
时间:2014-12-11 11:45:18

标签: unit-testing cucumber





Scenario: Search for patients on the bases of filter criteria
Given I am on website login page
When I put username, password and select database:
  | Field        | Value        |
  | username     | test         |
  | password     | pass         |
  | database     | test|
Then I login to eoasis
Then I click on doctors hand over notes link
And I am on doctors handover notes page
Then I select sites, wards, onCallTeam, grades,potential Discharge, outstanding task,High priority:
  | siteList      | wardsList                     | onCallTeamList   | gradesList | potentialDischargeCB | outstandingTasksCB | highPriorityCB |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | null             | null       | null                 | null               | null           |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | GENERAL MEDICINE | null       | null                 | null               | null           |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | GENERAL MEDICINE | CONSULTANT | null                 | null               | null           |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | GENERAL MEDICINE | CONSULTANT | true                 | null               | null           |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | GENERAL MEDICINE | CONSULTANT | true                 | true               | null           |
  | THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | GENERAL MEDICINE | CONSULTANT | true                 | true               | true           |
Then I click on search button
Then I should see search results



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我不认为我们可以在Scenario Outline中拥有多个示例集。 该示例中的大多数场景步骤过于程序化,无法拥有自己的步骤。 前三个步骤可以简化为类似的。

Given I am logged into eoasis as a <user>



When I view the doctor's handover notes link


Scenario Outline: Search for patients on the basis of filter criteria
Given I am logged into eoasis as a <user>
When I view the doctor's handover notes link
And I select sites, wards, onCallTeam, grades, potential Discharge, outstanding task, High priority
And perform a search
Then I should see the search results

|sites          |wards                          |onCallTeam        |grades      |potential Discharge   |outstanding task    |High priority|
| THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | null             | null       | null                 | null               | null        |

答案 1 :(得分:1)



Feature: Signing in
  As a doctor
  I want my patients data to only be available if I sign in
  So I ensure their confidentiality

Scenario: Sign in
  Given I am a doctor
  When I sign in
  Then I should be signed in

Feature: Search for patients
  Explain why searching for patients gives value to the doctor


