假设gclk的完整0到15计数为输出pwm波的一个周期, pwmin反映了工作周期。随着计数从15 + 1减少到0首先 bufferreg值在gclk的上升沿获取pwmin值,并在每个连续的时钟边沿检查countreg值并根据该值给出pwmout
entity pwm is
port(gclk: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
pwmin: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --input reg to reflect the duty cycle
pwmout: out std_logic );
end pwm;
architecture Behavioral of pwm is
signal bufferreg,countreg: unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal count: integer:=16; -- count value for the one full cycle of PWM
process(gclk, reset, pwmin)
case reset is --asynchronous reset
when '0' =>
loop1: for count in 16 downto 0 loop --count is 15+1
if (rising_edge(gclk)) then --the buffer reg is loaded athe first clock edge
if (count=16) then
if (countreg<=bufferreg) then
pwmout<='1'; --output high for on period
elsif (countreg>bufferreg) then
pwmout<='0'; --output low for off period
end if;
countreg<=countreg+1 --updating of countreg
end if;
end if;
end loop loop1;
when others =>
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
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process(gclk, reset)
if reset='1' then -- asynchronous reset, high active
elsif rising_edge(gclk) then -- synchronous stuff on rising edge
loop1: for count...
要知道你的“16次downto 0循环计数”导致17步!