Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
Error in mapminmax (line 74)
if out2.no_change
Error in nm (line 20)
output1 = mapminmax('reverse', output, Tar)
% Matlab program for predicting temperature using relative humidity has the
% input
Training_set = xlsread('Traindata.xlsx');
Testing_set = xlsread('Testdata.xlsx');
Input = Training_set(1:701, 2:4);
Target = Training_set(1:701, 1);
%normalise the input and the target
[Inp In] = mapminmax(Input');
[Tar Tr] = mapminmax(Target');
%create a back propagation network
Network = newff(Inp, Tar, [10], {'tansig', 'purelin'}, 'trainlm');
%train the network`enter code here`
Network = train(Network, Inp, Tar)
output = sim(Network, Inp);
error = output - Tar;
output1 = mapminmax('reverse', output, Tar)