Feature: Managing users parent child relationships
In order to use Login portal
I want to create parent child relationships
Scenario: Creating a child user with new ar_id
Given I am on the homepage
When I attempt to sign in with following user account:
| email address | password |
| abc@company1.com | password |
Then I should see "abc@company1.com" message on page
When I follow "All Child Users"
Then I should see "Add Sub Child"
When I click "Add Sub Child"
Then I should see "Child Sub User"
And I fill in "Email" with "xyztest@gmail.com"
And I select "Medium" from "filter_level"
And I choose "abc_id_yes"
When I press "Create Child User"
Then I should see "Child User is successfully created."
And appropriate records should get created for the child user for new abc_id
Scenario: Creating a child user with abc_id with value zero
Given I am on the homepage
When I attempt to sign in with following user account:
| email address | password |
| recdns@company1.com | password |
Then I should see "recdns@company1.com" message on page
When I follow "All Child Users"
Then I should see "Add Sub Child"
When I click "Add Sub Child"
Then I should see "Child Sub User"
And I fill in "Email" with "xyztest1@gmail.com"
And I select "Medium" from "filter_level"
And I choose "abc_id_no"
When I press "Create Child User"
Then I should see "Child User is successfully created."
And appropriate records should get created for the child user for default abc_id
Then(/^appropriate records should get created for the child user for new abc_id$/) do
parent_user = User.find_by_email("abc@company1.com")
user = User.find_by_email("xyztest@gmail.com")
user.default_filter_level.should be_true
user.abc_id.should be_true
user.parent_id.should == parent_user.id
filter = Filter.find_by_user_id(user.id)
filter.user_id.should == user.id
filter.abc_id.should be_true
filter.account_id.should == user.account.id
Then(/^appropriate records should get created for the child user for default abc_id$/) do
parent_user = User.find_by_email("recdns@company1.com")
user = User.find_by_email("xyztest1@gmail.com")
user.default_filter_level.should be_true
user.abc_id.should == 0 ##this is different
user.parent_id.should == parent_user.id
filter = Filter.find_by_user_id(user.id)
filter.user_id.should == user.id
filter.abc_id.should == 0 ##this is different
filter.account_id.should == user.account.id
答案 0 :(得分:3)
Then I should see "abc@company1.com" message on page
When I follow "All Child Users"
Then I should see "Add Sub Child"
When I click "Add Sub Child"
Feature: Managing users parent child relationships
In order to use Login portal
I want to create parent child relationships
Then I should see "abc@company1.com" message on page
When I follow "All Child Users"
Then I should see "Add Sub Child"
When I click "Add Sub Child"
etc ......
Scenario: # first scenario
# this is different
Scenario: # second scenario
# this is different
答案 1 :(得分:2)
Scenario Outline: Creating a child user with new ar_id
Given I am on the homepage
Then I should see "Child User is successfully created."
And appropriate records should get created for the child user for <my_id>
| my_id |
| default abc_id |
[ new abc_id |
Then(/^appropriate records should get created for the child user for (default|new) abc_id$/) do |which_id|
parent_user = User.find_by_email("recdns@company1.com")
if (which_id == "new")
user.abc_id.should be_true
else # default
user.abc_id.should == 0 ##this is different
if (which_id == "new")
filter.abc_id.should be_true
else # default
filter.abc_id.should == 0 ##this is different
filter.account_id.should == user.account.id