
时间:2013-06-05 13:24:31

标签: bash shell unix awk


截至目前,我正在尝试创建temproary文件,该文件将包含具有唯一ID和开始时间和结束时间的行,然后在此临时文件上运行另一个脚本以计算每小时的平均响应时间 我的脚本需要一个多小时才能创建临时文件。

我们有什么方法可以更快地完成它?或更好的脚本,其优化时间较短。 注意:这些UNIQID不是按顺序进行的。

log file format
2012-06-04 13:04:19,324 UNIQID1
2012-06-04 13:04:20,120 UNIQID1
2012-06-04 13:05:19,324 UNIQID2
2012-06-04 13:06:20,120 UNIQID2
2012-06-04 13:07:19,324 UNIQID3
2012-06-04 13:08:20,120 UNIQID3
2012-06-04 13:08:49,324 UNIQID4
2012-06-04 13:09:50,120 UNIQID4


uids=`cat $i|grep "UNIQ" |sort -u` >> $log
for uid in ${uids}; do  
    count=`grep "$uid" test.log|wc -l`
    if [ "${count}" -ne "0" ]; then
        let counter=counter+1   

echo ${unique_uids[@]}   
echo $counter  
echo " Unique No:" ${#unique_uids[@]}
echo uid StartTime EndTime" > $log

for unique_uids in ${unique_uids[@]} ; do
    responseTime=`cat $i|grep "${unique_uids}" |awk '{split($2,Arr,":|,"); print Arr[1]*3600000+Arr[2]*60000+Arr[3]*1000+Arr[4]}'|sort -n`
    echo $unique_uids $responseTime >> $log


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 您不需要cat来电;只需使用文件名作为grep的最后一个参数。
  • 您不应将值保存到 文件和变量;使用哪个更快。通常你不必使用; while IFS= read -r date time id循环可能会更快。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的脚本有几个问题,我认为您会发现下面的内容更适合您的需求。首先,您不需要生成所有这些进程来完成工作 - 在awk中完成所有这些工作相当简单。此外,您发布的代码假定特定的UNIQID仅在同一日期发生。如果你的记录在午夜到第二天结束,这个假设会引起很大的痛苦。

以下代码在awk脚本中执行您想要的操作。它假设您正在使用gawk(Gnu awk)。如果不是,您可以在网络上找到awk mktime的实施including here

  while (getline < UIDFILE) {
    x[$0] = 1;          # Awk will maintain these as an associative array, lookups are hashed

  r = $NF;                  # Extract the unique ID from the record into r
  if (r in x) {             # If the UID is something we are interested in, then ...
    ts = $1 " " $2;         # concatenate these fields
    gsub ("[:-]", " ", ts); # Replace the : and - with spaces 
    gsub (",.*", "", ts);   # Remove everything after the comma
    # print ts, mktime(ts)  # If you want to see what mktime does 

    if (x[r] == "")         # First time seeing this unique ID?
      x[r] = mktime(ts);    # Store the timestamp
    else {                  # We're seeing it the second time
      now = mktime(ts)      # Keep track of the current log time 
      rt = now - x[r];      # Compute the delta
      delete (x[r])         # We don't need it any more
      # printf "Record <%s> has response time %f\n", r, rt;  # Print it out if you'd like
      hourrt += rt;         # Add it to this hour's total response time
      num++;                # And also keep track of how many records we have ending in this hour
       if (now % 3600 == 0) {  # Have we switched to a new hour?
          printf "Average response time = %f\n", hourrt / num;   # Dump the average
          num = hourrt = 0;


gawk -v UIDFILE=name_of_uid_file  -f scriptname.awk