
print(df[df['CustomerName'] == 'Lennon, John'])
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 2:218:10:4,6 60
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13 360
CustNum ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt CustomerName
0 32363 3 F04 2 60 McCartney, Paul
1 32363 3 F04 218 60 McCartney, Paul
2 32363 3 F04 10 60 McCartney, Paul
3 32363 3 F04 4,6 60 McCartney, Paul
4 31316 25 F01 1 360 Lennon, John
5 31316 25 F01 13 360 Lennon, John
6 31316 25 F01 36 360 Lennon, John
7 31316 25 F01 1,12 360 Lennon, John
8 31316 25 F01 1 360 Lennon, John
9 31316 25 F01 13 360 Lennon, John
10 31316 25 F01 37 360 Lennon, John
11 31316 25 F01 1,13 360 Lennon, John
CustNum ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt CustomerName
4 31316 25 F01 1 360 Lennon, John
5 31316 25 F01 13 360 Lennon, John
6 31316 25 F01 36 360 Lennon, John
7 31316 25 F01 1,12 360 Lennon, John
8 31316 25 F01 1 360 Lennon, John
9 31316 25 F01 13 360 Lennon, John
10 31316 25 F01 37 360 Lennon, John
11 31316 25 F01 1,13 360 Lennon, John
答案 6 :(得分:0)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'ItemQty': {0: 3, 1: 25},
'Seatblocks': {0: '2:218:10:4,6', 1: '1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13'},
'ItemExt': {0: 60, 1: 300},
'CustomerName': {0: 'McCartney, Paul', 1: 'Lennon, John'},
'CustNum': {0: 32363, 1: 31316},
'Item': {0: 'F04', 1: 'F01'}},
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item Seatblocks ItemExt
0 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 2:218:10:4,6 60
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13 300
#first define a function: given a Series of string, split each element into a new series
def split_series(ser,sep):
return pd.Series(ser.str.cat(sep=sep).split(sep=sep))
#test the function,
split_series(pd.Series(['a b','c']),sep=' ')
0 a
1 b
2 c
dtype: object
df2=(df.groupby(df.columns.drop('Seatblocks').tolist()) #group by all but one column
['Seatblocks'] #select the column to be split
.apply(split_series,sep=' ') # split 'Seatblocks' in each group
.reset_index(drop=True,level=-1).reset_index()) #remove extra index created
CustNum CustomerName ItemQty Item ItemExt Seatblocks
0 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:36:1,12
1 31316 Lennon, John 25 F01 300 1:13:37:1,13
2 32363 McCartney, Paul 3 F04 60 2:218:10:4,6